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Everything posted by bonechiller

  1. Well, of coarse we might see Orton! Might see Sasquatch too!
  2. Now that should get you pumped for the start of the season
  3. [ [quotePerhaps I'm missing something here. I believe I understand what positive is. Any yardage beyond the original LOS. And in the event of a sack, you will use the second play from scrimmage. So far I'm pretty clear on the concept, I think. But what happens if the 1st play results in no yardage: That is, not a sack and no positive yardage? Nobody wins? Everybody wins? See my confusion? ] Well it's obvious, I agree!
  4. There ya go, getting better! Hey,it ain't a fantasy team where we get the first 22 picks. It's a game where we "root" for our favorite team, with who they have. I personally think they will surprise many. If they can beat Chicago in week one, the first quarter to half of the season looks pretty good. And if they come together, gel, and rack up some big wins before the last 4 games, I could see a shot at the playoffs
  5. Yeah, everybody likes to be the one who says " I told you so". especially when it is bad.
  6. Cool, dance with both! hahaha I understand the frustration, but I don't want to criticize pre-season too much. They did what they needed to to get the 53 they think are the best, now lets see!
  7. I was under the assumption this was a forum for "Bills Fans" It seems as though most of the people on here have turned into the national media, just continually down talking this team as if they don't care about them! All the focus is on trashing a second year QB that we should be supporting. There is very little talk about how good the defense could be, or the entire receiving corp., or anything positive. I mean EJ has only started a handful of games and all the focus is on how soon he must go, or where his replacement will come from. Damn, we are less than a week from the start of a new season! when I come on here it all seems negative! We should be excited and support who we have. Not every QB has the accuracy of a Drew Brees or Brady. Just my thoughts. (We must dance with the girl we brought!) 19 and 0 BABY!
  8. I don't think I agree with the assessment that if it is a later pick next year in round one that it I a good thing. Doesn't that mean that our first pick will be also that late in second round? Don't get me wrong, I want them picking 32nd. Everybody is worried about giving Cle. #1. I say if they are not in playoffs, I want that.
  9. Here's an odd thought, what if Marrone had Manuel working on throws that he struggles with during the pre-season?
  10. Blah, Blah, freakin' Blah,....... Another EJ thread, I swear there must be contest here or something! Just can't let a QB play without trying to predict how long the coaching staff can put up with such a terrible player, my god And besides, if he is sucking and is pulled in favor of Orton, does that mean Orton has to start the next game?
  11. Deion did it for years, I don't remember him getting hurt.
  12. I might be inclined to believe they had run a very small selection of plays, to not show TOO much, but that's about it. I don't believe for a minute that they really tried to win all of the games, just evaluating talent on more basic plays. Yes, the wanted to execute better and win, but come on.
  13. Ok, I did not see the game but, I saw the replay where he got "hurt" again. - It wasn't much of a hit, and the way he was holding his ribs it looked like the Jacket was bothering him more than an injury. he had both hands up evenly, if one side hurt wouldn't he be favoring one way or the other? He seemed to be trying to adjust the jacket or it was too constricting. -Is it possible that he was just trying out the jacket in a preseason game to see if he cold wear it in the regular season if necessary, and it was just uncomfortable so he came out.
  14. TJ for Cousins! yeah, and a second round pick, heck I bet we could even get them to throw in a pick for next year also! Yeah right, dreaming is fun!
  15. Rob's House..... Why do I read all your freakin' posts in Nicholas Cage's voice? freakin' cracks me up.
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