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Everything posted by LeviF

  1. Ah, I got the impression at some point that you had substantial income when you got married. My mistake.
  2. Lori can explain it best, I think. Bumping this to the top so that she might see it. Man, you're mean
  3. So they aren't complete freaks of nature?
  4. No, you got me wrong. I saw the sex scene online, my confusion was toward the other part of your post.
  5. Did you hear that Hitler's mad about the TO signing?
  6. I like to call it "Dances With Smurfs"
  7. It had to do with your new handle, not the attractive lady.
  8. Well, when you need a "revelation" in 1978 to allow blacks in your temple ceremonies and to be ordained as priests...
  9. Same here, today I'll go with: #1 #2 As for an honorable mention, I'd have to go with this one.
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