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Everything posted by bonechiller

  1. Yeah, I didn't see much, but people I trust say there were at least 3 wide open
  2. Had to visit Kiko for a little extra help in the healing, thanks to his super-human powers
  3. Put as much heat on Brady as Possible, knock him around, get him off his game.
  4. I am confused. And a tale of 2 QB's? I see Campbell, Orton, and Fitz
  5. absolutely, A true American, and a good man! I just heard this morning that the proceeds from the sale of the team will be split between the cities of Buffalo and Detroit. This is awesome, I did not hear the details, if someone can elaborate, I would appreciate it.
  6. Eh, didn't want to go over the top with Kim. Don't want to start too strong. What do you got?
  7. I agree, and I think he will fit in in Buffalo better than most think. I also Believe the city will embrace him like nowhere else he has been
  8. KYLE ORTON? What too soon? Come on, he has more pictures and videos than Chloe Kardashian! He drinks so much Jack, his liver paralyzed Suh!
  9. Unfortunately, as of today, I had to vote Orton. Assuming we are playing one game, if we are looking to the future to build for long term, EJ.
  10. Not to sound like an idiot, but aren't all QB's "game managers"? It is just basically how much of a risk do you take? The more confident you get, the more risk you take
  11. SHHHhhhh! he is a double agent! This plan was set in place years ago!
  12. Looks that we to me. He is definitely progressing! To my "untrained" eye; - Last year he seemed to only throw to receivers who appeared wide open. - Pre-season this year, you could see him anticipating a little better. - The end of pre-season and the first game, he was getting I there, but they may have had to jump and/or make miraculous catches. - Yesterday he seemed more "on target" and hitting them more in stride. the ones to Chandler and Watkins were just a couple. It is nice to watch, just give him time and enjoy!
  13. I think Woods is the most consistent receiver on the team, and may be for the next 10 years. I love that guy. I know he isn't the same, but reminds me of Andre. Always gonna be there, always gonna get his catches, doesn't seem to get banged up, and if you slip up he will take it to the house! Liking Marrone too, tells it like it is, not always the company line, and seems in control.
  14. My concern on this, is that it appears to be like double jeopardy. He is being punished/tried for the same thing twice. First he gets 2 weeks, then they change the punishment months after the incident, the team cuts him, then the League bans him. As far as having the tape back then; - Why did the punishment change now? - And how the heck did they think she got knocked out before he dragged her out of the elevator? - If she passed out or fell, he did nothing wrong. - They knew he did it, why so different all of the sudden?
  15. wow, I am having a terrible time trying to post/reply, very slow, have to hit keys 4 or 5 times to work. Could not even put up link
  16. Just came across, The police sent the NFL tapes back in April of the punch in the elevator. Ray Rice obviously. Someone is in deep dodo! Maybe Goodell
  17. Am I the only one who finds it odd that everyone was pulling for this guy, but now want to know what he is like?
  18. Yeah it would have been really awkward if they broke up BEFORE that
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