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Everything posted by bonechiller

  1. Believe me, I want him but, it looks like DW made it favorable for us no matter which way it goes! All hail DW!!!
  2. If it starts in the FO, then trickles down to the teams, the fans will surely won't be far behind. And like I said best case scenario will be if both are better and fighting for the division or at least a wildcard spot.
  3. What are the chances this latest power struggle over Clay help renew the old Bills-Dolphins rivalry? Throw in the Incognito scenario, the fact he pretty much got kicked off their team for being a bully, now he is here and I am sure he will have a few choice words for them. With Incognito and Suh on the field at the same time, something is bound to happen. I really miss the old rivalry, it's just not what it used to be. Best case scenario is they both start beating up NE and battle it out for the East themselves, could be two monster defenses! it's time for the Pats to take a step back. ( well, one can only hope)
  4. Absolutely, I have already gone on here and said, move up if they have to, get who YOU want, who cares what value others put on him. I still don't think he will get out of first round. Believe me, I want EJ to be the man, I just don't know if the confidence is there that he will be. Keep drafting QB's until you have one, I don't see Buffalo having a top 5 pick very soon to get a top tier guy, and I don't care for all the cast off FAs. 6th and 7th round flyers got about a 1% chance. I am definitely no scout, but I have been watching football over 40 years, and I like this kid.
  5. WT*%^&! 2 posts in, you are oK with another 9-7 record! ( Sorry, shouldn't be so hard on ya since your new here but *^&&*^%$, with all the moves done so far, SB or bust.... 19-0 BABY)
  6. It would be hilarious if there was no big game playing power struggle, and his agent just went on a 3 day bender for St. Patrick's Day, and wasn't around to do the deal. hahahaha
  7. Posted Today, 10:02 PM This is hard to believe, but it's true: some day we will come here to find that something substantive has actually happened regarding this situation. Really! ^^^ yeah, this^^^
  8. You have a point, but I have faith in DW not, as some would put it, "put them in cap jail". Originally I was just thinking of receiver only, not special teams, I do like Goodwin as a return man but think about this 4 receiver set; Watkins and Woods on the outside Harvin and Stevie inside/slot
  9. Not considering cost, because DW is a wizard, he would make it beneficial either way. I think I would take Stevie, I really like Goodwin, but he just can't stay healthy, and consistently produce. With the other receivers we have now, we won't need Stevie to make the "clutch" catch every time.
  10. Heres a question; - Would you rather have Stevie or Goodwin?
  11. Not sure how I don't know more about these 2 guys but, after watching last years highlights, I like both but I really like Housler's size, just seems like the prototypical TE we have needed. Just get one of them Dougy!
  12. But, But, But, The source says he is friends with Clay's MOM!!! what a schmuck
  13. Harvin signed! DW is a beast, he will get a QB in here that can play! Now EJ might still win the job, and may be the guy, but he is going to have all the competition Whaley can get in!
  14. well, the consensus is that there are only the 2 QBs worth drafting in the first 2 rounds, maybe your right, but I don't buy it. Too many teams need a QB, I say 4 or 5 go in the first 2 rounds, with 3 in the first, just my opinion.
  15. Really? I just think if they get Clay and/or Harvin, they really need to make sure they cover the QB position as much as possible.
  16. So, with all the moves that have been made so far this off-season, the only major hole on this team seems to be QB (maybe O-line, a little) Assuming the top 2 QBs in the draft are out of reach, at what point should they consider going after a QB, I like Petty as the 3rd best. If he drops late into first round, do you make a trade? maybe past 20 or so. Or wait and see if he makes it through day one, then do whatever you can to get top pick in the second (Tampa, I would assume they have Winston) I would really try to get back into the first if he gets past the 15-20 range. I just don't see DW going into camp with who is on the roster now.
  17. I don't know about this, " the bills get last offer" thing. Can't they put the offer out and say take it now or it's no good? Why would teams be so willing to let the player go back to see if he can get a better deal with someone else? I know I would want to know, so I can pursue other FAs, and not be stuck waiting. Billeve me, I hope this is the case, but I think the pressure could get someone to just sign.
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