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Double standard regard sex with minors?

Just Jack

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One implied to was rape of a minor, a minor which is a member of a household, but the other it was something which the boy was a participant (no force implied). I am not saying these is not a double standard but in this case the articles which is all I have seen do not make them appear same circumstances.

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in my opinion women are hotter than men, in most cases, and should be dealt with less severely as a reward for such relative hottness. :doh:



before anyone gets their panties in a wad....i am kidding.....




Both articles were in todays newspaper, on the same page. You decide....


Syracuse woman gets probation for sex with teenager


Syracuse man sentenced to 15 years in prison for sex with teenager


Both "victims" were 14, and the same ADA prosecuted the cases.

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Both articles were in todays newspaper, on the same page. You decide....


Syracuse woman gets probation for sex with teenager


Syracuse man sentenced to 15 years in prison for sex with teenager


Both "victims" were 14, and the same ADA prosecuted the cases.



You imply the facts are the same. They are not. Both adults acted illegally. I have no problem with the man gettiing a harsher sentence as it sounds lik he acted more than once.

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Both articles were in todays newspaper, on the same page. You decide....


Syracuse woman gets probation for sex with teenager


Syracuse man sentenced to 15 years in prison for sex with teenager


Both "victims" were 14, and the same ADA prosecuted the cases.

Its not a double standard by definition because the threat of force is completely different in the 2 circumstances

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