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Ralph to get his HOF ring at halftime Sunday

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Oh my...


Let's all hope the Bills are up 35 at the half cuz if they put in another stink-job halftime could get very very ugly.


If the Bills are playing ugly again, I think the fans should give Ralph Wilson a hardy Standing Ovation, Chant his name, applaud and at the conclusion of the ceremony start filing out of the Stadium entirely. Imagine how startled the media would be and the attention that it would grab if the fans all left right afterward. What a statement, and at least it's not affecting ticket sales and Ralph's bottom line. Several people suggest boycotting the game altogether but I feel that that kind of thinking could lead to the Bills moving sooner rather than later. But, to leave just prior to the third quarter would have a greater impact...and the fans could even chant "Fire Dick" as they are leaving the stadium. Oooh well just a passing thought!

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I know its been a tough stretch here lately, but I would hope no one would resort to booing our owner on the day he gets his ring.


If Art Modell was getting an award in Cleveland he would be mercilessly booed. (He moved the franchise to Baltimore.) If Robert Irsay was getting an award in Baltimore he would be mercilessly booed. (He moved the franchise in the dead of night to Indianapolis.) Why shouldn't Ralph (sold to the highest bidder) Wilson be mecilessly booed? He richly deserves the scorn he is due. Not only has he ripped off the loyal paying customer of his garbage product on the field but he is going to leave the area high and dry for the extra nickel. He is a disgrace and an embarrassment. If I were in the stadium I would boo him until my vocal chords gave out. :rolleyes:

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If Art Modell was getting an award in Cleveland he would be mercilessly booed. (He moved the franchise to Baltimore.) If Robert Irsay was getting an ward in Baltimore he would be mercilessly booed. (He moved the franchise in the dead of night to Indianapolis.) Why shouldn't Ralph (sold to the highest bidder) Wilson be mecilessly booed? He richly deserves the scorn he is due. Not only has he ripped off the loyal paying customer of his garbage product on the field but he is going to leave the area high and dry for the extra nickel. He is a disgrace and an embarrassment. If I were in the stadium I would boo him until my vocal chords gave out. :rolleyes:




Ralph, contrary to the opinions of the boy scouts trying to defend him, has given us nothing. ZERO Super Bowls in 50 years. That's futility.

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Ralph, contrary to the opinions of the boy scouts trying to defend him, has given us nothing. ZERO Super Bowls in 50 years. That's futility.


Nothing? You sure about that? Granted, no NFL championships. But is it better to have a possibility than no chance at all?



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I know its been a tough stretch here lately, but I would hope no one would resort to booing our owner on the day he gets his ring.

agreed...it would be classless and it simply isn't the place for it


Why? It's an undeserved award, anyway. He's getting it based on longevity, not for consistently fielding a winner.

undeserved? because of longevity? You must be new to the NFL and the Bills if you actually think that. Try...he's getting it based on all he did to make the AFL successful and the merger. Do yourself a favor and educate yourself, kid...maybe you can refrain from making foolish posts like this one again


Just take a look at what Chris Berman said about him when he presented him for induction this past August

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RW better hope the Bills have a good 1st half...
come on sheeple! A good first half against one of the worst teams in the league can repay your loyalty? Oh yeah, forgot about the TO effect on ticket sales. Me thinks too many settle for too little. How bout chanting "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore" as he steps out.
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