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Six consecutive years where you just plain suck on offense


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At the start of the NFL season last year, Bill’s fans probably started thinking that Steve Fairchild was just a bad dream. Presumably, Turk Schonert was the anti-Fairchild. He would finally take advantage of player’s strengths and put the offense in a position to win. But then after starting 5-1 in 2008, the Bills offense disappeared; failing to score any touchdowns during three of their last five games on their way to yet another 7-9 year.


Was the great start a fluke against teams weaker than the Bills or did they just get lucky? Why is it that this organization has been unable to field a team capable of climbing out of the bottom of the league on offense (finishing no better than 25th) during the three years under Jauron and the three years before him? Six consecutive years where you just plain suck on offense and with no improvement?


Instead of playing to win, the current staff plays not to lose and the result is a well-documented and tortured run of three straight years below .500. Equally puzzling is the inability to come up with a successful game plan and effectively adjust that plan during game days. So why stick with this coaching staff? As if this group, which is so conservative and predictable, will finally be able to come up with a plan to beat NE and the rest of the AFC East foes – if they are brought back for year 4?


Why? Because Bill’s fans sell out the stadium…. loyal fans with no other game in town are seemingly content to be sheep for Russ Brandon’s marketing slaughter.

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loyal fans with no other game in town are seemingly content to be sheep for Russ Brandon’s marketing slaughter.

Do you suppose he has a formula? Toss in one big name, add several second tier FAs, draft anyone (fans are suckers for the draft) and presto chango the fan base is placated?

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Why? Because Bill’s fans sell out the stadium…. loyal fans with no other game in town are seemingly content to be sheep for Russ Brandon’s marketing slaughter.


First, please post more often.


Second, I think everyone understands the NFL is a business and teams want to make money, particularly the big boys. But the gap between making money and winning has grown in Buffalo. The decision to retain DJ, when most of the fan base had seen enough, is emblematic of this entire franchise. Brandon does not have the full power to hire and fire coaches, nor can he control much else. His responsibilities are essentially limited to being a face for the 90 year old owner. They spent little this off-season on players. Owens is on a one year deal, Hangartner reportedly signed for 10M over 4 years, Fitzpatrick is a backup QB, Florence signed for 2 years 7M, Rhodes didn't receive a huge deal, and neither did Pat Thomas.


In effect, when a lot of fans figured Buffalo would need to go big in UFA to appease the fans, they did very little. Even the Owens signing, which I still love, is really not big money wise.

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Its pretty simple...the quarterbacks have sucked.


Last year, for 6 games, we actually got good quarterback play...and voila! The offense was good! Yay!


Then when Losman played like a clown and Edwards curled up in the fetal position the rest of the year, things looked a whole lot different.

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Do you suppose he has a formula? Toss in one big name, add several second tier FAs, draft anyone (fans are suckers for the draft) and presto chango the fan base is placated?


You get it. I'll expand that thought a bit further.


The NFL is about making money. While there are a few owners that have a passion to compete and win championships, the other 80% don't care about that.... they just want to make buck... and that includes Ralph Wilson.


Wilson promoted Russ Brandon for one reason and one reason only... to make him some cash... quickly. Russ' area of expertise is marketing, and he knows that this game is marketed to the 14-35 year old male demographic. They are fresh, don't have the football intelligence of someone that has watched the game for 30-40 years, and can be "snowed". The other demographic was the Toronto or Canadian fan base that they wanted to expand. The 20K or so fans from the Toronto area that regularly attend the games was not Russ' target... he already had them in his pocket. So, Russ had fresh meat to work with as well in that demographic...


So, Russ' job is to create "top of mind awareness" of the Bills. Bringing in his new circus act, TO, does that. TO brought the Bills several national TV games this coming season. If the Bills don't bring in TO, they are lucky to get one. The demographic that I alluded to doesn't get jacked by watching the Bills... they are boring (just like their coach). But add TO and that gets everyone's attention (both demographics), because "I've heard of him" and he is "showtime"... at least in his prime.


Russ knew he had to sell tix. He couldn't build a winner because 1) he doesn't know how to (he's a marketing guy), 2) building a winner takes time anyway... time that he doesn't have, and 3) He has a loser for a HC and he couldn't bring a team of prow bowlers to the SB. So, the next best thing was to snow those two new fresh demographics.... and increase ticket sales. So far it has worked.

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I think the one main reason for our decline last year after game six was Trent Edwards and other QB play. It was the worst I've ever seen. Maybe O.C. had something to do with it, but Trent looked terrified out there, and absolutely unwilling to throw the ball. Deer in the headlights. No other team could've won with that kind of QB play. Let's hope it doesn't happen again, or, it if does, they see the signs quick and substitute.

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The Bills had their best offense in a LONG time last year.
Like the loss to the 49ers last year, the only teams the Bills beat were LOSERS,besides Chargers and Broncos.


Buffalo's offense was so easy to figure out, double cover Lee Evans and put 8 in the box to stop Lynch and Jackson and its a win.


The Bills didn't win those seven game with spectacular play calling, Trent Edwards pulled out losses with really great comebacks on the Rams,Raiders and Jags and he outplayed Phillip Rivers and Jay Cutler to beat the Broncos and the Chargers.

Not to mention that Lynch and Jackson were usually met at the line and managed to gain yards carrying defenders along the way.


The coaching staff choked hard last season, 5-1 and then went 2-8 and were completly SWEPT in the division...

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Like the loss to the 49ers last year, the only teams the Bills beat were LOSERS,besides Chargers and Broncos.


Buffalo's offense was so easy to figure out, double cover Lee Evans and put 8 in the box to stop Lynch and Jackson and its a win.


The Bills didn't win those seven game with spectacular play calling, Trent Edwards pulled out losses with really great comebacks on the Rams,Raiders and Jags and he outplayed Phillip Rivers and Jay Cutler to beat the Broncos and the Chargers.

Not to mention that Lynch and Jackson were usually met at the line and managed to gain yards carrying defenders along the way.


The coaching staff choked hard last season, 5-1 and then went 2-8 and were completly SWEPT in the division...

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Finally intelligent remarks on this web site. It's refreshing to respond to remarks that aren't made by cheerleaders. The Bills , I'm afraid will leave the ranks of medorocity to joins the ranks of the Lions. They haven't done much to really improve this team. T.O. is on the down of his career and is the only FA who was an established starter in the NFL. The OL is in shambles with no anchor, we still have Kelsey and Ellison as starters, we have no NFL T.E., we have a joke for a coaching staff and no General Manager.. Free agents only come here for leverage, to get paid more than their worth, or because no one wants them.. But I know after 3-13 this year, Buffalo sheep fans will praise next year's draft and love signing other F.A.'s no one wants..

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Finally intelligent remarks on this web site. It's refreshing to respond to remarks that aren't made by cheerleaders. The Bills , I'm afraid will leave the ranks of medorocity to joins the ranks of the Lions. They haven't done much to really improve this team. T.O. is on the down of his career and is the only FA who was an established starter in the NFL. The OL is in shambles with no anchor, we still have Kelsey and Ellison as starters, we have no NFL T.E., we have a joke for a coaching staff and no General Manager.. Free agents only come here for leverage, to get paid more than their worth, or because no one wants them.. But I know after 3-13 this year, Buffalo sheep fans will praise next year's draft and love signing other F.A.'s no one wants..


You can't get more miserable than this. A LAMP post if I've ever saw one.

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