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Everything posted by WhitewalkerInPhilly

  1. I'm happy to have him, precisely because of the fact that he and Jackson have entirely different running styles. Spiller is better when he can go to the outside where he has pretty impressive speed. He also got better at route running during his time as WR. With some consistent use, he showed that he is entirely capable. Jackson is phenomenal at a really physical style of running.
  2. If Merriman even gets close to his old form, 75% of his old form, we will terrify O-lines. Hell, we could play him as an LB in obvious passing downs. Imagine that: Mario Williams, Dareus, Kyle Williams, Mark Anderson and Shawne Merriman all rushing the QB.
  3. Keep him in a cryogenic state whenever not on the field. Maybe even then...
  4. Just realized: We are on the wall. To the North. OH MY GOD WE'RE THE WHITEWALKERS! THIS IS AWESOME!
  5. After having seen this (http://bleacherreport.com/articles/1206370-if-george-rr-martin-wrote-the-script-to-the-2012-nfl-season) is too much to call them the White Walkers?
  6. Tryout. That is all. Hasn't everyone been bitching and moaning about our lack of a number 2 receiver? If we like what we see, get him at the same rate as Vince Young. If not, walk on by.
  7. He *shouldn't* have the entire season riding on his shoulders. That's why we have 53 men on the roster. Ok, overly simplistic. I know. Fitz is the quarterback. A lot will be riding on him. But I agree with what I lot of people here have already said: Fitz is not an elite Top-10 quarterback. He simply isn't. Does that mean that without one, we won't go to the playoffs? Of course not! Joe Flacco, Andy Dalton and Tim Tebow are NOT elite QB's, yet their teams all made the playoffs. I think that it is prudent to remind people that in the "year of the elite quarterback" it was NOT the team with the best passer. Tom Brady, Drew Brees and Aaron Rodgers are all better quarterbacks than Eli Manning. What led the Giants into their turnaround was the type of D-line that we are trying to build, coupled with a potent RB combo, which we have the tools for. If we have those, I think a lot of pressure comes off of Fitz.
  8. I honestly do believe that Ryan Fitzpatrick is our quarterback right now. We would not have sank all that cash and a 6 year contract if we didn't think that he is more than a stopgap measure. So barring an incredible and unexpected tailspin, I highly doubt that Vince Young will beat him out for the job. Not to say that I'm not happy that Vince Young is here. I am. Considerably. I don't think he's our starter, but I feel much better having a backup who is preferable to play over an injured and clearly suffering Fitz. Tyler Thigpen, however, should be keeping an eye out to pack his bags.
  9. I'm actually going to go with the Jet's. The Patriot games have been so one-sided that I can't really say there's been a rivalry. But I think for this season, the team in the division we are most evenly matched with are the Jets.
  10. Well thought out article. I just hope Chix is as clever as they are making them out to be.
  11. At the very least there is him filling a need at the badly underpopulated WR group. I'm sure that Thigpen is gone.
  12. Happy about it. Fitz is still my first choice, but now we have OPTIONS in case he gets hurt again. And having someone to run the wildcat other than BS means that our opponents actually have to guess whether ot not we are going to run it (as opposed to KNOWING) it's going to be a run.
  13. Not sure about the bit about our cornerbacks being "underrated", but the other points work well. We also are supposed to be playing a soft schedule, and with Fitz, Freddy and Stevie all signed, an improving O-line which doesn't have a single player over 30, we finally have some sense of continuity.
  14. AMEN! Seriously, we got Freddy locked up and we did it fairly cheap. Thus far, this offseason is the best I can remember in over a decade.
  15. Personally, I was expecting McGee to get the axe. But with what we are saving on cap space i can hardly doubt the decision. Both he and McGee were getting burned constantly. Now I'm positive the Gilmore will be one of our starting two.
  16. The guy's stats look alright. Who knows how many takes those tricks took though? If he looks alright at the minicamp, I trust our coaches to make the call.
  17. You took the words out of my mouth. If Thigpen wasnt considered an option to back up a clearly struggling and suffering Fitz, how is he an answer? VY may not be the answer, but Thigpen definitely isn't. If we get him for a fair deal, I think we'll have had an offseason to remember.
  18. Well, if our time withou Lindell has taught us anything is that a half decent kicker is a gist.
  19. Pretty much agree there. Every pick wound up being a position of need. Our first pick was the best available, the second was a steal that could have been taken 20 spots up, picks 4-6 all seem solid and our last few...well, it's late fifth to seventh so if they pan out, great. If they don't, oh well.
  20. Yes. But realistically speaking, I think they did a bang up job.
  21. Well played But seriously, I think we all have to remember something: no matter who is picked, there is no saying for sure until they take the field whether or not a pick will boom or bust. If you watched the Draft's list of the last times QB's were taken 1-2, a fair number of them never panned out. Keeping that in mind, I think we have at least three players who will get a lot of time. I don't know if Gilmore will be 1 or 2, but I bet he plays nickel. I'm positive that Glenn will be somewhere on the O-line, and the fact that he can play at guard too only makes him more valuable. #2 receiver is an open ball game, and with the spread offense (and our prodigious WR injury rate) being the 5th WR means you'll be on the field.
  22. Not the sexiest of picks, but I will NOT complain about added depth to the O-line.
  23. I think this pick is looking a year or two down the road for our CB situation. Florence has two years left, and McKelvin and McGee each have one. Now, with some difficulty, I can forsee McKelvin proving himself useful enough to stay on down the depth chart. I cannot say that for McGee, who is now 8 years past his Pro Bowl season and isn't getting any quicker.
  24. I definitely wouldn't be surprised if he challenged for the starting job. Merriman is going to the DE spot, and we have Barnett in the middle, after that it's only Sheppard, Moats and Morrison. We were thin, and I love that replay of the hit, especially after it shows that he nailed the guy fair and square.
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