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I hate Tony Dungy!


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Nice post. Don't forget his approval of Frank Middleton's cheap shot on Sam Cowart either, Dungy is a POS... and he's even more boring on TV than Steve Young zzzzzzzzzzz. I'll give him credit though, he was a very good regular season coach.

Also, don't forget how Dungy's thug Viking defense took out Jim Kelly for the rest of the season in 1994. I got so mad at the play I screamed out from my seat "That's why you're not getting a head coaching job, Dungy" Eventually he did, but there's no denying his Vikings' D was just a bunch of cheap shot artists.

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To be hated by some and be a Christian is like a baseball and a glove, they go hand in hand. Don't let it get under you're skin Sig1. About Dungy though, he was a good coach, one of the most respected in the league, by his players and his peers. He built the Bucs defense and brought them from a perenial loser to a SB contender in the NFC. He went to Indy and helped Peyton get over the hump by building their defense. You can't ignore the man's credentials. Tony Dungy as an NFL analyst and a player advocate? I don't agree with much he has had to say or some of the things he's done. He's a smart, humble man though who has endured ALOT, on and off the field. I, for one, respect the man even regardless of whether I don't always agree with what he has to say.




Well said. I respect him too even though I don't always agree with he says.

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Actually, I don't get into that stuff, but I believe there is a part in the Bible that says something about judging not and another one which speaks to redemption.


Also not sure I get the hate for someone I'm assuming you've never met (nor have I), and whose actions have no effect on either of our lives, so I guess I'll just have to agree to disagree here. Bigger things in life to worry about.



Never liked Dungy, to me he always came off as a phony. & like another poster said, he lost all credibility once he backed Vick. I often womdered if Dungy would of helped Vick out in this circumstance if Vick was white.

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Screw him!!! He is attacking TO and TO purposely did not throw Trent, AVP or the o-line under the bus. WTF. You want to know what makes him difficult to coach? It is the fact he knows he is the best player on the field. He knows Donovan McNabb choked in the SuperBowl.


I hate Dungy so much it makes me want to scream. I hate his pious sanctomonius Christian bullsh*t. He was a loser in TB and if not for a complete melt down of New England's defense he wouldn't be a champion coach. AGHHHHHHHH.


Buffalo needs to rally around TO and say screw you Dungy, Harrison, Sully, and all the other hack Buffalo media.

Trent stand up for your best WR and give him the dam ball and make these morons shut the f up!!!!!!


I hate him so much.... "Two Christian coaches doing it the right way." Didn't realize doing it the right way meant rehabbing dog killers.... AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Attacking TO and helping/praising a guy who killed a whole hell of a lot of dogs. Makes sense to me.

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Screw him!!! He is attacking TO and TO purposely did not throw Trent, AVP or the o-line under the bus. WTF. You want to know what makes him difficult to coach? It is the fact he knows he is the best player on the field. He knows Donovan McNabb choked in the SuperBowl.


I hate Dungy so much it makes me want to scream. I hate his pious sanctomonius Christian bullsh*t. He was a loser in TB and if not for a complete melt down of New England's defense he wouldn't be a champion coach. AGHHHHHHHH.


Buffalo needs to rally around TO and say screw you Dungy, Harrison, Sully, and all the other hack Buffalo media.

Trent stand up for your best WR and give him the dam ball and make these morons shut the f up!!!!!!


I hate him so much.... "Two Christian coaches doing it the right way." Didn't realize doing it the right way meant rehabbing dog killers.... AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






awesome... never liked his self rightousness either

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I've always felt that Tony Dungy was way over rated as a head coach. Losing your first post season game four times with Peyton Manning as your QB is almost impossible to do, but somehow Tony Dungy managed that dubious accomplishment.


He's the Dick Jauron of the "good" head coaches list.

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wow..... let it go man..... seriously..... anger issues much?


No, don't let it go- keep it up, and maybe more in the media who think that T.O. is somehow slighting them or needs to say something controversial so they can have something to write/talk about will feel the heat.


I love the anger... it is very warranted. Don't lose it- the minute we get complacent is when we lose our power as fans.

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No, don't let it go- keep it up, and maybe more in the media who think that T.O. is somehow slighting them or needs to say something controversial so they can have something to write/talk about will feel the heat.


I love the anger... it is very warranted. Don't lose it- the minute we get complacent is when we lose our power as fans.



Really? Getting upset about a former head coach who is commenting on a player who has been subpar in terms of performance this year? Let's grab the pitchforks!!! damn you to hell Dungy.... come on get serious, when TO starts showing an effort and catching the ball when it's thrown to him, then the media needs to back off. But until then, TO is bringing it on himself.

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Really? Getting upset about a former head coach who is commenting on a player who has been subpar in terms of performance this year? Let's grab the pitchforks!!! damn you to hell Dungy.... come on get serious, when TO starts showing an effort and catching the ball when it's thrown to him, then the media needs to back off. But until then, TO is bringing it on himself.


Yes, really... anyone who thinks it is OK to goad a player into trying to throw his teammates under the bus is despicable, IMO. Why do that when it is so totally unnecessary? We all watch the games, and can see what is going on.


Ohh, by the way, we've only thrown to TO less than 10 times in three games, so there goes the "bringing it on himself" excuse- and when we did try, it was forced into him and overthrown.

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Maybe coulda had Rex Ryan. He's not looking too bad.


So how did loudmouth Greggggg Williams work out? The point is, people who think that a key to being a good coach is screaming and yelling are wrong. That is NOT an element that is required to make a good coach.

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The point is that Dungy built that team, all Gruden had to do was come in and not screw it up


Right. It was the same with that coach who followed Jimmy "Pork Faced Satan" Johnson

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Actually Rich McKay was the GM & the man responsible for building that Bucs team. Dungy was the Coach period. In his time in Tampa he NEVER hired a good OC. That is the reason the Bucs don't have 3 or 4 rings as they should. He was fired by the Glazers, owners of the team for that reason. When hired by the Colts Dungy was told he would have NO INPUT on the offensive side of the ball including the OC.




BTW - Dungy wears a SB ring.

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Dungy is now helping the college kid who punched the player a few weeks ago. He is terrible. How dare he. How dare a man help out people in a good way.


If TO wasnt on the Bill, This would be a non issue. Just get over it. TO needs to learn to catch the balls thrown to him. He wont even catch 30 balls this year.

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Yes, really... anyone who thinks it is OK to goad a player into trying to throw his teammates under the bus is despicable, IMO. Why do that when it is so totally unnecessary? We all watch the games, and can see what is going on.


Ohh, by the way, we've only thrown to TO less than 10 times in three games, so there goes the "bringing it on himself" excuse- and when we did try, it was forced into him and overthrown.



Are you really naive enough to think that TO's issues with the media are just from this season? He has brought this on his entire career with the media, no reason for it to change now.



Plus, we may have only thrown to him 10 times, but he has at least 2 pretty big drops, that he should have caught, and he appears to be mailing it in------ lets take off the blinders and see reality, which right now is that TO is playing like a very average WR

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I think we can leave the Christian talk out of this thread, as it has no business on this side of the wall.


But, Dungy's views are perplexing because it appears that he didn't listen to TO's press conference and was opining on TO's appearance and demeanor. That's a shame, because had Dungy listened to it, he would have heard that TO's main comments no matter how poorly communicated were directed at the team's loss, not the end of his streak.


As Wawrow correctly pointed out, TO's act deflected the true attention from yet another piss poor outing by the coach and his QB.

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Screw him!!! He is attacking TO and TO purposely did not throw Trent, AVP or the o-line under the bus. WTF. You want to know what makes him difficult to coach? It is the fact he knows he is the best player on the field. He knows Donovan McNabb choked in the SuperBowl.


I hate Dungy so much it makes me want to scream. I hate his pious sanctomonius Christian bullsh*t. He was a loser in TB and if not for a complete melt down of New England's defense he wouldn't be a champion coach. AGHHHHHHHH.


Buffalo needs to rally around TO and say screw you Dungy, Harrison, Sully, and all the other hack Buffalo media.

Trent stand up for your best WR and give him the dam ball and make these morons shut the f up!!!!!!


I hate him so much.... "Two Christian coaches doing it the right way." Didn't realize doing it the right way meant rehabbing dog killers.... AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Why hold back? Tell us how you really feel. :thumbsup:

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As Wawrow correctly pointed out, TO's act deflected the true attention from yet another piss poor outing by the coach and his QB.

Sounds vaguely familiar...



Actually, it wouldn't surprise me that they consider this desirable. Staging T.O. vs. the media is a great distraction and can deflect attention away from the team in general. It's always easier to pick someone's pocket when their attention is distracted by a dancing bear and an organ grinder...

I always liked that Wawrow guy. :thumbsup:

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Screw him!!! He is attacking TO and TO purposely did not throw Trent, AVP or the o-line under the bus. WTF. You want to know what makes him difficult to coach? It is the fact he knows he is the best player on the field. He knows Donovan McNabb choked in the SuperBowl.


I hate Dungy so much it makes me want to scream. I hate his pious sanctomonius Christian bullsh*t. He was a loser in TB and if not for a complete melt down of New England's defense he wouldn't be a champion coach. AGHHHHHHHH.


Buffalo needs to rally around TO and say screw you Dungy, Harrison, Sully, and all the other hack Buffalo media.

Trent stand up for your best WR and give him the dam ball and make these morons shut the f up!!!!!!


I hate him so much.... "Two Christian coaches doing it the right way." Didn't realize doing it the right way meant rehabbing dog killers.... AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Dude, go take your meds man. Have you seen your Psychiatrist lately?

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