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Everything posted by bonechiller

  1. Really? putting Wood under the microscope, oy'! Nothing to see here, move along
  2. This whole North-South thing intrigues me. I mean if the stadium runs East to West will the player constantly run out of bounds?
  3. If you have to ask if it is a big deal or nah, then NAH. let's not make more issues than already exist
  4. I applaud Whaley for trying to constantly upgrade every position on the roster, even if 3rd or 4th QB.
  5. If you ain't cheatin'! .... you must be a Bill!
  6. Well we would have to, he could only be a one year wonder, and not "the" franchise type of QB we are looking for! Well, if ants had nuts, they would be uncles.
  7. Well, it is obviously based on that "story", although not that specific article. Sorry, I apologize if you asked something like this in another post, I didn't see it. I highly doubt it would be for a full year but, there is starting to be a pattern developing with that team, and good ol' Roger does not want to tarnish his reputation any more than it is. So, to try and show some "control/power" over them and the league, he may need to make it harsh and go for a year or at least 8 games.
  8. Just wondering, what are everyone's thoughts on this. I know the chances of Brady getting suspended for the whole year are slim to none but..... If he did have to sit out the entire year, at his age, would he even return or just retire? Would he stay in good enough shape to come back the player he is now, or would he just say screw you to the NFL and hang it up. I think his ego would not let him "quit" on a sour note, but I don't think he would be as good after a year off at his age. Maybe just wishful thinking.....
  9. Hey, just saw a newer pic of him, looks like he aged about 5 years, and bulked up quite a bit! Yup, he looks at least 17-18 years old now. It's "TOOL TIME BABY" - JK But seriously, he does look bigger. https://scontent.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t31.0-8/10857125_10153170129090659_6529022253518841190_o.jpg
  10. well, he did run like a MOFO to try and make the tackle.
  11. I have always liked the kid, I mean he does look about 12 years old, but I think he is decent from what I have seen. people always look at me like I'm crazy, when I say give him a shot. I liked him better than Thad.
  12. well, they did take Petty! most on here would say, that is reason enough!
  13. Wow, 8 defense and only 4 offense
  14. when your posting look up a little and click on the , then you can choose from selections Welcome abroad!
  15. huh, the day AFTER the draft, how convenient, no picks lost this year.
  16. Makes me feel better, rarely are they accurate with their projections
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