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More fun with the Birthers!

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Here is some food for thought. Both my children are born in Indiana and I always was astonished by how little information is on their birth certificate than mine and my wife's one from New York... Granted we were born in 1967 and 1968 respectively. I know mine and my wife's has all kind of stuff on it, like religion... My children born in 1998 and 2002 respectively has nothing but name, place of birth and parent's name and their place birth.


Can something be in HI's birth certificates that the Birthers want to see... That is what I am getting at.


Wouldn't it be necessary for them to be able to read...

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For Rush haters, you sure do listen to him alot


You're a key segment of his base whether you understand it or not. You guys keep listening to hear what wacky stuff he'll say next (which increases his ratings which makes his show more attractive to sponsors). And then with righteous indignation you run around repeating what he says, thus giving him further exposure


That fat racist oxycotin popping <insert further list of insults> windbag has played you perfectly. Keep up the vigiliance ;)

He is part of the GOP echo chamber of made up stories, lies and deceit that starts with Matt Drudge. From what I remember, Rush is the first echo, but sometimes it is the Heritage foundation and a couple of others. But by and large it Rush is second on lunatic rw knuckledraggers echo chamber..

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Crazy Eileen is sure one stupid fuc#er. But she's got nothing on lawyer, dentist, real estate agent and fry cook, Orly Taitz:



Yeah, and try having a rational conversation about that nutball Taitz with OwensManiacal or whatever he's calling himself this week.


The world's full of dumb@$$e$ and goofballs. I knew that before, but ever since I turned 40...oh no, I'm turning into my dad!!

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Wouldn't it be necessary for them to be able to read...




I am going to look at my NYS birth certificacte... I am almost postive there is all kinds of information on it. Didn't they used to put relgion and all kinds of other stuff on them? Now looking at my children's... I guess the main part is the person's name and state county seal.




This is just a casual obseravtion... Am I wrong??

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He is part of the GOP echo chamber of made up stories, lies and deceit that starts with Matt Drudge.

I'm just curious how you consider the Drudge Report to be a place of made up stories, lies and deceit when what he primarily does is post links to other stories. Do you find his occassional headline links to be lies or deceitful? I mean, unless I'm missing a part of Drudge, I don't see how posting those links makes them the originator of made-up stories, lies and deceit. Please explain.


And note, I'm not defending Drudge Report. I'm just curious what you think he's doing that I'm not seeing.

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Yeah, and try having a rational conversation about that nutball Taitz with OwensManiacal or whatever he's calling himself this week.


The world's full of dumb@$$e$ and goofballs. I knew that before, but ever since I turned 40...oh no, I'm turning into my dad!!


Why did you change your handle, if you mind me aXING?



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I'm just curious how you consider the Drudge Report to be a place of made up stories, lies and deceit when what he primarily does is post links to other stories. Do you find his occassional headline links to be lies or deceitful? I mean, unless I'm missing a part of Drudge, I don't see how posting those links makes them the originator of made-up stories, lies and deceit. Please explain.


And note, I'm not defending Drudge Report. I'm just curious what you think he's doing that I'm not seeing.

I wasn't referring solely to the Drudge Report, but Matt himself. He does a lot of writing on the side as well or at least he used to.

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What I find very ironic is that there was talk among the GOP several years ago that the birth restrictions placed on becoming president should be lifted for Arnold S. They wanted to ride his wave of popularity even if it meant re-examining the very issue they now wish to introduce redundant legislation on. The GOP leadership is adrift. Trying to goad Obama into having to defend this BS. Sorry GOP. He won't dignify the BS with ANY type of comment. Nor should he. Politics 101.

Kinda like it was the GOP who pushed thru Presidential term limits because if FDR hadn't died in office, he might still be President. And darn it, if it didn't come back to haunt them when Saint Ronnie was in office. It was fun then to hear them bemoan term limits.

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Kinda like it was the GOP who pushed thru Presidential term limits because if FDR hadn't died in office, he might still be President. And darn it, if it didn't come back to haunt them when Saint Ronnie was in office. It was fun then to hear them bemoan term limits.


Law of Unintended Consequences. Which in the government space should be the Law of Unintended Yet Easily Forseen Consequences. How much would both parties be screaming now if either got their way with filibusters six years ago? And just wait for the Republicans to start bitching like the Democrats a few years back about how unfair Executive Privilege is...

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Why did you change your handle, if you mind me aXING?




I don't mind you ASKing. :thumbsup:


See, I inexplicably change college football teams to root for every seven years or so, and it's time. ;)


Seriously, I just wanted to see what would happen if I changed it. I was getting tired of having the same handle, which I'd had since registering in November 2002. Since I've been a Notre Dame fan for years, I thought "TheFourHorsemen" would be fitting. But everyone here can simply call me "Mike". Or "Hey You", I don't care.

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I don't mind you ASKing. :thumbsup:


See, I inexplicably change college football teams to root for every seven years or so, and it's time. :thumbsup:


Seriously, I just wanted to see what would happen if I changed it. I was getting tired of having the same handle, which I'd had since registering in November 2002. Since I've been a Notre Dame fan for years, I thought "TheFourHorsemen" would be fitting. But everyone here can simply call me "Mike". Or "Hey You", I don't care.





You are moving west (South Bend) not east (as in up Lake Erie from CLEV)... :thumbsup:

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For Rush haters, you sure do listen to him alot


You're a key segment of his base whether you understand it or not. You guys keep listening to hear what wacky stuff he'll say next (which increases his ratings which makes his show more attractive to sponsors). And then with righteous indignation you run around repeating what he says, thus giving him further exposure


That fat racist oxycotin popping <insert further list of insults> windbag has played you perfectly. Keep up the vigiliance ;)

I rarely listen to him, and it would only be a couple minutes in a car. Can't remember the last time I listened to his show live. All I did was go to his website and do a search and it led me right to a page with three different times in the last week he brought it up. I assume there were a lot more. :thumbsup: There are a lot of stories with him in it that link short clips of what he is saying, so it's pretty easy to keep up with the blather.

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The only people making Palin something more than a recently retired Governor is the media and obsessed liberal talking heads like yourself, Tingles and Olbermann who have no ability for original thought. Much in the way fewer people would be listening to Rush if it weren't for the liberals bitching about him all the time.


But as we conservatives like to say, "Things could be worse. Bishop Hedd could still be a Republican."

You are truly a walking cliche...to say nothing of being a hypocrite...but fine..I enjoy laffing at what passes for conservatism now.

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You consider yourself a moderate? ;)

"Losing moderates" is what I said. Nothing to do with me. When you have a long standing right wing senator from a big state changing party....well



Numbers are out there AD...care to crunch 'em.


Numbers that say the republican party is now a joke...numbers that say that changing demographics aren't favorable for the GOP.


But you ain't right wing...right?



Yeh...dry that one out and you can fertilize the lawn.

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I don't mind you ASKing. ;)


See, I inexplicably change college football teams to root for every seven years or so, and it's time. :pirate:


Seriously, I just wanted to see what would happen if I changed it. I was getting tired of having the same handle, which I'd had since registering in November 2002. Since I've been a Notre Dame fan for years, I thought "TheFourHorsemen" would be fitting. But everyone here can simply call me "Mike". Or "Hey You", I don't care.


I thought you were joining the Dwight Drane Church of Apocalyptic Socio-Economics.

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this is such a non-issue...that yahoo is chasing down congressmen and women and asking them a question...just about all of them gave a non answer as we are so used to. personally i believe The Supreme Leader was born in the US, and if they find out he wasn't...still doesn't matter to me....he was elected on his policy, not on where he was born...yeah i know that it would have changed the complexion of the election(ooops....did i just say something bad :pirate: ) this is such a stupid non-issue

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this is such a non-issue...that yahoo is chasing down congressmen and women and asking them a question...just about all of them gave a non answer as we are so used to. personally i believe The Supreme Leader was born in the US, and if they find out he wasn't...still doesn't matter to me....he was elected on his policy, not on where he was born...yeah i know that it would have changed the complexion of the election(ooops....did i just say something bad :pirate: ) this is such a stupid non-issue


If he wasn't, he can't be President.

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yeah i know....personally, i think that should be overturned....we have way too many people that were born elsewhere that are as or more capable of running the country than natural born citizens...but please keep in mind i didn't and wouldn't vote for the current Supreme Leader, but if I was a supporter and the laws were different...where he was born would not be an issue to me....political stance and whether it aligns closely to mine or not is how I decide who to vote for


If he wasn't, he can't be President.
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