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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. No wonder you got such a low score. Skipping questions. Cheater!
  2. It's awful in my town. Paid $26 for my last one (including tip). That being said, I got 33% according to the first one. That's probably just residual gay from all the people I know here at college
  3. I'm damn young and I didn't know that ****.
  4. Finding a poll whose author didn't throw in their little shots at the people taking the poll would probably help your case here. Just a little.
  5. OK I couldn't help but laugh at that. Don't ever say I can't laugh at myself.
  6. Technically, my contract doesn't start until summer. Sorry.
  7. Pearl Harbor was the one I was going to talk about. Like I said, they ignore some facts and cherry-pick others. Not exactly an objective movie.
  8. I guess that depends on how you define "profit." Their motivation is that they would "profit" from the United States getting the hell out of "their" countries.
  9. Honestly, don't let it rock you too much. They make some valid points in that movie, but for the most part they cherry-pick facts. If you have specific questions about it, feel free to ask.
  10. It takes a looooong time to pour that pickle juice.
  11. I'm sure people have seen worse. There are horrible, horrible corners of the internet.
  12. He probably believes that those couple of cells have a soul, or spirit, or whatever most Christians believe a body has with it. Be careful, we don't need this going to PPP
  13. He didn't deny what you said, he was just pointing out some hypocrisy.
  14. Are you talking about the WBC or protesters in general?
  15. Too bad they can't actually find out how many people obey the new laws.
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