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Everything posted by bonechiller

  1. The way this is going, they WILL add a QB, Probably nobody on anyones radar, just like Shady was a surprise. They will not go into camp with EJ pegged as the starter, they are too far "IN" for that, They will have at least one QB better than or equal to EJ to compete.
  2. I hate losing Kiko!!! But, They have plenty of good linebackers, hopefully they can re-sign Hughes. I don't see a great starting RB on this team before the trade, so it seems like a good move, in my opinion. So, based on need, good move, but damn I liked Kiko!
  3. Actually not too bad, considering there are no draft picks or free agents that could be factored in, and will still be added. Definitely a couple of odd grades, and they are making assumptions on who will not be re-signed.
  4. For some reason, I see a major freefaal for both QB's. just too many ........ aahhs'
  5. Like this^^ Be a little patient before jumping on someones " hot tip", And why would anyone have to reviel their sources?
  6. ^ This^ Who in their right mind would come out and tell you they would give you a discount? Even if he is willing to do so, why come out and say it, he's gotta get what he deserves, if it is close, maybe he stays where he is, and knows how good they are on D. My thoughts are, as long as they are in the "ballpark" and don't lowball him, he would stay where he knows, of course any coaching changes especially to defense might be a factor.
  7. Run out of town? ( Hi Doug ) Be lucky if he finds a job this year, well, of coarse OL coach at a NYC high school may not be all that bad. (and that's tough, because I was actually a supporter, until he walked out!)
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX7wtNOkuHo&feature=player_detailpage
  9. Have to look at that when the time comes, but I would definitely be looking into it. It's kind of funny, he only hits guys who are open, is that bad? I haven't seen anyone lately who does this. ( in a Bills uni) He is a system guy? what, they don't have systems in the NFL? Very few guys are "locks" with nothing wrong, if that's even the best choice of words to use. And if they are, they go top 3, and last I knew the Bills don't even pick in the first round, so trading up to the top 3 or even 10 is out of the question. I hope EJ turns out to be the guy, but until he or somebody else does, I keep drafting QB's until we have one. There are a lot of starters in the league who did not go top 10, or even first round. And by the way, not a fan of Winston, (maybe cause he played in a system, hehe)
  10. ^^^ This right here. I have been thinking all morning about writing this, and you beat me to it. They need a HC that is a "manager" who can manage game day, as well as practice, ...... well, see above.
  11. First I saw of him was in the bowl game on new years day. I liked what I saw, definitely. Threw for 550 yards, and not his first 500 yard game either. If he only had the few picks you say he did, that's cool, because it isn't for a lack of throwing. Seems to have good accuracy on short and long throws. If there is a chance, I would even move up a little to try to get him.
  12. I was wondering why not much talk of Petty. I watched and the kid looks petty good to me. I don't give a crap about him being a "system" guy. he has multiple 500 yard games and looks accurate to me. It is obvious they won't have a chance at picking one of the top 2 QBs without something ridiculous happening. Might have a shot at getting him. I like his style, not a fan of a running QB in the NFL
  13. Just saw next years home and road opponents, I tell you what road games don't look too tough, and you have a chance against anybody at home! Gotta have some positive stuff here. http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/nfl-schedules-2015-home-away-opponents-announced/ar-BBhkuUy
  14. I refuse to answer this question! I swear this place is a freakin' looney bin
  15. Yes you are a horrible human bei...., no, ... just a horrible, um, just a horrible liar. How could you let her know why, or even let us know you are unsure. ok, just turn in your mancard.
  16. You can tell the Bills are doing better. This is turning more into Comedy Central, than "The Evil Men Do", or doom and Gloom
  17. I just don't understand it! Finally a guy that gets "it". He can read a defense, make " all the throws" as they put it. Nobody wants to give him chance, He looks like a winner to me. Seems like a perfect fit in Buffalo, a blue chip kinda guy, not a surfer from Cali! I am definitely sold, hell if nobody else wants him, fine, most don't want us either!
  18. I don't consider this a must win, but I think we need to win 3 out of the next 4 to have a shot. I don't want to count on needing 2 or more wins out of the last 4, that will be tough.
  19. I say .... YES! Love everythong I have seen so far. Few miscues have been minimal. Learning curve, and nobody is perfect.
  20. What's all this next year talk! Kiko back this year! Kiko see injury, Kiko scare injury, injury heal self. Meanwhile, Kiko play using Brown's body
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