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Some Photos Of Big Ben's Accuser


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I like the ones who click on the thread titled "Some Photos of Big Ben's Accuser", and then tell us we shouldn't talk about it.... then why are YOU here? :D


I also like the ones who tell me, on a public forum, to keep my opinions to myself, because they may be rude.... rule #1 of the ever-mighty interwebs; If you're going to get butt-hurt by what someone else might say, remove yourself from said environment and create your own forum with rules about expressing your opinion, or move to China, whichever.... :P



that said, this bish is uuuuuugggggllllyyyy!!! Do not want - :lol:

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I'm sorry but a virgin can spot an ugly chick in a lineup too. And what He are you referring to?



The He is the He that H2O, the starter of this thread, so prominently mentions in his profile. The irony was too strong to leave uncommented.


For the record, I am not defending this young lady. I have no idea what is going on with her. If she was indeed attacked, and forced to cover it up, as she claims, then that is pretty terrible, to say the least. If she is making it all up, or claiming rape out of spite, then I hope she is exposed and punished for slandering Ben R.


Responding to one other comment: Of course people on a message board are free to say whatever they like, within the rules of the board. Just because you can say anything, however, does not mean that all things are equally sensible and appropriate. That has nothing to do with censorship; that is a matter of civilization. And yes, I know that discussing civilization with regard to the Internet is a losing proposition, and I did have a pretty good idea what this thread would be like when I clicked on the first post. It is my weakness that I sometimes feel the need to speak up for civilization, even when I am aware of how often I fall short of that ideal myself. Perhaps it is that combination of hope and realization that every hope will eventually be crushed that makes me a Bills fan.

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A wise man once told me....P*ssy doesn't have a face


- You don't see the face when a person is bent over

- From above, all you see is a kneeling person's hair

- When drunk, all chicks are beautiful




(This thread is way too serious considering she filed a lawsuit and not a criminal complaint. )

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I will not pretend to be able to look into your soul. I am sure that you really thought that posting the link with the phrase "not much to look at" would lead to a series of comments from the TSW community commenting on her sterling character and general respect for her and for women in general. Because that is how such threads always turn out....


We obviously have very different theological visions, which is cool with me, though your last two sentences abdicating responsibility for a discussion you chose to start do bring to mind a comment from one of my favorite theological commentators: "Isn't that convenient?" :lol:


Be that as it may, I wish you and all fellow Bills fans well. Heck, I even wish non-Bills fans well.


Carry on!



That "He" is still with me and sees everything I do. I just posted the pictures bro' and made no comment on the woman or Big Ben just stating my opinion or taste in women. I wanted to know what she looked like. That's it. When I found the photos I figured everyone else might be wondering what she looked like just as I was. Not once did I say she was ugly or question Ben's taste in women. They also aren't nude photos or even bilkini shots, just regular pictures like most people have in their photo albums. So cast your stones and say whatever you will because I haven't done anything wrong. I can't help the way other people's mind work or what they say. I'm only accountable for myself. :wallbash:
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I will not pretend to be able to look into your soul. I am sure that you really thought that posting the link with the phrase "not much to look at" would lead to a series of comments from the TSW community commenting on her sterling character and general respect for her and for women in general. Because that is how such threads always turn out....


We obviously have very different theological visions, which is cool with me, though your last two sentences abdicating responsibility for a discussion you chose to start do bring to mind a comment from one of my favorite theological commentators: "Isn't that convenient?" :lol:


Be that as it may, I wish you and all fellow Bills fans well. Heck, I even wish non-Bills fans well.


Carry on!

I wasn't really thinking about other actions or what they would post friend, just stating an opinion. It's cool. I know that I don't always do everything right or think things through all the time. Judgement on this one wasn't that great, but no one's perfect, especially me :wallbash:

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just ask William Jefferson Clinton.

That boy has some serious permanent beer goggles, considering Hillary, Paula Jones, and Monica Lewinsky. Gennifer Flowers was a step up for Clinton. I'm sure if Slick Willy had been at Tahoe, he would have been all over Ben's girl too.

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In a civil suite I would have to say unless their is more evidence than her word against his I would with no doubt find big ben innocent. There is no way that an NFL QB who isn't a ugly guy is going to sexually assault that thing when there are all sorts of women who are much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much hotter are throwing themselves at him.


Like I said unless there is a good piece of evidence that implicates Big Ben than my sexist mind can't see a Guy like Ben Rothlisberger forcing himself on that girl. To me this is just a money grab by that women to see if she will get paid to go away.

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After reading the overwhelming number of articles and blogs and posts in support of Ben's innocence*, as well as all of the horrendously disparaging posts about her, and then reading that she has a history of obvious mental imbalances........ I'm gonna guess that he did exactly as she says he did. Chicks like that always become the victims.




* My absolute favorite is this one:

"I went to super bowl 43 and i saw that winning touchdown up close, and iv even meet big ben in real life and he is a really cool guy, and i one am for sure that someone as nice and cool as ben would never do such a thing to anyone, espically someone he doesnt even know. She is just a gold digger and wants to acuse him and get a quick buck, i mean honestly if she wasnt just trying to just get money she would also file a criminal complaint and try to get him in jail to it makes no sense!!

Posted on TMZ.com at 7:31PM on July 23rd 2009 by Pittsburg Fan"

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