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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Better re-watch "The Accountant" with Ben Affleck as I never relieved the life of a tax auditor could be so dangerous. Accounting isn't just for number dweebs anymore. Sign zee confession papers taxpayer or vee vill shoot you! https://www.jobs.irs.gov/resources/job-descriptions/irs-criminal-investigation-special-agent Key Requirements Be a U.S. citizen Be 21 years of age by the time that you complete the training academy and no older than 37 years of age at time of appointment. Qualify based on education, specialized experience, or a combination of the two. Possess a valid driver’s license. Pass a background and criminal history record check. Pass a pre-employment medical exam. Pass a pre-employment drug test. Pass a pre-employment tax examination. Be legally allowed to carry a firearm. Major Duties Adhere to the highest standards of conduct, especially in maintaining honesty and integrity. Work a minimum of 50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends. Maintain a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job. Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.
  2. Garland stated yesterday that the DOJ will only communicate information through official statements and court filings. He didn't provide much of anything in the form of new information. But he did leave out the part about DOJ leaking or planting stories in the Washington Post regarding the justification for the search and seizure operation. If they wanted this motive for the search out there, why couldn't the AG just include the nuclear codes story in his statement yesterday afternoon? That would have made everything as clear as day vs. sending it through the rumor mill channel in the media? And if Garland didn't want this out, because he meant it when he said we're only going to communicate through court filings and official statements, shouldn't he be furious at this leak and commence an investigation ASAP at DOJ on who is leaking information about an ongoing investigation to the press, identify that person, and take appropriate action? Don't hold your breath. Now that they've leaked a story, true or not, they need to release the affidavit and probable cause testimony and evidence provided to the judge that issued the warrant so we can see for ourselves what probable cause and justifications were used. Make as much detail as possible to the public. Because what some anonymous person told the Post is irrelevant, what they told the judge is what matters. We need to know what they told the judge not what some unnamed source told the Post. My guess is this isn't coming soon.
  3. I'm not clear the classification of these documents has been publicly divulged. I don't think the raid had anything to do with those documents. By accounts the President's legal team was cooperating with the government and had been following all instructions they received. Garland said they'd be submitting motions to release the warrant and the list of items seized by the FBI. But I'd like to know exactly what information and testimony was presented to the judge to establish probable cause and sign off on a warrant? My gut says the DOJ/FBI was running the broken taillight routine. A traffic cop sees a car with a broken taillight and uses it as probable cause to stop the vehicle and conduct a search. On a fishing trip in an attempt to find "something". The DOJ/FBI used the document search as a pretext to obtain a warrant to search the premises in order to find "something else". That something else I believe is 1/6 "evidence". So is the AG and the DOJ, and the FBI director and the FBI doing work for the 1/6 House Committee? That would be troublesome. I expect the government isn't too eager to reveal anything about what they told the judge. If that turns out to be true, the AG needs to recuse himself and provide a public explanation. Hillary's server situation was completely different. She had an illegal server set up that held confidential and secret electronic records and e-mails that were hacked by Russian and Chinese operatives. Mostly in order to avoid freedom of information act requests keeping her correspondence on a Dept of State server would expose her to. The FBI basically did nothing. They should have seized the servers and performed a complete forensic examination. But they let her slide, as usual.
  4. That's interesting. And I can also see that perspective. My theory is that if people that dream up a lot of bad policies and ideas had to bear the consequences of the idea things would be a lot different. Like a liberal that supports homeless encampments in city neighborhoods except when the encampment is on their street. Or a conservative that opposes all abortions that finds out his daughter just got knocked up by some undesirable and isn't too excited about her having that child.
  5. Because good old conservatives are nice and quiet and totally clueless to the culture war being waged against them by the left along while never raising any objections or opposition to the agenda?
  6. Did CNN report yet that they found a MAGA hat along with a copy of Mein Kampf at the scene?
  7. All the agents were out setting up sting operations against political enemies of the administration and couldn't respond. Don't you remember the hundreds of raids the Trump FBI executed against his political enemies and how they rounded up dissidents into detention camps during his term? 😀
  8. But first we may get to see all the security video of the agents of police state 1.0 rummaging through the house. Watch for the episode on "What to expect when an FBI SWAT team raids your home at 3 AM because you publicly criticize The Party".
  9. The number of Americans filing for jobless benefits for the first time last week was 262k, higher than the 248k the prior week. That is the highest since Nov 26 2021. Also, Producer Prices dropped in July (-0.5%), more than the reduction to +0.2% expected. YoY the PPI is up 9.8%.
  10. Virtue signalling is all predicated on the premise that any and all costs of said virtue signalling will be borne by somebody else besides the virtue signaler. Its the pinnacle of "talk is cheap" But when virtue signalling is challenged by personal reality, reality wins.
  11. That's because these ass clowns in our government think violent rhetoric is acceptable when expressed by people they support when its directed at somebody they don't particularly like. But when the target's on their back, suddenly the outrage dial gets turned up to 10. Remember, nobody is above the law, except them! Almost 80% of Americans agree we have a tiered justice system in a recent poll https://www.thetrafalgargroup.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/COSA-JusticeSystem-Full-Report-0729.pdf
  12. Where are you getting your information from? As clips of interviews and statements from Trump's legal team as of last night say they do not have a copy of the warrant. And in fact, were only allowed a cursory look at the warrant. His lawyers were denied access to the property and denied the ability to observe the search. And they were not given any manifest or list describing what items were seized and removed. The execution of this search was far from flawless. What they do say they have is lots of security video which will show what the FBI agents were doing inside the house. Something you can be sure the authorities will be filing motions to seize and suppress. When it premiers, this reality TV show should be fun to watch.
  13. Because these corrupt government agencies politicizing law enforcement, enforcing a system of conditional justice where who you are and who you know and not what you did is what matters, while weaponizing government agencies to persecute the political opponents of the ruling party are the biggest internal threat to our democracy and freedoms that we've faced since the Civil War. Trump is just an actor in the show. These ass clowns are trying to re-write the script.
  14. The government wants Medieval subsistence farming methods which result in lower crop yields and less food for the people which will result in government induced starvation. You can only hope that the first to starve to death will be government officials and the police that enforce their edicts.
  15. This is true as long as we all agree that "nothing wrong" means not criticizing the government or the party and being an obedient citizen that always does what your overlords demand of you.
  16. From what I've been reading elsewhere the DOJ/FBI raid objective is to use the boxes of national archive material warrant in an attempt to apply a little used federal code 2071. And disqualify Trump from holding future office by acquiring a conviction on charges. In other words, get him off the ballot as a potential 2024 candidate. The problem is the threshold of intent is very high. The risk of dismissal in court is high unless its US District Court in the District of Columbia. Along with appeals all the way to SCOTUS. All I can figure is the establishment is scared to death and crapping their knickers at the possibly of Trump part 2. 18 U.S. Code § 2071 - Concealment, removal, or mutilation generally (a) Whoever willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or attempts to do so, or, with intent to do so takes and carries away any record, proceeding, map, book, paper, document, or other thing, filed or deposited with any clerk or officer of any court of the United States, or in any public office, or with any judicial or public officer of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. (b) Whoever, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, willfully and unlawfully conceals, removes, mutilates, obliterates, falsifies, or destroys the same, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both; and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States. As used in this subsection, the term “office” does not include the office held by any person as a retired officer of the Armed Forces of the United States. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 795; Pub. L. 101–510, div. A, title V, § 552(a), Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 1566; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(I), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)
  17. For me the issue is how law enforcement goes about their business. Are they investigating crimes or are they investigating people? Because what typically happens is a crime is committed and then an investigation of that crime commences. During the investigation law enforcement interviews witnesses, gathers evidence, and typically complies a list of suspects and seeks to examine motives, alibi's, connections to the victim, etc. Then they make a case against a specific person, issue warrants based on probable cause produced during the investigation which may or may not lead to charges, arrest, a trial, and a conviction. What we have here is different. Its investigations of people searching for and looking for a crime. Political crimes, targeted enforcement. Somebody pisses off somebody else in power or becomes a threat to that power and then an investigation commences to "find" a crime to attach to that person being targeted. "Find me something we can nail this guy on". Pull this guys tax returns and take a look rather than some general examination of 1,000's of tax returns that kicked out 10 or 20 returns with some suspicious deductions on those filings which requires a look. That's also the problem with the 1/6 Committee. They're not investigating the events of that day. They're not looking at evidence and identifying suspects. They identified the suspects before the investigation even began. The investigation is limited to what they can tie to Trump and some opposition conspiracy. Dick Chaney even showed the establishments hand when he boasted that his daughter is going to nail Trump. That Dick Chaney, war criminal, would be so transparent in his remarks just shows these people fear nothing. Because nobody is above the law. Except for them. Frankly there is absolutely no difference between what's going on here and what Putin does to persecute his political rivals through the FSB. Yet the very same people that cry and moan about his dictatorial leanings are jumping for glee at the use of the very same power our government uses against people they don't like or see as a threat or act in a disobedient fashion to government control. Deniers are either blind to their biases or don't care. The problem for the DOJ and FBI is they better have some really big gotcha come out of this raid because if it doesn't what little credibility they have left is going right down the toilet. I expect all they'll accomplish is to energize and rally the opposition. Even those turning a blind eye to their abuse of power can't help but acknowledge it at this point. Progressive fascists calling other people fascists! Comical.
  18. 30 agents? Lots of flashing police lights at night. Photos of agents with carrying automatic weapons. Very discrete. I don't know what the idiots in this administration are thinking. This will backfire badly on them. How this bunch of clucks got elected with be studied with bewilderment and amusement decades from now.
  19. What I've got to ask is for the sake of retrieving or seizing a few boxes of documents, could the DOJ/FBI have been any less discrete? Maybe they should have thrown in a couple dozen SWAT team guys repelling down ropes from Blackhawk helicopters dropping tear gas canisters onto the property?
  20. So the guy that's running a family crime organization that took millions in payoffs from Chinese state run organizations & who knows who else, and while overseeing US policy under Obama stole US aid money for Ukraine is less corrupt than Trump? Unless the big guy is cutting you in for a slice of his 10% you might want to reconsider that assessment. This administration and this government are not your buddies and whatever they end up doing to screw people you see at the opposition, they're going to end up screwing you the exact same way too.
  21. What peaks my curiosity is why a FISA warrant? This isn't some foreign intelligence operation. Where methods and procedures and personnel might be at risk. That doesn't apply here. Using the FISA court is unnecessary. Why not get a regular federal court warrant. Specifying the places to be searched and the items to be seized. Its a warrant to search the home of a former President allegedly for some documents removed from the White House. You use the FISA court when you want to hide or keep something out of the public domain. If everything is on the up-and-up what could you possibly want to hide here? Given the standing of the suspect wouldn't you want to be as transparent as possible? Especially if you've got the goods on the guy! Finally.. If there is sufficient probable cause that can be presented to a judge to issue a warrant go to a Federal court judge to get a warrant. Make it as clear to everyone this is legitimate. But I suspect the government wants as little disclosure as possible. Why would you want that if you've got the smoking gun?
  22. But we're looking down at everyone from the high ground and have the advantage with an old, demented, tired, and ineffective fake President leading a corrupt and dysfunctional federal bureaucracy and Pentagon leadership that thinks the best way to fight the Russians and Chinese is by enlisting and deploying men wearing dresses and wigs! Yup, we've got 'em all right were we want them.
  23. Nothing said it better: "Biden is the dictatorship they spent years pretending Trump was."
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