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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Not content to obsess over only one Trump, the personality anti-cult fantasizes about others. And soon, like Las Vegas is home to Elvis impersonators, Washington DC will be overrun by legions of Trump impersonators on every corner of the the city. Prompting calls for legislation to ban the violent practice. While I jest, the site of something like "DC Fest - 1001 Trumps" would be gut wrenching laughter as the mental weaklings cry and weep while speed dialing their therapists.
  2. I'm going to tell you the part of the story you're missing, or ignoring. Let's say Papadopoulos did boast of that. And was his boast of and by itself a crime? And let's say it wasn't the Steele dossier. And lets say the Russians did have dirt on Clinton. What was the intent of the intelligence community and the FBI in investigating the Trump campaign? One, to identify and acquire the dirt on Clinton, assess it, and if credible, build a legal case to prosecute and convict her for crimes? Or two, to perform surveillance on the Trump campaign in order discredit the candidate, suppress and bury the dirt and evidence of Clinton's crimes in order to protect her? The answer is number two. Instead of facilitating the disclosure of dirt on Clinton's "crimes" the agencies decided the crime was any attempt to disclose the dirt. To harm Trump and to protect Clinton. That's how the establishment rolls. If you have evidence of any wrongdoing by one of its members you are the criminal if you try to disclose it.
  3. All this proves is that as long as the media and their government directed censors approve of the target, any random dick head can make wild speculative accusations about anything of anyone without a single shred of evidence and not get blocked.
  4. There needs to be an inspection of the entire system that supports excessive tuition and fee charges that the colleges and universities are inflicting on students and parents.
  5. The CCP was so committed to finding the source of COVID at the place identified as a potential origination point of the virus, that they demolished and plowed under the Wuhan food market and killed and incinerated all the animals at the market. At the time the people running this stellar investigation didn't think of looking down the street to notice a biological research facility. In the world of cover-ups, this is whats called a thorough scientific and forensic investigation. But please don't criticize or question anything or anyone, least you get called a conspiracy nut. Or the new catch phase for anyone questioning incompetent and unethical officials, a terrorist inciting violence. Curiously NIH funding of the lab generated massive conflicts of interest with Fauci and other officials domestically and worldwide who spent half their time covering up and deflecting their association and complicity and the other half misdirecting COVID policy. As for Fauci, he managed this juggling act while remaining the darling of lock down and government mandate enthusiasts. Quite a performance by the good doctor. So now he's leaving before any House committee that will be called by the expected new majority drags his old ass through the streets. I understand he intends to leave no forwarding address with his former employer.
  6. Honesty is not a key attribute of any state intelligence agency. And the story spun by the FSB "investigators" sounds a little suspicious. Maybe these FSB agents putting together this story attended the same training course as those FBI agents that dreamed up that kidnapping conspiracy story to set up those guys in Michigan and then charge them with that phony kidnapping rap?
  7. Sure, that's a potential scenario. But a long shot. These transients and members would need a have a pretty elaborate plan plus knowledge of these documents and capability to steal these documents. They'd need an understanding of where they're stored, how to gain access, and how to get away. Maybe even an understanding of the timing and composition of security details. But before the FBI search nobody really even knew these documents were stored there.
  8. The public sector is the place to be now. My brother spent 30 years in Washington working for DEA, Department of State, DOJ, and DHS, got an early retirement offer with a 6-digit pension and fully paid health care benefits. I on the other hand, working in the private sector will work until 65+, live off my 401K and IRA accounts, and utilize Medicare, probably Medicare Advantage.
  9. Sadly, when it comes to Trump these types of "stories" are equivalent to throwing red meat into a pen of hungry Pit Bulls. They ravenously tear it apart and devour it all. I expect the truth about these "codes" in an "unsecured room" in a residence guarded by Secret Service agents 24/7 is much less sensational. And while I'm not an expert on authorizing the launch of our nuclear arsenal I expect the codes are useless without the necessary hardware and software devices required to authorize and transmit such an order.
  10. You should stop saying Trump "sold" secrets to foreign governments. You're asking hypothetical questions based off a wildly speculative and fact-less contention somebody else made up. And your argument is ridiculous. Maybe he also sold them to inter-galactic space travelers from Andromeda? That's just as plausible a contention as your making given you have nothing to back it up..
  11. So should I assume your preference is MSM outlets that employ all sorts of recycled officials, defense and intelligence assets, and other apologist for the establishment in order to preach the party line while discrediting and criticizing anyone opposing or questioning power? Which renders them to be official outlets for government propaganda.
  12. Has anyone mentioned those alleged nuclear codes expired long ago? If not that implies the defense department hasn't changed the nuclear launch codes in 16 months? That might be the national security issue.
  13. The sad fact is most of the medical and research community knew these policies or statements were wrong and counterproductive but didn't have the courage or ability to question any of these actions. Many were and are directly and indirectly on the government's payroll. And the few that did speak out and raise questions and alternatives, suffered harassment and unjustified ridicule. It was like the fundamental principles of science and learning had been revoked. My problem with Fauci from the start was that it was clear and obvious from the conversations at the time that he had conflicts of interests that nobody at higher levels cared to consider or do anything about. Which makes them complicit. He was in charge of the pandemic response at NIH yet also worked to hide and deny the role NIH played with the Wuhan lab, gain of function research with COVID, and general denial of any specific knowledge of the virus. And in general pushed bad policy while privately admitting it was bad. I believe many died and suffered as a result. As more and more becomes clearer, I think this will result in a loss of faith in the medical community.
  14. The fact powerful and connected people have approached Fox senior management and tried in vain to shut down Carlson proves that he's hitting a lot of sensitive nerves, that swamp is real, and the people running it are less than happy about anyone shinning a light on their racket. Ultimately, high ratings being the name of the game for the network, make management hesitant to pull the plug. Most interesting are his frequent guests representing liberal populist views which exposes his mostly conservative audience to views they won't hear elsewhere. Generally classical liberal anti-big government and anti-big corporation views which most liberal media outlets won't touch. As contemporary liberalism has been captured by the DC establishment and mega-corporations. Providing different perspectives and a realization which is dangerous to the establishment. That being left and right ordinary citizens share common positions on many issues. That's the thing establishment politicians fear most. People on the left and right concluding they have much in common deciding to unite in a common populist cause against their real enemy. The DC Swamp.
  15. If what you mean by fascists is ordinary and powerless middle class and working class citizens, and small business owners who love their country but understand that their concerns are disregarded by the Washington political establishment and both major political parties which don't represent their interests or views then yes, they don't like Biden.
  16. Lois Lerner ran a political harassment operation at the IRS at the direction of Obama. The target, conservative political action groups. Threats to democracy. investigated and proven with no indictments, no time served, and no surprise. Obama and Holder get very little credit for creating and deploying most of the surveillance state tools and techniques that are employed by the government today to keep tabs on anybody that might make trouble for the establishment either with words or actions. Threats to democracy? Its just code for threats to the power and privilege of the people in charge.
  17. There ya go! Bills Mafia Party 2024 Presidential candidate Irv.
  18. What's comical is your idolizing Cheney for one and only one reason. Because she opposes Trump. But I'm absolutely certain there is absolutely no way you'd reward her support of that by casting a vote for Liz running against any Democratic candidate in a general election. She's been an extremely "useful idiot" protecting the flank of the Washington establishment and sitting on the 1/6 committee. But in January 2023 when her term expires, and she sails off to some defense contractor board or a position in some pro-war think tank, that usefulness will expire along with all the admiration and praise she currently receives.
  19. Its not like government spending is constrained by the amount of tax revenue collected so what's the fuss? As the majority of the annual federal budget is borrowed money that annually adds to a $30 trillion national debt that will never be paid back what difference does a couple billion more or less in tax revenue make? Its a power and terror objective to sick the IRS on disobedient citizens. Just wait to see who gets audited. Tax cheats? No. Troublemakers? Yes.
  20. What the poll doesn't reveal is whether or not the respondents assign the source of the threat to democrats or republicans or the previous administration or the current administration or some other thing.
  21. The NY Times reports that anonymous sources tell them Trump will endorse the popular proposal to bring back the McRib sandwich on a permanent basis. Neo-liberal authoritarian groups are expected to immediately denounce the idea because they're against any idea not conceived of by the government. All ideas generated by free thinking private citizens, especially white heterosexual males, incite violence against marginalized groups.
  22. When you see daily stories of shootings, car jackings, police chases, cars ploughing into pedestrians, robbery, random attacks, looting of stores, shoot outs where innocent victims are killed and wounded along with local prosecutors that refuse to hold or prosecute the perps but charge citizens choosing to defend themselves it sure looks like chaos. NY, LA, Minn, Chi, pick a place. Crime rates up 25, 30 percent and more YoY. People are fleeing, businesses are leaving or closing, working class communities suffer. But the dozens of reports of crime and violence on the local news I personally see on NYC Ch7 every day is all a hoax, right? I ran across this headline after posting. "Baltimore On Pace For Possible Record Murders As Local NAACP Asks Governor To Deploy National Guard."
  23. Tibs is a hard-core ideologist and has no sympathy for the young women I suspect almost everyone, including myself, had never heard of before being killed in a failed assimilation attempt on her father. But you can bet your last penny the outrage meter will be at 10 when the Russians figure out who was behind it and take retribution. That's how ideologues work. They believe their own propaganda, and everything is black and white. Everything is right or wrong and they happen to be right.
  24. It's nothing personal. Just a response to low ratings and new management focused more on revenue and profit rather than a specific political ideology.
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