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Russia's latest rumor


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Has he not been president for the last 8 years? Is not the president largely in charge of foreign relations?


I know, I know. Constitution shmonstitution. Still, W looked deep into Putin's eyes and found love or whatever. I'm sure that checked Putin's aggression! Hahaha.

So the dude goes into iraq to stop them from getting WMDs. He gets tough with Iran, syria and NK to not get WMD's. And the lib lefties get their panties in a bunch.


Now you're saying he should have pressured Russia?


Are you on drugs?

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That's weird. I thought he wouldn't be sworn in until January. When did they change that?


Exactly, the dimwits who are trying to blame this on Obama are just grasping at straws and trying to divert attention away from the fact that Bush brought this on himself.


He put first in quotes.


The dimwits who think that countries wont see Obama as a sign of weakness are much much worse.

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So the dude goes into iraq to stop them from getting WMDs. He gets tough with Iran, syria and NK to not get WMD's. And the lib lefties get their panties in a bunch.


Now you're saying he should have pressured Russia?


Are you on drugs?

That's the paradox the left has lived in for the past eight years. No matter what, they were ALWAYS pointing their fugging fingers in Bush's face. Well, the tables are turned, and it's Obama's turn to be unable to any thing right. This president stuff isn't as fun as so many seem to think.

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Missiles near Polish border


Linky thingy.


Welcome to your "first" day on the job, Mr. President.


Wow, Kaliningrad is more than just near the Polish border. Suddenly, my nightmare scenario of an eastern resurrection of a post-Weimar scenario may not be so remote. Talk about ugly parallels.


Hey, Dwight Drane any more room left in the bunker?


For an ounce of gold, or 40 ounces of silver, you get 1 month in the Drane Hostel with all-u-can-eat Ramen Noodles, an air mattress and nightstand, 24 hour armed security, and a Happy Ending on the 15th of the month from a girl of different nationality every month.

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For an ounce of gold, or 40 ounces of silver, you get 1 month in the Drane Hostel with all-u-can-eat Ramen Noodles, an air mattress and nightstand, 24 hour armed security, and a Happy Ending on the 15th of the month from a girl of different nationality every month.


I think I can come up with that after I unload some of the CDOs in my portfolio.


As for others:


Steely - learn what " " are for.


Ukraine would not be a horrible place to base operations, if you know where Russia's warm weather fleet is based and where the central Asian oil & gas travels.

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I think I can come up with that after I unload some of the CDOs in my portfolio.


As for others:


Steely - learn what " " are for.


Ukraine would not be a horrible place to base operations, if you know where Russia's warm weather fleet is based and where the central Asian oil & gas travels.



Why would you say that at all "" or not? Explain what you meant then.

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Why would you say that at all "" or not? Explain what you meant then.


I thought it was simple, if there's going to be a global celebration of the President Elect's first day, there should also be recognition of the trouble he's going to face on his first day as President Elect.


So much for the theory of the informed electorate.

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I think he has people with a bit more international policy experience to consult with. Consult with Obama. :oops:

Even Eisenhower and Nixon talked to Kennedy about their Bay of Pigs proposal. Kennedy shouldn't have listened.


So who's the dumbass now.

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I thought it was simple, if there's going to be a global celebration of the President Elect's first day, there should also be recognition of the trouble he's going to face on his first day as President Elect.


So much for the theory of the informed electorate.


When you said "first day" I took it to mean that you were insinuating that this was somehow being done because of his election and so it was his "first day". I don't think that's a far out interpretation.

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I think he has people with a bit more international policy experience to consult with. Consult with Obama. :oops:

So then...how does this all relate to Obama again? He was merely elected future President. Any actions taken by other countries have nothing to do with him at present.


And no I don't think Dubya should consult with Obama. Dubya is still the man in charge...I think.

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Biden was prescient -- but this even beats his timetable.


What the Russians have done should come as no surprise. W and the administration have been poking a finger in their eye for the past few years. Of course, they are going to respond.


Our relations with Russia and China should be at the top of any president's list.

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So then...how does this all relate to Obama again? He was merely elected future President. Any actions taken by other countries have nothing to do with him at present.


And no I don't think Dubya should consult with Obama. Dubya is still the man in charge...I think.


If President Cheyney thinks he should be contacted he'll call him.


Biden was prescient -- but this even beats his timetable.


What the Russians have done should come as no surprise. W and the administration have been poking a finger in their eye for the past few years. Of course, they are going to respond.


Our relations with Russia and China should be at the top of any president's list.


No, it should be countries that pose no threat. :oops: Like Iraq.

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Bush wasn't running this time. If there is someone here defending Bush, then go ahead and respond to this. But my view is that this election was never seen as Obama vs. McCain, which is what it should have been.

Wrong it was Obama v. the past 8 years of Republican philosophy, which McCain could not divorce himself far enough from because with some modifications, it is part of his philosophy including the one of scare and fear.


I miss the Reagan Republican philosophy of "Can Do."

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