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Just saw Gran Torino


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I saw it last night at a free preview by the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival. I thought it was very well done and Clint Eastwood did a great job. I also laughed through many parts of the movie as he always had some new slur at every turn of the movie. Worth the money for sure.

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Clint seems to get more talented with age. He's always been a great actor, but now he acts, directs, writes, and even composes! He's getting long in the tooth, but I hope to see a lot more from the guy before he hangs it up.

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I get a good laugh at how he sounds like Batman most of the time in the ads on tv, but yeah, hopefully I'll get to check this one out. I almost never make it to theaters anymore, but this one has caught my attention.

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I saw it last night at a free preview by the Buffalo Niagara Film Festival. I thought it was very well done and Clint Eastwood did a great job. I also laughed through many parts of the movie as he always had some new slur at every turn of the movie. Worth the money for sure.

What exactly are you trying to say here????


Anyway, I definitely want to see this flick. I am sure Eastwood doesn't disappoint...

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  • 5 months later...
Good, but far from his best.

It really showed his acting and directing skills ... There's some talk that this might have been his last acting role ... if so, he'll have gone out on a high note, unlike some other Hollywood legends.

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Quite a funny movie until the end. If this is his last acting role Clint will go out on top. "Now get me another beer, dragon lady!"



I liked the part where he is the grumpy old man saying "Get off my lawn", only he is a bad-ass holding a rifle.

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Saw it Sunday night for free. Again, Eastwood was great. He has said that it's probably his last acting gig. He might direct a few more. Should have gotten the Oscar.

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Actually rented it and watched it last night. It was pretty good, IMO. It was funny to watch his brat granddaughter at the end. Makes you let out one of those "Nelson" laughs,

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