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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. Good catch. If my memory serves me right CJ caught a pass out of this formation earlier in the game. Chan hoped the LB's would remember that play and bite on it. They did, and the Bills won. When is the last time we had a coach out smart another team? I think most H.S coaches could bamboozle Jauron.
  2. I agree he probably wont be a 30 touches a game guy.Maybe 15-20. IMHO he should be used like San Diego and now N.O. are using Sproiles. He should be returning kicks, and more or less a third down back. I know he was a top ten pick. But Freddy has only gotten better since that draft. Chan is going to work CJ in more and more. He has been holding back some of his play book. Lets hope he gets the chance this Sunday to bust it out. And CJ and Fred both get plenty of touches and keep Brady off the field as much as possible
  3. Took a girl to the coat check room and found out she has a ten pin up her skirt- happens to the best of us.
  4. I understand your pessimism. But your looking at the glass half empty. Campbell is not a bad QB. He is streaky, and when hot he is very good. McFadden is a great RB, behind a good Oline. Having said that, the Bills D looked average at best yesterday. Gotta to hope a few of the young guys progress, Williams being key. But the most important thing to take away from yesterdays game is the W. This team fought back and won. It is the NFL every guy on that field belongs there. The Raiders are no slouch. Fitz (who i am still a pessimist about, but it is a lot less today) showed he could be a gamer when it counted. Last year he threw a pick during similar situations. This offense is for real. The just had there way with a very good Oakland D. i get where you are coming from. Dont know how many times over the last several years i have uttered "just when you start to believe this year is different, they break your heart'. But for now i am 'enjoying the ride'.
  5. Amen. This team plays best when they have a chip on their shoulder. If they keep winning eventually everyone will be talking about them. Chans agenda then is to keep them focused and ready to go. But they are all grown men and professionals. All Chan needs to do is pull out the press clippings from a few years back when the team went 5-1. NFL= Not For Long. You must prepare and show up every week.
  6. Yes i have seen Brady get antsy once he gets hit. But you have to also remember the Jets have amazing CB's they can leave on an island. You want to leave McKelvin one on one all game? Bills need to get good pressure from sending 5 guys. and yes hopefully knocking him down a few times.
  7. kelsay made a couple plays yesterday. But the D as a whole didnt look great. Kelsay still can't cover but if left one on one with a TE he can make a play in pass rushing. The edges if the D look a little weak. I am not a basher and never have been of the man. When you consider what he is actually making this year, it seems reasonable for his play.
  8. Finally the Bills seem to have a coach that is capable of making adjustments at half. Chan showed why he is a great offensive minded coach today. He found Oaklands weakness and exploited it. How many times over the last 11 years has the offense looked confused and could not make adjustments? Or we would watch the other teams coaches make adjustments at half and then shut down the team in the second half? The D still scares me some. I hope Edwards/Wanny can figure out something for NE next week.
  9. I just tried to find the funny qoute the old Jets coach(i think) had about stats. Something about them being like woman? Anyone remember it?
  10. I hope the Bills dont think like the fans. Yes it is going to be tough comming across country and on a short week, but if Buffalo doesnt execute this game is a lose. I am a Bills fan. Campbell is still an NFL QB, he can throw the ball. He has had some good games in his career. Simply loading the box is not going to win this game. If the Bills front 7 can control the line, then yes, the Bills should win this game. I am liking Fitz more and more. But he is a very streaky QB, to say the least. He and all the team is going to be fired up. Its Chan's job to channel that energy positively and keep them focused. If the Bills are as well coached in this game as they were in KC, then yes i think a victory is obtainable. But by no means is it a cake walk.
  11. Davis was one of the greatest backs to ever play the game. He had power and speed. I like Fred, but the comparison to Marcus Allen is much more accurate. I use to always wonder how Allen would tear off those yards running so tall. But he was incredible strong like Fred is. And they both share the knack of usually falling forward.
  12. +1. He showed very good football intelligence on that play. Little things like that play are what makes a difference, and signs of a well coached/disciplined team. Lets hope it continues!
  13. Remember Andre Reed and Kutztown? When someone is from some place obscure (and an NFL QB from Harvard is obscure) people bring it up. Lets just be glad the Bills got som erespect from King. He is a good NFL reporter, and sounds like he is giving the Bills their due for now. Just like he didnt have many positive things to say about them for years, because there wasnt much to say. Now the Bills need to go kick some ass on Sunday and even more people will start to take notice. Especially since then it will be the Pats coming to town.
  14. it is going to be a tough game. BUT Raiders go on the road for second straight week , on a short work week, and travel east. Buffalo 20 Raiders 16
  15. First of all he is a journalist. He is welcome to SAY his opinion to anyone, as long as he WRITES the facts. I would rather that, then what we get so much of these days, Editorials in the 'sports' or 'news' sections. And yes, I have been turned into a pesimist when it comes to the Bills. Sorry but it started with Norwoods FG and has been backed up time and time again. At the end of the third QT, i knew the game was in hand. Relaxed, and drank beer and thought today couldn't get any better.
  16. he has not lived up to his draft spot, yet. I could see Chan using him more and more as the season goes on. Kind of like a hidden weapon. Finding ways to get him the ball in open space and lettin ghim makes plays..ie, shove passes, screens, linning up in the slot. Chan really didnt have to break out to much of his play book yesterday. If the Bills can run their vanilla package and beat inferior teams(god i never thought i would say that) then Chan will keep saving his more creative plays. besides a lot of old ball coaches dont like showing to much to early if they can help it. I bet in the N.E game you will see a lot of different packages. Chan will want to try and out smart Belichek. I think this is when you will see more of CJ.
  17. That is my thoughts exactly. It is the NFL. And no matter what anyone will tell you the talent level on each team is not that different. What makes the difference is coaching and attitude. The Bills looked like a will coached team yesterday. And they played with determination. Getting back to the OP, yes Pope bobbled the ball on that touchdown, that was overturned. But if you looked closely Byrd hit his arm also while he was going out. That helped to lead to the drop, thus the overturn of a TD. I think Chan and Buddy have started to build a team of guys that has some talent and desire. That is what you need in the NFL. With Chan and Wanny/Edwards you start to see how valuable coaching is in the NFL. You dont need a cheerleader as a coach. Just someone who can get 53 men to buy into what he is selling. After one week the Bills are all on the same page.
  18. Can you imagine? Or the late 80's for Jimbo. He was a notrious Party Animal. And they all had a great sense of humor. I use to hang out at Fredonia back in the day. My grandfather worked for the club. Those guys were always goofing off. But when it came time to play, they showed up.
  19. Incorrect. He picked it up and ran with it. Check into it.
  20. Dont have a clue how Twitter works, but found out this weekend when i was back in Buffalo, that my cousin started the 'BillsMafia' deal. Pretty cool.
  21. Ryan Mallet has all the physical tools to be a great NFL qb. But if you watched him in college his poise and leadership were a big question mark. This is why he slid to the thrid round. This is also why right now you can't judge him. It is the preseason, there is no pressure really. To tell me he is better then any qb on the Bills right now is telling half the story. He has better talent ,maybe then any Bills qb. But he also is a huge unknown. The Pats did just what the Falcons did when the drafted Matt Schaub. Think about it.
  22. dont like trading Fitz right now, this is a Dick Jauron move. Like firing your OCord two weeks before the season starts. I like Fitz, but he is NOT an NFL starting qb. He is servicable, but wont win a playoff game. I think the Bills next year go heavy Offense in draft. I also dont condone taking Pryor. To me he has too much baggage. And the Bills are not going to cut Fitz or Pigpen or Smith. And there is NO way he clears and goes to the P.S.
  23. The only problem with 'slightly' over paying for a guy is you set a precedent. As we all know the Bills have a few guys up for contracts/extensions this year. And yes the Bills are frugal in there spending usually, and Ralph got talked into over paying not long ago for Dockery. OL is in need of a few upgrades, seems to me the Bills have a pretty clear cut startegy. Fix the defense this off season. Work on the O next. I will bet dollars to doughnuts they grab a tackle in next years draft in the first or second round.
  24. Anyone wonder that since there were no OTA's or any other type of voluntary work outs allowed for 6 months, maybe these are the types of things that would normally happen there. And since those things are not really covered or paid much attention to, we dont hear about them? Honestly just a question.
  25. I hear on building with injuried players, but this franchise needs a reality check and so do we as fans. Maybe this is exactly how they restore some order. Think about it, the Bills just lost out to Atlanta for their starting RT, because Atlanta is a winner right now. If the Bills want to start winning in some of these free agent battles they need to also show they can win on the field. The Bills have plenty of youth, sprinkle in some savy vets, you got the making of a winner.
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