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Record Flooding in North Dakota - where's Obama?

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So what do you expect the President to do? Show up and fill sandbags?


You wingnuts slam the President for "doing nothing", which it turns out isn't true. Do you think doing something is free?


Sending troops - $$$

Sending national guard - $$$

Sending food - $$$

Sending water - $$$





How about you brilliant people explaining to the rest of us how you deal with a disaster WITHOUT SPENDING A DIME?


Yeah. Let's hear it.



Maybe take the money from volcano monitoring...?

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The Red River flows north... Quite problematic when the ice is gorged further north where it is in essence a bit colder...


This area always floods... It would be like the Feds giving money to BFLO for taking care of the snow. Hey, that is a novel idea... :censored::blush:


Have the fire trucks fill your basement with CLEAN water and be on your way.

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The Red River flows north... Quite problematic when the ice is gorged further north where it is in essence a bit colder...


This area always floods... It would be like the Feds giving money to BFLO for taking care of the snow. Hey, that is a novel idea... :thumbsup::nana:


Have the fire trucks fill your basement with CLEAN water and be on your way.

There are always hurricanes in the Gulf region. Why isn't the messiah in North Dakota helping put sand in the the bags? Why isn't the NG, FEMA, HHS, someone there helping all those thousands of people? Can these folks loot the local Best Buy and get away with it? Why don't they all just hunker down in a sports complex, killing and raping each other?

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We see people post that they want LESS government, then we see people post that they want more government before "a possible" flood.


What about Florida from June through November? Or Oklahoma and Kansas year round for Tornadoes, or California for wild fires, earth quakes and mud slides..... etc etc etc

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Oh and by the way


North Dakota has been declared a federal disaster zone as the rising Red River continues to cause statewide flooding.


North Dakota Gov. John Hoeven said the declaration, announced early Wednesday by U.S. President Barack Obama, means the federal government will pay 75 per cent of state and local government costs to fight the flood.

Officials are getting ready to tell people in Fargo to evacuate. Pay extra close attention, and let's see if the good folks from the great state of North Dakota are somehow smarter than the good folks from the great state of LOU-zee-ana 9 (sic) and actually heed the words "Your lives are in danger. Please leave."


But if not, it's okay. We'll just print more money.

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I'd argue it's used mostly for comedic affect. Is it the same as !@#$ in that white people are allowed to say it but others aren't? Personally, words are just words and those who take offense to a word (and not the tone/connotation behind it) are strung a bit too tightly.


"Get the !@#$ out of here, you !@#$ing cracker."


Yeah....my wife thought that was a real hoot when some of her black students said that to her.

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There are always hurricanes in the Gulf region. Why isn't the messiah in North Dakota helping put sand in the the bags? Why isn't the NG, FEMA, HHS, someone there helping all those thousands of people? Can these folks loot the local Best Buy and get away with it? Why don't they all just hunker down in a sports complex, killing and raping each other?


Ya! Why isn't he in BFLO helping with snow removal!



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