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If we were to win the super bowl...

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Would winning the super bowl help us stay in Buffalo, or become more of an incentive for us to move? Anybody know why it would be more one than the other?


Thanks. Discuss.


I couldnt say either way but it sure would releave alot of the fans anquish of losing 4 in a row to finally say we won one. I would like to experience that just once with this team.

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Would winning the super bowl help us stay in Buffalo, or become more of an incentive for us to move? Anybody know why it would be more one than the other?


Thanks. Discuss.


I feel bad for saying this, but it would definitely make it less depressing when they move if they won a Super Bowl before it happened. Just sayin.

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When does a NFL team win the SB and move?? You can charge more for the tickets if you field a winning team, especially a SB champion team. Winning it all keeps the team in Buffalo, let's do it.

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when the bills win the super bowl, no one will care. the city of buffalo will be in ruins and everyone will be in jail. but god it will be worth it. at least i know ill break some sh*t and wake up in jail.

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When does a NFL team win the SB and move?? You can charge more for the tickets if you field a winning team, especially a SB champion team. Winning it all keeps the team in Buffalo, let's do it.


Oakland Raiders. Twice.


Baltimore Colts


Here's a tip: the NFL didn't start on the day you were born.

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Would winning the super bowl help us stay in Buffalo, or become more of an incentive for us to move? Anybody know why it would be more one than the other?


Thanks. Discuss.

No effect at all. The next owner will determine if it is financially feasible to stay in Buffalo.

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Does anyone else think that if the Bills won the SB that on air personalities would hate us even more? Hear me out, some will give us credit but people like Marshall Faulk and co. would probably say it was a fluke and predict us to miss the playoffs the next year. Anyone agree with me? Like really, I know we all hate the Pats. But how many of us really started hating them when they started winning SB's.

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Does anyone else think that if the Bills won the SB that on air personalities would hate us even more? Hear me out, some will give us credit but people like Marshall Faulk and co. would probably say it was a fluke and predict us to miss the playoffs the next year. Anyone agree with me? Like really, I know we all hate the Pats. But how many of us really started hating them when they started winning SB's.

If the Bills win a SB, I doubt I would care what anyone would think.

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Would winning the super bowl help us stay in Buffalo, or become more of an incentive for us to move? Anybody know why it would be more one than the other?


Thanks. Discuss.


I'm sure this is wrong to say, but that would be the only situation in which I would be okay for the Bills to move. No matter what happens, if they move, it wouldn't be our Bills. And honestly, if they won, it would almost feel like the perfect time to walk away.


It doesn't matter though. Cause if they were to win it, I would jump in front of a bus as I would have nothing left to live for.

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when the bills win the super bowl, no one will care. the city of buffalo will be in ruins and everyone will be in jail. but god it will be worth it. at least i know ill break some sh*t and wake up in jail.



If the Boston Fag Sox can win the world series we sure the hell can win the super bowl.



I tried breaking down both of those posts but my head started to hurt.

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