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I Wonder Where All The Russ Brandon And The FO Sucks

Russ Brandon and the FO  

149 members have voted

  1. 1. My opinion of Russ Brandon right now is that...

    • I still think he sucks and they need a better GM.
    • I feel better about him now but I'm still not convinced.
    • I'm sold on him.
    • I've always thought he was a wise choice and now he's proving it.

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I don't recall that. But in your defense, I don't consider him a real GM either with real GM powers. I'm not even sure he has the power to fire the coach (although I also doubt that the Bills would publicly admit that). The consensus approach of the Bills these days sounds good sometimes but to me, it stinks, and what we need is a GM that is a real GM who knows what he is doing with pro and college personnel, the cap, and how to hire/fire coaches. The problem is, there aren't that many around.


Bills promote Brandon to GM-like job

Article 12 of 12 found.

Published on January 13, 2008


746{WORDCNT:-0} words



It's official: The Buffalo Bills are staying in-house.


Russ Brandon, the sales and marketing wizard who has helped put the Bills on sound financial footing over the past 11 years, has been promoted to chief operating officer, the team announced Saturday.


Brandon has run all business operations for the team the past two years as executive vice president of business operations.


Now he will oversee the day-to-day operations of both the business and football sides of the ...


Can't see the whole article, because you have to pay for it. Again, IIRC, the stink was there was not going to be a designated official "GM", a guy with the full power of that one position. They were dividing the power up.

Apparently, they decided to keep the label.

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Can't see the whole article, because you have to pay for it. Again, IIRC, the stink was there was not going to be a designated official "GM", a guy with the full power of that one position. They were dividing the power up.

Apparently, they decided to keep the label.


I guess, although it could very well have been when they decided this year to keep Jauron and upped the titles of Modrak to VP or whatever he is. They may have added that GM title on the end of Brandon's.


You were basically right in theory, because he not only doesn't have the power of a GM, but who the hell ever puts the bigger title on the end, as in "Chief Operating Officer/GM?"


I guess only the Bills, who don't want him to be their GM.

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It's too early to give a grade to Russ Brandon, but the two drafts prior to this year really don't look so bad:



Leodis McKelvin

James Hardy

Chris Ellis

Reggie Corner

Derek Fine

Alvin Bowen

Xavier Omon

Demetrius Bell

Steve Johnson

Kennard Cox (now w/Jaguars)



Marshawn Lynch

Paul Posluszny

Trent Edwards

Dwayne Wright (now w/Giants)

John Wendling

Derek Schouman

CJ Ah You (now w/Rams)


I think we need to see something very soon from Chris Ellis since he was a 3rd-rounder. I think we have a lot of guys with a lot of upside -- Demetrius Bell, Steve Johnson, Reggie Corner, hopefully Hardy. Alvin Bowen was impressive before injuring his knee, so he's still an unknown. I think Schouman showed some flashes. Wendling has done well. Lynch, Posluszny (still must remember that he missed most of 1st season), McKelvin all look like very solid picks. And, of course Trent Edwards. I still think this guy will be a star in this league and hopefully sooner. I don't know if Derek Fine will pan out or not, but I don't think he's had a lot of opportunity as of yet, so too early to say. Omon should improve, but just may fall victim to numbers.


Bottom line is too early to declare 2007 & 2008 drafts a success, but they don't look bad -- not at all. The Bills have done much, much worse. Maybe Modrak finally has more say than he has in the past. Maybe Donahoe and Levy trumped him on who he really wanted and maybe now that he has more say, things are panning out. Maybe it's Russ. I don't know, but collectively, they seem to be making intelligent decisions in recent drafts.

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I admit i was one of many who had the immediate knee jerk reaction of freaking out when Byrd was drafted and our plethera of late round DB's, but after a day or 2 and i have digested the draft more i am more satisfied with the way it panned out than initially.


i still dont like using our 2nd rounder on Byrd but it's not the worst thing they could have done.... time will tell when he gets on the field in the next 1-3 years if this was a good move or not so i am going to do my best to withhold furhter judement until he gets a shot at playing.

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It seems the majority of Bills fan's are very happy with the draft now. A lot of people were saying that the Bills needed a better GM than they have and yet the vast majority are happy with the draft.



If approx. 70% of the drafted guys pan out that will give Brandon his second successful draft in a row pending some injured guys to show us what they've got. A lot of people loved his draft last year too. They got McKelvin, Hardy, Ellis, Fine, Corner, Bell, Johnson and Omon to stick on the 53 man roster last year. The jury is out on Bowen. That's 8 out of 10 picks with one pick who was injured in TC so he at least batted 80% last year in his draft to improve the team.


He also traded for Marcus Stroud and got rid of the on field and in the locker room cancer JP. He signed TO, Dominic Rhodes, Hangartner and Ryan Fitzpatrick in the offseason. What's left open now is an OLB and LT. The OLB may have been addressed during the draft and the LT who's a solid starter may already be on the roster.


Overall I think he's done a B+ job since taking over last year.




What's your opinion?


Steely, giving Brandon, and the job he has done a B+ is pretty wimpy. It is your way of saying, he hasn't been awful (F), but he hasn't been great (A+)...so, like all these stupid draft report cards that keep popping up, a B+ says nothing. I will give him a pat on the back for the Stroud pickup, and as much as I loath the Terrell Owens signing, I will play along and pretend it is another good move. Is this draft supposed to make everyone feel all better about things? Its' a little early for that huh?


Let's go back to the 2006 draft. I think everyone felt (I know I did), like that draft, was a solid, if not spectaclar. It looked like the Bills had layed the groundwork for a strong nucleues to their defense, for the forseeable future. And we probably still had hope for that draft, until this offseason...but look at that draft of solid pickups now:


Rd 1- Donte Whitner- I am not going to say he is a bust, but he hasn't, in my mind anyways, solidified the safety position.

Rd 1- John McCargo- is it too early to rank this pick up there with Walt Patulski, Milke Williams and Erik Flowers as one of the worst first round picks in team history? Just 2.5 years into his pro career, he was traded, but sent back as damaged goods.

Rd 3- Ashton Youboty- a late starter in his career, who has shown some signs, but can't stay healthy enough to really make any kind of regular season impact.

Rd4- Ko Simpson- after showing some potential in his rookie season, his play has slipped noticeably. He has been rumored to be on the trading block. After the Bills DB shopping spree in this year draft, I wouldn't be shocked to see him waived at some point soon.

Rd5- Kyle Williams- basically, keeping a spot warm in the DT rotation. The thing he has going for him, he isn't as bad as #1 draft pick John McCargo

Rd6- Keith Ellison- a good special teamer, and depth at the linebacker position, nothing more. The fact that he has been starting for as long as he has, says something about the position...and it isn't good.

Rd7- Terrence Pennington- who?

Rd7- Aaron Merz- didn't make the sqaud


See what I am saying? I realize that 2008 was Brandon's first draft, but it is way too early to know how it will play out either. I am optimistic that he hit a home run with McKelvin (but that isn't a sure thing yet) and like to think of Steve Johnson as a diamond in the rough, but that is an unconfirmed hunch at this point. What else is there in that draft that makes you so giddy?


When it all comes down to it, I don't really call this "Brandon's draft". I am willing to bet that it is more Modraks' draft. However, whoever it is, I think you have to seperate the power triumverant (Brandon, Modrak and Guy) from the owner. My disenchantment with this franchise lies almost exclusively at his feet. Mr Wilson is asking Brandon, Modrak and Guy to run a team with one arm tied behind their back at all times. They would all have to be pretty great at their jobs, to succeed...we shall see if that is the case...time will tell. History doesn't bode well, though...

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I don't recall that. But in your defense, I don't consider him a real GM either with real GM powers. I'm not even sure he has the power to fire the coach (although I also doubt that the Bills would publicly admit that). The consensus approach of the Bills these days sounds good sometimes but to me, it stinks, and what we need is a GM that is a real GM who knows what he is doing with pro and college personnel, the cap, and how to hire/fire coaches. The problem is, there aren't that many around.


Like in the military, I think a pro franchise needs a hierarchy, and a general. The guy in charge hopefully does take a consensus approach on everything, until the final decision is made, by him. I really think it is dumb, for instance, to have a non-football guy Overdorf doing the negotiations. How is he supposed to know how much a player is worth? Sure, everyone is going to have their say in that but I don't trust Brandon to know because of his background, I really don't trust John Guy to know based on his record, I don't trust Dick Jauron to know based on how he approaches the game, and I surely don't trust Overdorf or Ralph to know. That's why, IMO, they overpay and underpay a lot more than they get it right.


I don't think there's a single GM in the NFL who can fire a HC without the owners approval. The same thing with hiring one. JMO

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It seems the majority of Bills fan's are very happy with the draft now. A lot of people were saying that the Bills needed a better GM than they have and yet the vast majority are happy with the draft.



If approx. 70% of the drafted guys pan out that will give Brandon his second successful draft in a row pending some injured guys to show us what they've got. A lot of people loved his draft last year too. They got McKelvin, Hardy, Ellis, Fine, Corner, Bell, Johnson and Omon to stick on the 53 man roster last year. The jury is out on Bowen. That's 8 out of 10 picks with one pick who was injured in TC so he at least batted 80% last year in his draft to improve the team.


He also traded for Marcus Stroud and got rid of the on field and in the locker room cancer JP. He signed TO, Dominic Rhodes, Hangartner and Ryan Fitzpatrick in the offseason. What's left open now is an OLB and LT. The OLB may have been addressed during the draft and the LT who's a solid starter may already be on the roster.


Overall I think he's done a B+ job since taking over last year.




What's your opinion?


So, the fact that all of those guys are still on the squad, but only two (McKelvin and Fine) really made any kind of real contribution, gives that draft an 80% rating? The jury is only still out on Bowen? You are easy to please. If you ever by an NFL team, I would love to work for you! :rolleyes: Does improving the team mean inmproving the talent on the roster, or assmbling a roster at a lower price?

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Steely, giving Brandon, and the job he has done a B+ is pretty wimpy. It is your way of saying, he hasn't been awful (F), but he hasn't been great (A+)...so, like all these stupid draft report cards that keep popping up, a B+ says nothing. I will give him a pat on the back for the Stroud pickup, and as much as I loath the Terrell Owens signing, I will play along and pretend it is another good move. Is this draft supposed to make everyone feel all better about things? Its' a little early for that huh?


Let's go back to the 2006 draft. I think everyone felt (I know I did), like that draft, was a solid, if not spectaclar. It looked like the Bills had layed the groundwork for a strong nucleues to their defense, for the forseeable future. And we probably still had hope for that draft, until this offseason...but look at that draft of solid pickups now:


Rd 1- Donte Whitner- I am not going to say he is a bust, but he hasn't, in my mind anyways, solidified the safety position.

Rd 1- John McCargo- is it too early to rank this pick up there with Walt Patulski, Milke Williams and Erik Flowers as one of the worst first round picks in team history? Just 2.5 years into his pro career, he was traded, but sent back as damaged goods.

Rd 3- Ashton Youboty- a late starter in his career, who has shown some signs, but can't stay healthy enough to really make any kind of regular season impact.

Rd4- Ko Simpson- after showing some potential in his rookie season, his play has slipped noticeably. He has been rumored to be on the trading block. After the Bills DB shopping spree in this year draft, I wouldn't be shocked to see him waived at some point soon.

Rd5- Kyle Williams- basically, keeping a spot warm in the DT rotation. The thing he has going for him, he isn't as bad as #1 draft pick John McCargo

Rd6- Keith Ellison- a good special teamer, and depth at the linebacker position, nothing more. The fact that he has been starting for as long as he has, says something about the position...and it isn't good.

Rd7- Terrence Pennington- who?

Rd7- Aaron Merz- didn't make the sqaud


See what I am saying? I realize that 2008 was Brandon's first draft, but it is way too early to know how it will play out either. I am optimistic that he hit a home run with McKelvin (but that isn't a sure thing yet) and like to think of Steve Johnson as a diamond in the rough, but that is an unconfirmed hunch at this point. What else is there in that draft that makes you so giddy?


When it all comes down to it, I don't really call this "Brandon's draft". I am willing to bet that it is more Modraks' draft. However, whoever it is, I think you have to seperate the power triumverant (Brandon, Modrak and Guy) from the owner. My disenchantment with this franchise lies almost exclusively at his feet. Mr Wilson is asking Brandon, Modrak and Guy to run a team with one arm tied behind their back at all times. They would all have to be pretty great at their jobs, to succeed...we shall see if that is the case...time will tell. History doesn't bode well, though...


A B+ is wimpy? He's done a much better than average job and he doesn't exactly suck either. It's a grading scale that shows more than sucks/perfect. I don't know why you have an issue with that.


What I'm pointing out is that the Brandon haters didn't come out after the draft and rant about how the Bills need to get a "real" GM. It would look foolish for them to do that just after a good "paper" draft. I'm saying that they don't recognize things are being done pretty well so far and there is very little evidence for their hatred. In fact there is more evidence he's doing well. JMO

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Newsflash Brainless Bill: The Bills sucked LONG before Jauron came to Buffalo. You cannot surround a guy with inferior players and then expect him to beat teams that have all the pieces in place. It doesn't work that way. It has nothing to do with Dick Jauron. It has everything to do with how the Bills continue to trade away their top talent every time a guy wants to be compensated competitively. So stop blaming it on Jauron. Give the man the pieces with which to win, and then if he fails to do so you can criticize him. But as of yet he has never had a team that could be expected to compete, and until he does, any criticism of him by idiot fans like you is nothing more than brainless thoughtless banter.



Your unnecessary personal attack on one of this board's most respected posters makes you a douche bag!

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Like in the military, I think a pro franchise needs a hierarchy, and a general. The guy in charge hopefully does take a consensus approach on everything, until the final decision is made, by him. I really think it is dumb, for instance, to have a non-football guy Overdorf doing the negotiations. How is he supposed to know how much a player is worth? Sure, everyone is going to have their say in that but I don't trust Brandon to know because of his background, I really don't trust John Guy to know based on his record, I don't trust Dick Jauron to know based on how he approaches the game, and I surely don't trust Overdorf or Ralph to know. That's why, IMO, they overpay and underpay a lot more than they get it right.


The military example carries a lot of weight in this case.


I think the best run franchises delegate all football decisions to football people. New England, Pittsburgh, Indianapolis, San Diego, and the NY Giants all have de facto GM's who make moves. I'm sure on big dollar moves the owner is involved, but on draft day it's the GM who has all the say.


The thing I hate about consensus is that it involves compromising. There's simply no reason why an experienced personnel man should compromise his mindset opinion with someone else. I know people like Polian and Belichick aren't establishing consensus and trying to accommodate everyone. They listen and make the decision, and are confident because they've been right so often.


Because we do not know who has final say, I can't call any draft "Brandon's draft." For all we know, Modrak has one take, Jauron another, and Brandon yet another. You cannot learn how to handle NFL personnel in two seasons as a quasi-GM. It takes years of working either as a scout, in pro personnel, or amateur scouting. Just like no one commands an Army or Marine Division. The skills necessary to lead and prepare take many years to learn.


Awesome post KFBD.

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