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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Can't we just keep this to football and the topics surrounding it? I'd rather not see a thread get thrown into the lake of fire that is PPP.
  2. Yeah, I thought about throwing in something about how Fred Phelps thinks he's a great Christian, but I thought maybe I could hold that in for now.
  3. Anything shorter than a 12 character password is saying, "hey! come on in!"
  4. I feel as though the demand for electronic gadgets is much greater in the San Diego area than it is in upstate NY
  5. That's why I'm a fan of personal religion, rather than organized religion. I saw an interesting (and amazingly creepy) video on youtube about some of the more mysterious deaths involving scientologists, I'll see if I can find it.
  6. Anyone think his "sex addiction" is total B.S.?
  7. What I got out of the original comment is that the USA is a great country, despite what some people might think.
  8. I stopped reading there. I refuse to listen to a group that rips off The Postal Service
  9. I think there was a movie about that. Maybe just Los Angeles went into the Pacific, though.
  10. tl;dr He was being a smartass, stop taking it so damn seriously.
  11. I'm not sure what their strategy is here. Maybe it's "hey if we get states to allow it we'll trap the feds into allowing it too?" The issues you mentioned are what they should be going after, instead of chasing a word.
  12. See, changing one major event in history affects way too many things. The USA developed a lot of technology during the world wars and the cold war, but it came at the cost of hundreds of millions of lives. Who knows what might have happened if WWI didn't happen? Everything that happens after our changed event is pure speculation.
  13. Reminds me of a twilight zone episode. A woman goes back in time to kill Hitler as a baby. She successfully poses as a housekeeper or something and kidnaps the baby Adolf. She then jumps into some body of water, drowning herself and the baby. However, the nanny convinces a homeless woman to give her baby boy to her, and successfully passes that baby off as Adolf Hitler. However, that baby is mentally unstable, and grows up to be the Hitler we know. So, by killing the real Adolf Hitler, this time-traveler fulfills history. If I could prevent one thing, it would probably be WWI. Not sure how I would go about stopping it, there were a number of indirect causes involved. Preventing WWI would prevent WWII, probably the Holocaust, the Cold War, etc. There would have to be some negative consequences of altering any major event in history, which makes this a tricky question.
  14. Meanwhile, "negro" is offered as a race choice on the 2010 census. http://wcbstv.com/national/negro.census.form.2.1409469.html
  15. Anyone else enjoying this beatdown in NE?
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