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33 minute rice.

Damj: So, BLZFAN4LIFE, how could it take you 33 minutes to cook your rice when it takes the entire rice eating world 15 minutes?

BLZFAN4LIFE: I don't know, I'm a slow cook I guess.

Damj: I'm sorry I was all the way over here I couldn't hear you did you say you were a slow cook, that's it?


Damj: Are we to believe that boiling water soaks into rice slower in your kitchen than anywhere else on the face of the earth?

BLZFAN4LIFE: I don't know.

Damj: Well, I guess the laws of physics cease to exist on top of your stove. Was this magic rice? Did you buy it from the same guy who sold Jack his beanstalk beans?


Wait ... I think we covered this movie yesterday ...


Damj: BLZFAN4LIFE, did you cook your rice in 15 minutes?!?

Steely Dan: You don’t have to answer that question!

BLZFAN4LIFE: I'll answer the question!

[to Damj]

BLZFAN4LIFE: You want answers?

Damj: I think I'm entitled.

BLZFAN4LIFE: You want answers?

Damj: I want the truth!

BLZFAN4LIFE: You can’t handle the truth!

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