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Everything posted by uticaclub

  1. the problem is it hasn't always lined up and we draft players that McBeane like, instead of obvious needs and depth.
  2. Pronger came to as they were cutting his jersey off, spent the night in the hospital and played the next game with a chest protector. It was playoffs
  3. Are you comparing the effect Rodgers would have on the Jets to what the Poyer means to the Bills? I like Poyer, and I'm glad he is back, but Rodgers takes the Jets into a Super Bowl contender, and Poyer doesn't move the needle that much.
  4. The first division title was a weight off our shoulders; the second proved it wasn't a fluke. Now, division titles aren't good enough. Allen only has a few years left, and it seems like every year we fail in the playoffs is another missed opportunity, and you only get so many chances. The last few years were enjoyable, but now it's put up or shut up; no one will remember or care if this regime comes up empty. It will be one of the most significant missed opportunities in sports history. Yes, McDermott can coach for 20 more years; Allen doesn't have that time. I think appreciating being relevant is a loser's mentality, and we are no longer losers. The makeup of this team is not championship caliber, you win in the trenches in the playoffs, and we get our asses handed to us in that area of the game. After five years, it's hard to believe they evaluated those positions correctly.
  5. The pick was fine, his biggest fault was he always held. In Buffalo that's a PI, in NE it's not.
  6. So if he had an agent, he might have been picked higher than 32, earning him more money even after the agent %. You say you sign & write multi-billion dollar contacts? Is that your job? You must be a "middleman" for someone. GMs aren't blindly drafting guys high and signing guys to monster contracts without talking to an agent. Thanks for all the updates, though. You have been doing a good job.
  7. This are multi million dollars contracts, you need a professional to do their work. The whole reason he fell to 32 is because he didn't have an agent working the combine and talking to GMS. He's missed out on countless endorsements and can't get a long term deal. Not having an agent is a bad decision, and QB's need to be good decision makers.
  8. We shouldn't pay anything more than the vet min. It's hard to imagine this team doing anything at all without Allen. Get another lineman or WR and a JAG backup.
  9. Thanks for the work and breakdown! One thing the numbers dont include is opportunity cost of drafting a position player in the 3rd round of 2022 instead of a special teamer or releasing Hodgins because Kumerow plays ST. Again, thanks for the leg, its great
  10. So bad, i love a live broadcast but they are terrible. Tasker actually seems to get worst as a host as the years pass.
  11. What does this have to do with Fox News? The owners aren't going to force Synder out because they don't want to set a precedent where their teams can be taken from them.
  12. Beane doesnt play the comp pick game. He’ll sign a bunch of vets that will cut in training camo so we wont get extra picks $10M isnt a small cap savings
  13. Correct, and when Rodgers makes his decision the lines will be effected.
  14. The lines are where the money goes, not necessarily what anyone thinks is actually going to happen. If Rodgers signs with the Jets a bunch of money will come in for the Jets and the odds will change.
  15. There are 3 pages of people mostly agreeing with their point or engaging in debate/conversion. Are you ok with the past draft results? Whether it's coaching or scouting, we are not getting production from our picks in the top 2 rounds and we used a 3rd rounded for a special teams player instead of a player that could replace a player you are going to lose to free agency.
  16. You can't keep guys just to keep them. Oliver and Edmunds are NFL players, but they aren't game-changers and didn’t live up to their draft status. Extending Edmunds and Oliver, would just be doubling down on a bad decision. It's best to cut your losses and try and do better next draft.
  17. AJE, Bashem & Groot have zero value in the trade market and Oliver is most likely traded this offseason. WR3 don't make $10m/year and while I like Knox, we don't utilize the TE position enough to justify the contract we gave him. I hope that changes next year and Knox is used more.
  18. it was the 3 most important games. No one gives a ***** padding your stats, blowing out bottom feeders in the regular season when you torched in the playoffs. The fact that D is rated so high yet fails every year in the playoffs means changes need to made.
  19. But not Losman, Edwards, Thad Lewis, Brian Brohm, Kelly Holcolm. Weve had some bad ones
  20. The Bills defense is built for regular season football. Offense gets a lead, crappy QB has to play catch up and makes mistakes. Playoff QBs don't make those mistakes and they get shredded in the playoffs. In a close game we can't stop the run and to me 150 yards on the ground is twice as bad as 300 yards in the air even though it's only half the yardage. Remember the wind game last year, one of the most embarrassing Bills regular season losses of this regime. We lost a game where the opponent threw the ball 3 times, looked great of the stat sheet but anyone watching couldn't comprehend why they didn't make adjustments.
  21. He beat the Jets in the suck year that got us a Top 10 pick. Oliver just wasn't that guy.
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