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I hate Tony Dungy!


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T.O. made his bed years ago and has continued to fuel the fire, so he has nobody to blame but himself. Him trying to blame it all on the media is rediculous on his part, he is obviously in denial. Oh yea, and Dungy wheres a ring on his finger that this organization might never see. He would be the best coach we have had since Levy, and maybe even better than him.

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Obviously, you know nothing about being a Christian, so you should really not bring it up at all, you are only screaming out to all of us your ignorance. Being a true Christian means absolutely helping a sinner "rehab" as you put it. Vick must have convinced Tony he was sincere in his desire to change his life, so Dungy felt the desire to help him.


However, being a Christian does not mean watching a selfish, self centered diva act like an idiot during a news conference without expressing your opinion about it. Watching Ownens not answering the reasonable questions about the lousy game against the Saints with that stupid hat on, was almost enough for me to want the Bills to just dump this a..hole and eat the 6.5 Mil they invested in him. And I'm a life long Bills fan that wants only for T.O. to get his 10 TD's and over 1,000 yards receiving for his one season with the Bills. Dungy has no affiliation with the diva or our Bills, and he was just stating his honest opinions about Owens, and most other people around football agree completely with his takes anyway.


Instead of "hating" Tony Dungy, we should all apsire to live our lives like him. That said, as a Bills fan, I really hope like you that Edwards gets his head out of his butt and starts throwing the ball his way Sunday against the Dolphins' weak secondary. I would rather watch Owens act like a selfish jerk during press conferences after games he plays well in for the rest of this strange season! :D


I in fact have read the Bible and have read history books. Christians very rarely act like Christ is supposed to have acted.

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Didn't Dungy's own son O.D. on drugs.

Maybe he feels quilty for spending more time playing football than knowing where his kids were at night.

So now he is overcompensating.

Dungy used to have James with him at practices and on the sidelines all of the time so it isn't like he was not there at all. Granted, it's not the one on one interaction that I get to have with my own children though. The kid was also off at college at the time so Dungy couldn't be there for that. If I remember correctly, it was also documented that the kid had some issues with depression and pills beforehand. If I remember correctly again, he and his girlfriend split, he took some pills, and she found him unresponsive. Could he be trying to make up for areas that he felt he lacked in his relationship with James? Maybe. I can't even imagine going through something of that nature and pray to God that it never happens.

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I respect people who are Christians and bring their faith into action in their careers. But I think Dungy and other Christians in the media lost all creditability in the way they handled the Belicheat* scandal. Here was someone whose cheating clearly helped him to win games (because Belicheat* is not stupid enough to cheat for no important reason), the league clearly wanted to hush things up and Dungy and other Christians helped with the cover up. That is totally opposed to everything Christianity teaches about how justice should triumph even when the guilty are powerful. Dungy, himself, totally minimized Belicheat's* cheating when asked.


Now you have TO trying to make the best out of a horribly difficult situation and Dungy plays this moral leader kind of role. Hey pal, where was the moral leader role when Belicheat* was the issue. Power (NFL image, Belicheat*) triumphed over justice then and you were helping with it.

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I respect people who are Christians and bring their faith into action in their careers. But I think Dungy and other Christians in the media lost all creditability in the way they handled the Belicheat* scandal. Here was someone whose cheating clearly helped him to win games (because Belicheat* is not stupid enough to cheat for no important reason), the league clearly wanted to hush things up and Dungy and other Christians helped with the cover up. That is totally opposed to everything Christianity teaches about how justice should triumph even when the guilty are powerful. Dungy, himself, totally minimized Belicheat's* cheating when asked.


Now you have TO trying to make the best out of a horribly difficult situation and Dungy plays this moral leader kind of role. Hey pal, where was the moral leader role when Belicheat* was the issue. Power (NFL image, Belicheat*) triumphed over justice then and you were helping with it.

OK, I will make this last statement on the religious aspect and I promise to leave it alone. The fact of the matter is that alot of people try to find ways to justify the way they handle themselves because so and so is doing this or saying that. It's not going to fly when you stand before Christ. All of us will, it's just a matter of whether it's the Judgement Seat where we will receive according to what we've done after being saved or it will be the Great White Throne Judgement where people will receive the full penalty of their choice to live their lives apart from Christ. You will stand all by yourself with no one to heap the blame upon your decisions except the one you faced in the mirror day in and day out. All of these other people will receive according to what God sees, because he judges one's heart. If you think other people are fake and putting on a front then why don't live it out and be one that's real as to help steer the others away from the false. Another thing you need to remember is that no one who walks the face of this earth is perfect, nor do they always say or do the right things. But I have accepted the only one who was perfect, and it's through Jesus sinless perfection that I'm allowed to be renewed and washed clean. Focus on the state of yourself because that's the only one you will be answering for on that day, God will take care of the rest :D

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Screw him!!! He is attacking TO and TO purposely did not throw Trent, AVP or the o-line under the bus. WTF. You want to know what makes him difficult to coach? It is the fact he knows he is the best player on the field. He knows Donovan McNabb choked in the SuperBowl.


I hate Dungy so much it makes me want to scream. I hate his pious sanctomonius Christian bullsh*t. He was a loser in TB and if not for a complete melt down of New England's defense he wouldn't be a champion coach. AGHHHHHHHH.


Buffalo needs to rally around TO and say screw you Dungy, Harrison, Sully, and all the other hack Buffalo media.

Trent stand up for your best WR and give him the dam ball and make these morons shut the f up!!!!!!


I hate him so much.... "Two Christian coaches doing it the right way." Didn't realize doing it the right way meant rehabbing dog killers.... AGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I think you're my new best friend. :D

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T.O. made his bed years ago and has continued to fuel the fire, so he has nobody to blame but himself. Him trying to blame it all on the media is rediculous on his part, he is obviously in denial. Oh yea, and Dungy wheres a ring on his finger that this organization might never see. He would be the best coach we have had since Levy, and maybe even better than him.


Hmmmm... now who needs meds?? :D


He doesn't need to blame them; it is patently obvious to any intelligent fan what the media is trying to do. Just because Dungy has a ring doesn't mean that he is right, and in this case he is not.


I guess you want the team to be in disarray and for T.O. to run over his own teammates... that in itself says a lot.

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Hmmmm... now who needs meds?? :D


He doesn't need to blame them; it is patently obvious to any intelligent fan what the media is trying to do. Just because Dungy has a ring doesn't mean that he is right, and in this case he is not.


I guess you want the team to be in disarray and for T.O. to run over his own teammates... that in itself says a lot.

Yes of course they tried to bait him after the last game, and I never said they didn't, but to say everything ever said by T.O. was because the media baited him is ridiculous, and if you think otherwise you do need meds-not to mention you must have been in a coma for the last decade. How did the media bait him to slam Jeff Garcia and say he was a homosexual? How did the media make him sit in his driveway working out like a mental case? How did the media make him try to overdose on pills? How did the media make him slam McNabb and the Eagles to the point that they kicked him off the team? Disagreeing with someone on a controversial issue, in which there are as many people who agree with Dungy as there aren't, doesn't warrant the hate and overboard ranting that was displayed. I never even said I agreed with Dungy, but it was more than a little over reaction don't you think? Me wanting the team in disarray and wanting T.O. to run over teammates isn't true, but it doesn't matter what I want because it will most likely happen anyway eventually. Read a post before you react to it, and don't read things into it that aren't there.

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Dungy is now helping the college kid who punched the player a few weeks ago. He is terrible. How dare he. How dare a man help out people in a good way.


If TO wasnt on the Bill, This would be a non issue. Just get over it. TO needs to learn to catch the balls thrown to him. He wont even catch 30 balls this year.

Yeah, how dare he help vicious animal butcherers escape scrutiny by attaching his fake Christian label onto them like some poor man's Al Sharpton, so they can get back to making millions of dollars being subpar players in a corrupt league without the fans noticing that they haven't done ANYTHING to show remorse for their despicable actions..... No, you're right. T.O. dropping a couple of the handful of balls thrown to him in three full games is MUCH more worthy of our attention than heinous creatures like these.

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Yes of course they tried to bait him after the last game, and I never said they didn't, but to say everything ever said by T.O. was because the media baited him is ridiculous, and if you think otherwise you do need meds-not to mention you must have been in a coma for the last decade. How did the media bait him to slam Jeff Garcia and say he was a homosexual? How did the media make him sit in his driveway working out like a mental case? How did the media make him try to overdose on pills? How did the media make him slam McNabb and the Eagles to the point that they kicked him off the team? Disagreeing with someone on a controversial issue, in which there are as many people who agree with Dungy as there aren't, doesn't warrant the hate and overboard ranting that was displayed. I never even said I agreed with Dungy, but it was more than a little over reaction don't you think? Me wanting the team in disarray and wanting T.O. to run over teammates isn't true, but it doesn't matter what I want because it will most likely happen anyway eventually. Read a post before you react to it, and don't read things into it that aren't there.

Who claimed that "everything ever said by TO was because the media baited him?" Why is it all or nothing with some people?

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OK, I will make this last statement on the religious aspect and I promise to leave it alone. The fact of the matter is that alot of people try to find ways to justify the way they handle themselves because so and so is doing this or saying that. It's not going to fly when you stand before Christ. All of us will, it's just a matter of whether it's the Judgement Seat where we will receive according to what we've done after being saved or it will be the Great White Throne Judgement where people will receive the full penalty of their choice to live their lives apart from Christ. You will stand all by yourself with no one to heap the blame upon your decisions except the one you faced in the mirror day in and day out. All of these other people will receive according to what God sees, because he judges one's heart. If you think other people are fake and putting on a front then why don't live it out and be one that's real as to help steer the others away from the false. Another thing you need to remember is that no one who walks the face of this earth is perfect, nor do they always say or do the right things. But I have accepted the only one who was perfect, and it's through Jesus sinless perfection that I'm allowed to be renewed and washed clean. Focus on the state of yourself because that's the only one you will be answering for on that day, God will take care of the rest :D


I agree about all of us needing to stand before Christ, but you did not address the issue that I brought up. I never said that Dungy was faking it as a Christian, etc. I just said when the Belicheat* scandal came up Dungy, when asked, downplayed Belcheat*'s cheating and helped thereby for the league to cover it up as much as possible. If Dungy had stood up then he might well have lost the opportunity to get paid big bucks to be a broadcaster. Dungy helped power triumph over truth and justice. Now when he has absolutely nothing to lose (and some to gain) he suddenly is the TO basher, making it seem like TO lacks character. Belicheat* lacks a lot more character than TO but Dungy wasn't willing to throw his Christian and moral stature against Belicheat* but he is willing against TO. That doesn't mean Dungy is a phony as a Christian. What it does mean is that he wasn't willing to put his Christianity on the line when the stakes were high during the horrible Belicheat* scandal.

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Also, don't forget how Dungy's thug Viking defense took out Jim Kelly for the rest of the season in 1994. I got so mad at the play I screamed out from my seat "That's why you're not getting a head coaching job, Dungy" Eventually he did, but there's no denying his Vikings' D was just a bunch of cheap shot artists.
Thanks, I did forget about that... Dungy is garbage.


I feel sorry for Marty, it must've been tough to watch Dungy & Cowher (two other notorious big-game losers) win fluke championships back-to-back.

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I agree about all of us needing to stand before Christ, but you did not address the issue that I brought up. I never said that Dungy was faking it as a Christian, etc. I just said when the Belicheat* scandal came up Dungy, when asked, downplayed Belcheat*'s cheating and helped thereby for the league to cover it up as much as possible. If Dungy had stood up then he might well have lost the opportunity to get paid big bucks to be a broadcaster. Dungy helped power triumph over truth and justice. Now when he has absolutely nothing to lose (and some to gain) he suddenly is the TO basher, making it seem like TO lacks character. Belicheat* lacks a lot more character than TO but Dungy wasn't willing to throw his Christian and moral stature against Belicheat* but he is willing against TO. That doesn't mean Dungy is a phony as a Christian. What it does mean is that he wasn't willing to put his Christianity on the line when the stakes were high during the horrible Belicheat* scandal.

Look at it this way my friend. What relevance does it have to your eternal destination? None. Don't let it rack you're brain.

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Didn't Dungy's own son O.D. on drugs.

Maybe he feels quilty for spending more time playing football than knowing where his kids were at night.

So now he is overcompensating.



James Dungy hung himself due to depression and I commend Dungy for how he handled life afterwards. To maintain his faith after something like that is amazing. If there was ever a time in your life that would tempt you to lose faith, having your child taken away from you would do it. I think he is a great man and coach and like him or not, how many other coaches and ex coaches do you see trying to help other people get their lives back on track when everyone else has writen that person off?

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