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Rethinking the GM bailout...

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Am I to imply by this post that if I watch FoxNews/Drudge then I would be thinking for myself? This is how your wording makes it sound. Either watch Fox/Drudge or rely on others to make up my mind for me. Yes, ok.


You seem to know exactly what's on Drudge/Fox. So you're either watching it for yourself and basing your negative opinion on first hand knowledge of what you see. Or you are basing your negative opinion on the negative opinions (or assumptions) of others

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You seem to know exactly what's on Drudge/Fox. So you're either watching it for yourself and basing your negative opinion on first hand knowledge of what you see. Or you are basing your negative opinion on the negative opinions (or assumptions) of others

Sure... the usual pattern goes..


First I see an item on here, and everyone's the majority (there, happy Chef?) position lines up exactly with Fox. It will enrage me because the position held makes no logical sense.

Then a few days later TDS will mock Fox's commentary on said news item, and put into words what I am usually unable to do properly.

Edited by conner
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Sure... the usual pattern goes..


First I see an item on here, and everyone's the majority (there, happy Chef?) position lines up exactly with Fox. It will enrage me because the position held makes no logical sense.

Then a few days later TDS will mock Fox's commentary on said news item, and put into words what I am usually unable to do properly.


Oh, so you watch Fox all the time?

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Does anyone else see the irony in all this?


So Conner accuses others of getting their talking points from Breitbart and Drudge and then goes on to suggest that you're not able to think for yourselves.


Really? Specially coming from the PPP board idiot who links Media Matters, TPM and Crooks and Liars as his main sources of news, and never ever ever has an original thought, that is just absolutely rich :doh::lol:


How do you get by in life? No really, how do you do it? You aren't bright enough to do anything that requires any level of critical thinking, I think that goes without saying. I mean are you pressing buttons with pictures of food on them as a living? I just want to know...

Edited by Magox
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Does anyone else see the irony in all this?


So Conner accuses others of getting their talking points from Breitbart and Drudge and then goes on to suggest that you're not able to think for yourselves.


Really? Specially coming from the PPP board idiot who links Media Matters, TPM and Crooks and Liars as his main sources of news, and never ever ever has an original thought, that is just absolutely rich :doh::lol:


How do you get by in life? No really, how do you do it? You aren't bright enough to do anything that requires any level of critical thinking, I think that goes without saying. I mean are you pressing buttons with pictures of food on them as a living? I just want to know...


99.9999% of people have never had a meaningful original thought, we are really arguing about the value of our derivative sources- and I'm not making this up I read it somewhere.

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99.9999% of people have never had a meaningful original thought, we are really arguing about the value of our derivative sources- and I'm not making this up I read it somewhere.

I could go along with that, then I'll just chalk him up as a copy and paste thinker who most of the time misinterprets what he copies.

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Sure... the usual pattern goes..


First I see an item on here, and everyone's the majority (there, happy Chef?) position lines up exactly with Fox. It will enrage me because the position held makes no logical sense.

Then a few days later TDS will mock Fox's commentary on said news item, and put into words what I am usually unable to do properly.

Please give us an example of what you're talking about; more specifically, show us a single item here where there is (1) a story from FOX that also includes (2) a majority of the people here specifically "lining up" with that story being reported by Fox, but (3) where the position makes complete logical sense to a majority of the people here, but not to you. Please also explain WHY you are seemingly the only person for whom the story makes no logical sense. Please be specific, and do not reply with your standard link(s) to some obscure source like Bill Nye or Media Matters.


Take all the time you need to fill in these blanks.


We'll wait.


And wait.

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Please give us an example of what you're talking about; more specifically, show us a single item here where there is (1) a story from FOX that also includes (2) a majority of the people here specifically "lining up" with that story being reported by Fox, but (3) where the position makes complete logical sense to a majority of the people here, but not to you. Please also explain WHY you are seemingly the only person for whom the story makes no logical sense. Please be specific, and do not reply with your standard link(s) to some obscure source like Bill Nye or Media Matters.


Take all the time you need to fill in these blanks.


We'll wait.


And wait.


1970 to 2010 - LABillzFan comments on NPR funding: (crickets)


October 21, 2010 - Bill O'Reilly: "We’re going to make a big deal out of this on The Factor. Immediate suspension of every taxpayer dollar going into the National Public Radio outfit. We’re going to get legislation. We’re going to freeze it down, so they don’t get any more money. This is outrageous."


October 22, 2010 - LABillsFan: "Defund NPR, let it compete on it's own"



That thread is filled with you folks just parroting what you heard on Fox News. 15 pages, one of the longer threads on this forum.


The Daily show goes on to completely mock how an NPR staffing decision becomes the biggest news story in the country. Bigger than the war, bigger than Chilean miners, bigger than anything. Fox itself is covering this "story" nonstop, top to bottom, and it's just plain ridiculous. A radio station staffing decision.





A !@#$ing radio station staffing decision.

Edited by conner
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The difference between conner and I

Using a specific piece of this topic, GM bond holders getting screwed...because they did.


Conner: won't even be aware of whether they did or not, and why, until he stumbles upon a link on Media Matters that tells him emphatically that they did not get screwed, or, it doesn't matter that they got screwed because they are "rich people" and the union people are more important anyway. Now he is for it, but he had no real idea why.


Me: First of all, unlike conner, I know what a bond is, and I also know that the integrity of the tool is important, and the Feds have seriously undermined that integrity. Because I took business law, I also understand the serious implications of allowing the Federal government to break contracts without due process. I know that stealing/devaluing people's assets and removing any legal remedy they might seek is setting a precedent that undermines our legal system, and the strength of contracts. Also, I took business policy, accounting, finance, and have been working in the start-up/second round arena for the last 12 years, so I know the difference between a good business model and a bad one. Now, I am against it, because I know that propping up a failing business model is not worth destroying the confidence we have in our financial tools. Tools that I hope to be using going forward. Nor is it worth casting doubt on the strength of contracts. As small business, the only protection and remedy we have is our contracts.


The difference is clear:

all I need for my opinion is a single hard news story, or it being mentioned by Fox, Drudge, etc., that makes me aware that this is happening, and I take care of the rest.

conner's only input into his position is: "I better check the index page of Media Matters 2 times a day".


But yeah, conner, go ahead and keep trying to sell the lie that the only difference between me and you is that I get everything I post from Fox/Drudge, etc, and you get everything from Huffington Post :rolleyes:


Oh, and ..lybob? I am proudly making a living as one of the 00.0001%. I am right, again. :lol:

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Are you trying to say GM would still exist without the bailout?


Really though, I thought you people were all made about the "big government control over corporations" or something. And also I thought you were mad about the "big government" giving away money to GM. Also I thought you were mad at "Obama is a soshalist" lie. Now that GM is selling shares again, and federal control is being reduced, this really puts a black eye on the "Obama is a soshulist" lie.

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Are you trying to say GM would still exist without the bailout?


Really though, I thought you people were all made about the "big government control over corporations" or something. And also I thought you were mad about the "big government" giving away money to GM. Also I thought you were mad at "Obama is a soshalist" lie. Now that GM is selling shares again, and federal control is being reduced, this really puts a black eye on the "Obama is a soshulist" lie.

First and foremost I am saying: my positions are mine, because I thought them up myself, and your positions aren't yours, because you have proven you aren't capable of thinking them up yourself.


I am also saying that: the process of bailing out GM is not worth any damage done to our contract law system. It is the only thing that keeps "evil corporate America" in check, and if you truly believe they are evil, then you cannot support what happened to the GM bond holders. In effect you are saying: "it doesn't matter what it says on that piece of paper, I can do whatever I want". IF the government does it, then, sooner or later, corps will do it too, using the same legal precedent. What happens if a corporation, or even GM, suddenly decides to cancel it's contract with the union? You will have nobody to blame but the Obama administration....but of course you will try to blame me...or DC_Tom, or LA.... :rolleyes:


But you can't be aware of the unintended consequences, because you aren't familiar with the material.


1970 to 2010 - LABillzFan comments on NPR funding: (crickets)


October 21, 2010 - Bill O'Reilly: "We’re going to make a big deal out of this on The Factor. Immediate suspension of every taxpayer dollar going into the National Public Radio outfit. We’re going to get legislation. We’re going to freeze it down, so they don’t get any more money. This is outrageous."


October 22, 2010 - LABillsFan: "Defund NPR, let it compete on it's own"



That thread is filled with you folks just parroting what you heard on Fox News. 15 pages, one of the longer threads on this forum.


The Daily show goes on to completely mock how an NPR staffing decision becomes the biggest news story in the country. Bigger than the war, bigger than Chilean miners, bigger than anything. Fox itself is covering this "story" nonstop, top to bottom, and it's just plain ridiculous. A radio station staffing decision.





A !@#$ing radio station staffing decision.

The entire country was against the decision, and the decision was reported on by every single major media outlet.


Seriously? These turds are trying to un-fire the Juan Williams howitzers that went off...now? This is a waste of their time, and they are only going to be scoffed at or ignored. So this lamedick attempt to marginalize this story, and try to make it about Fox fails to meet LABillz requirement because everybody reported on it, and fails in general. It's just a whole lot of fail.


Also, since 80% of the country was against williams getting fired, MOST people disagree with you, which also fails LA's requirements.

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An interesting read.

The bankruptcy courts rubber-stamped a reorganization plan designed by Obama's "Team Auto" officials such as Steven Rattner that disregarded two centuries of bankruptcy precedent to massively favor the United Auto Workers over bondholders. As a result, according to several prominent business academics, the cost of capital will likely experience a significant rise for all U.S. businesses and entrepreneurs who wish to form new firms.

In what probably was one of the most shameful moments of his administration, President Obama demagogued
GM bondholders and Chrysler secured lenders as "a group of investment firms and hedge funds … who held out while everybody else made sacrifices." First off, even hedge fund managers — such as Obama supporter and progressive benefactor George Soros — have the right to have valid contracts enforced. This is America, after all, and we still have the rule of law here.

What's good for GM is...

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Are you trying to say GM would still exist without the bailout?


Of COURSE it would, Conner. This is why you're mocked here ALL THE DAMN TIME. Half the time, you don't have the first clue about what you're railing about; the other half, you only have such a rudimentary understanding of what soundbite you just listened to that you post links that refute your own argument.


What do you think happens in a bankruptcy, Conner? Do you think that the buildings, machinery, equipment and office supplies just disappear? Do you think GM would just have 'stopped'?


Do you have the first clue about what bankruptcy courts do and what the process is? Do you even know what your side of the argument was?

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1970 to 2010 - LABillzFan comments on NPR funding: (crickets)


October 21, 2010 - Bill O'Reilly: "We’re going to make a big deal out of this on The Factor. Immediate suspension of every taxpayer dollar going into the National Public Radio outfit. We’re going to get legislation. We’re going to freeze it down, so they don’t get any more money. This is outrageous."


October 22, 2010 - LABillsFan: "Defund NPR, let it compete on it's own"


That's a particularly lazy example in that using THAT story as an example is like saying everyone is parroting the news by running around telling everyone that tomorrow it will be sunny with a high in the low 70s. But given your love of the lazy, I'll grant you that example. However, you still need to provide the third portion of my request, which is to explain why you believe that defunding NPR makes no logical sense. At what point does that logic escape you?

Edited by LABillzFan
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