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Westboro Church to protest at Flight 3407 memorials


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For events the Westboro Church is likely to protest, but which these patriot riders are less likely to attend, how about a mass human shield made of homosexuals, transvestites and transgender persons, dressed in their full glory (maybe some bondage gear...leather is always a nice touch), to trow kisses and sprinkle glitter on the protesters? <_<


For WNY, a brigade of SUV's filled with hockey players (amateur and professional) in full gear might do the trick.


Full gear except the skates right? Might make things tricky

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Full gear except the skates right? Might make things tricky


Indeed. Good catch.



Just jock straps (ala Slapshot).



Perfect! Not much different from my other suggestion, actually.

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THAT'S THEM!!! I just couldn't think of the name.


As a side note, I ran into a group of them later on that summer at a local watering hole after playing golf (me golfing, not them) I sent over a couple pitchers of beer and soda and told them thanks for what they did at my neighbor's funeral.


It still gives me chills to think about driving out of the cemetary that day and seeing them all lined up along the perimeter.


Better men, I'm not sure I've met yet.



Good for you and good for them ... should you run across them again I'd be happy to get you the money to buy them another round. A very noble and decent effort on their part.

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These people are f*cking with the wrong city. I can almost guarantee you one of them is going to get seriously hurt, possibly killed, and I really don't have much of a problem with that.




That's how messed up they are...it's the one time in my life I found myself sympathizing with Sean Hannity.



I have a feeling that Hannity wouldn't give a rat's ass about these idiots, if they were focusing their protests only at funerals of gay civilians, and weren't protesting the funerals of soldiers.


As you can see from the interview, there is no give and take here, this woman has no legitimate message she can discuss...she simply spouts her dogma without regard to the question asked. Even when given a chance to defend her groups actions, and make what they do seem legitimate, she simply continues to sound like a stupid fuc#tard, and let the world know hos stupid she is.

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(maybe some bondage gear...leather is always a nice touch)


If that damn Phil Leotardo hadn't a kilt 'im we could got Vito Spatafore, he knows plenty o' those types, all we would have to do is pay 'im in "Johnny Cakes!" :(


(I tried to keep it relevant Matty... I tried.) <_<

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While I despise everything these idiots stand for, and think they stretch the 1st Amendment to the limits, when they protest at these funerals, I don't think we really need to do anything, officially, about them. Every time they demonstrate, they make fools of themselves and let others know what idiots they are. People have a right to act like idiots, as long as they aren't violating the rights of others.


Now, I can understand a law limiting how close to the ceremony/church/grave/etc they can congregate, in order to keep the peace, but you can't stop morons from espousing their moronic beliefs.


Like Tom, I wouldn't cry if someone picked off a few of these subhumans with a high-powered rifle, or filled tranquilizer darts with the HIV virus and let loose on these scumbags. But, if someone gets caught doing this fine service, he/she will have to answer to authorities, IMO...and that's OK, too. Sometimes you have to take on for the team. Better yet, be smart about it, and don't get caught.

Lets hope they go out to some restaurant nearby---and they get slipped something that will cause them violent,chronic diarrhea.

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While I despise everything these idiots stand for, and think they stretch the 1st Amendment to the limits, when they protest at these funerals, I don't think we really need to do anything, officially, about them. Every time they demonstrate, they make fools of themselves and let others know what idiots they are. People have a right to act like idiots, as long as they aren't violating the rights of others.


Now, I can understand a law limiting how close to the ceremony/church/grave/etc they can congregate, in order to keep the peace, but you can't stop morons from espousing their moronic beliefs.


Like Tom, I wouldn't cry if someone picked off a few of these subhumans with a high-powered rifle, or filled tranquilizer darts with the HIV virus and let loose on these scumbags. But, if someone gets caught doing this fine service, he/she will have to answer to authorities, IMO...and that's OK, too. Sometimes you have to take on for the team. Better yet, be smart about it, and don't get caught.

What someone really needs to do is hand the keys to an 18 wheeler to a senior citizen who is no longer capable of driving & let him plow through the protesters like he would a storefront if he was behind the wheel of a car. Then we can hear another "I hit the gas instead of the brake" excuse & have something to rejoice over.

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I don't live in Buffalo anymore, or else I would do it myself...but I hope somebody organizes a group of people to make this protest doesn't happen. I'm not condoning actual physical violence (though it wouldn't break my heart), but if there is a group of baseball bat wielding folks present to make sure WBC knows they aren't welcome, it would be a service to the deceased and her family.

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I don't live in Buffalo anymore, or else I would do it myself...but I hope somebody organizes a group of people to make this protest doesn't happen. I'm not condoning actual physical violence (though it wouldn't break my heart), but if there is a group of baseball bat wielding folks present to make sure WBC knows they aren't welcome, it would be a service to the deceased and her family.


Screw baseball bats, I'd just like to see 100 times their number (not unrealistic, since they're nothing more than Phelps' extended family of thirty people) show up in counter-protest with "God Hates Westboro Batshit Church" signs.

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Youtube link where a satirist pretends to flirt with Phelps Jr.


Outstanding! I think I have seen that, before..but it is quite good.


That is the way they should be treated, IMO...Mocked!

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THAT'S THEM!!! I just couldn't think of the name.


As a side note, I ran into a group of them later on that summer at a local watering hole after playing golf (me golfing, not them) I sent over a couple pitchers of beer and soda and told them thanks for what they did at my neighbor's funeral.


It still gives me chills to think about driving out of the cemetary that day and seeing them all lined up along the perimeter.


Better men, I'm not sure I've met yet.



Bullpen - ran across this video of the Patriot Guard riders when I was doing a little research on the so called christians of the Westboro "church."


If the kind actions of the Patriot Guard do not put a lump in your throat and make you proud of what is good in this country nothing ever will. I know of nothing that any group of people could do to more honor the fallen service people of this country.


The video is not professionally made but at the same time it could not be more genuine in its content and message.


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I dont know if it was the same people but at a memorial service for the Fairport Angels in Rochester i saw people with signs saying things like "God Killed your Children" And other horrible things.


As someone who knew 4 of the 5 girls killed in that crash i was pretty upset by that


If my gf at the time hadnt held me back thed all be looking for a good plastic surgeon

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As a devout Christian, I appreciate these posts. I despise WBC as much as any of you do. The Phelps clan is very familiar with violence. Fred used to beat his wife and 13 (yes, 13) children.



Mike, I am no longer a Christian, but, anyone who judges Christianity by the actions of these lunatics is way off base. Any crazy moron, with hate in their heart, can find a way to use their religion (including Christianity) to justify that hate.

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Bullpen - ran across this video of the Patriot Guard riders when I was doing a little research on the so called christians of the Westboro "church."


If the kind actions of the Patriot Guard do not put a lump in your throat and make you proud of what is good in this country nothing ever will. I know of nothing that any group of people could do to more honor the fallen service people of this country.


The video is not professionally made but at the same time it could not be more genuine in its content and message.


Tha video made me so proud to be an american. if i could ride with those poeple i would. It must be great to truly live and fight for something greater than yourself and its something i want to be able to do someday.


God Bless America and God Bless the Patriot Guard Riders. True Heros

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Mike, I am no longer a Christian, but, anyone who judges Christianity by the actions of these lunatics is way off base. Any crazy moron, with hate in their heart, can find a way to use their religion (including Christianity) to justify that hate.

Thank you. I am a Christian, and I fear that too many people think these whack jobs are representative of what I stand for. As Mike said "all have sinned", so although I may believe that something someone does is wrong, I also believe that each individual is worthy of dignity and respect. A funeral is a time for dignity, respect, and to keep your mouth shut. I do not believe that you were correct in stating that Hannity would approve of these nitwits protesting funerals if they were the funerals of gay civilians. Although he is very much to the right, I think he understands that a funeral is never the place.

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