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Obama's Aunt an Illegal Alien


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have you met any high school students lately? I'd rather he call some kid a little jerk than smile and blow smoke up his ass




True and that isn't just recently, most are arrogant little know it all pricks, but still it shows that McCain isn't ready to be President. He needs to be better than that and he disrespects himself for loosing it in front of someone still wet behind the ears.

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True and that isn't just recently, most are arrogant little know it all pricks, but still it shows that McCain isn't ready to be President. He needs to be better than that and he disrespects himself for loosing it in front of someone still wet behind the ears.

Screw that PC crap tell it the way it is.

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Never mind, you have already made up your mind....


I have made up my mind that I have serious questions about whether he is ready to be president of the United States. I have not made up my mind for whom I am going to vote for president, if at all.


As a paleoconservative, I do not favor Obama's tax policy or what I fear will be McCain's foreign policy given that he has surrounded himself with neoconservatives.


As for the rest, I was pointing out both the hypocrisy of Obama and the media. The media has largely given him a free pass.


The best thing that I can say about this election is at least W willl no longer be president. He has done enough damage to the country and the Republican party. The worst thing that can happen for the country would be an unchecked Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. I just hope that the Republican party can get back to its paleoconservative, libertarian roots.

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I have made up my mind that I have serious questions about whether he is ready to be president of the United States. I have not made up my mind for whom I am going to vote for president, if at all.


As a paleoconservative, I do not favor Obama's tax policy or what I fear will be McCain's foreign policy given that he has surrounded himself with neoconservatives.


As for the rest, I was pointing out both the hypocrisy of Obama and the media. The media has largely given him a free pass.


The best thing that I can say about this election is at least W willl no longer be president. He has done enough damage to the country and the Republican party. The worst thing that can happen for the country would be an unchecked Obama, Reid, and Pelosi. I just hope that the Republican party can get back to its paleoconservative, libertarian roots.

I am not going to defend Pelosi.... Reid despite the RW vilification of him, he is an honorable man who can reach across party lines and has a reputation on the floor of the Senate working with Republicans.


OBama's tax policy as distorted by the Republicans would be worrisome. However, what he and only he and his campaign, not some other Democrat not speaking directly through the campaign has said that people under $250,000 won't have their taxes increased and many will have them decreased. Those over that figure will have a moderate increase which will be needed to rein in a deficit exploded by Bush the Repigs. So if you were truly being honest with yourself, those things you claim as hypocrisy is no more then RW distortions and hyperbole. The question I have on Obama is his lack of track record. The check on all three is the economy and the deficit.


Off to photograph the NYC Marathon....

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He barely knows her. You're referring to something that I doubt you bothered to look closely into. He has met her four times in his life. Now, you could say that two years ago when he got a phone call saying she was in Boston he should have taken her in as family, or offered her money. Why? It's not as if this was a close relative. He spoke so affectionately of her in his book because she greeted him warmly 20 years ago when he first visited Kenya. His father deserted him when he was two. He only met his father for a month in his life so it's not like this was a big part of a loving family and went there on a quest to find out something of his roots.


He saw her briefly again when he brought his wife to Kenya four years later, saw her when he invited her to the United States for a family gathering nine years ago, and once four years ago at his swearing in ceremony. That's it. Frankly, it's just total bullschit and a cheap shot to just imply he should take care of this woman. I rarely if ever talk to my aunts that I have known all of my life. That side of his family abandoned him, not the other way around.


His father had as many as eight kids, from three or four different wives (reports vary) that he doesn't know. Should he take care of all of them, too?



A cheap shot? After telling people he wants to help the person behind us? In fact, we're going to be MADE to help the person behind us, but he can't do it on his own? That's no leader and unfortunately it's going to take a while for the true Obamanation to be clearly seen because he's all hocus-pocus right now.


It wasn't until I read your post above that I finally realize that if Obama was a woman, a drink or an eight ball, your friends would be staging an intervention to save you. :rolleyes:

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A cheap shot? After telling people he wants to help the person behind us? In fact, we're going to be MADE to help the person behind us, but he can't do it on his own? That's no leader and unfortunately it's going to take a while for the true Obamanation to be clearly seen because he's all hocus-pocus right now.


It wasn't until I read your post above that I finally realize that if Obama was a woman, a drink or an eight ball, your friends would be staging an intervention to save you. :rolleyes:


When Obama runs on a platform of forcing everyone to subsidize each and every of their long lost relatives then you will have a point. Until then you're just shaking your fist at the sky before the inevitable Obama landslide!

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There is strong suspicion that berry obama is not a US citizen, if not then he would then be an illegal himself.

Perhaps this might be why he embraces illegals.


Really? Why does McCain love them so much that he authored a bill to give them amnesty?


Look, it really is amusing to read the liberals excusing what is going on here. Read the first paragraph if you will. Obama wants the law to be followed, which would mean deportation, or am I missing something? Worry not however....the phoney liberals on this board and elsewhere will find a way to justify, and even believe this nonsense, and excuse the fact that he is throwing Auntie Dear under the bus.


It is clear that Obama does embrace illegal aliens. The catch is that he wants US to pay for her, and is in fact far more comfortable taking her money than giving her any. Still, it was McCain who wrote the Amnesty Bill, and cursed an opponent of it on the senate floor.


If the repubs go down in the election they can blame themselves for candidates like McCain, Schmuckabee, Thompson, etc.

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When Obama runs on a platform of forcing everyone to subsidize each and every of their long lost relatives then you will have a point. Until then you're just shaking your fist at the sky before the inevitable Obama landslide!


It's actually getting pretty funny to watch them squirm with the election coming up so quickly. They know they're powerless to change anything at this point so they just ramble on with "Looks like everybody drank the Kool-aid" and "Obama is a fraud" and "How many times is ACORN letting you vote?"


Kinda like the fans of a team that is down big late in the 4th quarter, so they resort to bitching about the referees and tearing apart the other team just to make themselves feel better.

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True and that isn't just recently, most are arrogant little know it all pricks, but still it shows that McCain isn't ready to be President. He needs to be better than that and he disrespects himself for loosing it in front of someone still wet behind the ears.


This has been discussed before. It was a joke. Everyone in the auditorium laughed. McCain laughed. Pretty sure the kid laughed (seriously, does someone need to interview him to set your mind at ease?). He answered a smartass question and then made a smartass quip in like kind after he seriously answered the question of whether he thought he'd get Alzheimers' and die in office. I was at Home Depot once, they didn't have what I needed (something common you'd think they should have) and I said, "So, you mean I have to go to a real hardware store?" The manager looked over his shoulder and said, "Security!" We both laughed. This is an example of smartass humor....


If he went off on the kid from the get-go, if he didn't answer the question, if he had the kid removed from the auditorium, you might have a point. Regardless of the other charges, this is false. Do yourself a favor and stop dredging it up. Every serious media outlet I've read that reported this said it was made in jest; the only ones who claim it wasn't, provide no context, don't say that everyone laughed and provide no link to video are the leftie-version wingnuts. People who have seen the interaction on Youtube and claim it was a verbal assault just look like witless morons who can't get a joke, or they're trying to make it into something it most definitely was not to further a political argument. Like I've said to Obama detractors I've met, if you don't like the dude, there's plenty of real reasons not to... don't go just making sh-- up.




* This message was written by a person who will be voting for "None of the above" as a write-in for the presidential column on Tuesday.

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A cheap shot? After telling people he wants to help the person behind us? In fact, we're going to be MADE to help the person behind us, but he can't do it on his own? That's no leader and unfortunately it's going to take a while for the true Obamanation to be clearly seen because he's all hocus-pocus right now.


It wasn't until I read your post above that I finally realize that if Obama was a woman, a drink or an eight ball, your friends would be staging an intervention to save you. :rolleyes:

Oh, I get it. You are financially supporting all your second cousins, and you think Obama should be doing that, too.


Or should Obama be financially supporting the 58 members of his extended family, not to mention his wife's side, because he wants to give a tax cut to the middle class and raise yours 3%.

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And if it had been revealed that he used his position as US Senator to pull strings for this "aunt" (step-sister of his father) you'd all be screaming even louder. Given that she lives in Teddy Kennedy country, it would have been an easy thing for Obama to do. It bears out the fact that he didn't know she was here illegally.


My brother, who makes Joe the Plumber look liberal, didn't hesitate to have HIS senator (Maria Cantwell) step in and help keep his wife in the US. It happens all the time.


Obama's statement that, if she broke the law she has to be treated like everyone else, is the correct response. After all it's not like he's GWBush and his party, where we're expected to give a pass to people who molest pages, solicit gay sex in public places, and bail out huge, bumbling and dishonest corporations with our hard-earned tax dollars.


The fact is to the wingnuts no matter WHAT Obama says or does it's wrong.


I'm well-off, my brother lives in a double-wide. I'd help him if he asked, Lord knows he's needed it. And I've offered, and he's said no. It turns out he's taken unemployment, state-provided healthcare etc. Could I have helped him so that wasn't needed? Sure, if he'd let me.


If THIS was the GOP's "October surprise" it was pretty damned pathetic. This board and of course FauxNews is the only place it still seems to be an issue.

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Oh, I get it. You are financially supporting all your second cousins, and you think Obama should be doing that, too.


Or should Obama be financially supporting the 58 members of his extended family, not to mention his wife's side, because he wants to give a tax cut to the middle class and raise yours 3%.

Last time. I am not running for president. I am not telling people "I am my brother's keeper." I am not telling everyone that we must take from the wealthy and spread it to the less fortunate. I am not telling everyone we must first heal our souls.


But you can bet your liberal ass that if I WAS, I sure the hell would be leading by example. That is completely lost on Obama, and every one of you who refuse to see ANYHING wrong with him. It is absolutely stunning to see how far and how deep your love for this guy goes. Just stunning. Almost creepy, to be honest.


Time will tell once the landslide is over, the confetti is being swept up, and 12 months have passed once the tremendous trifecta of Obama-Pelosi-Reid starts working its way through the soul of America and the rest of the world. THEN we will see if he is a true leader, or a just a guy who was lucky the economy sucked. Blind faith only gets you so far, and we both know it.

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Last time. I am not running for president. I am not telling people "I am my brother's keeper." I am not telling everyone that we must take from the wealthy and spread it to the less fortunate. I am not telling everyone we must first heal our souls.


But you can bet your liberal ass that if I WAS, I sure the hell would be leading by example. That is completely lost on Obama, and every one of you who refuse to see ANYHING wrong with him. It is absolutely stunning to see how far and how deep your love for this guy goes. Just stunning. Almost creepy, to be honest.


Time will tell once the landslide is over, the confetti is being swept up, and 12 months have passed once the tremendous trifecta of Obama-Pelosi-Reid starts working its way through the soul of America and the rest of the world. THEN we will see if he is a true leader, or a just a guy who was lucky the economy sucked. Blind faith only gets you so far, and we both know it.

Actually, I wouldnt have said anything about it because it has nothing to do with anything. But when people come in and attack him for nonsense, I will defend it if I believe it's bull sh--.


I don't blindly follow him. I think he has made mistakes. I think he is a lot more cold and calculating that most everyone else thinks, even a lot of his opponents. I think he does a lot of stuff for political reasons rather than righteous reasons, and he gets away with it. But I also think it's bull sh-- when people like yourself and a lot of his detractors make insane leaps of responsibility, or charges of things like communism and socialism and terrorist sympathizer.


He shouldn't be responsible for his half-aunt that he doesn't have a relationship with. Sorry. He doesn't, nor does hardly any democrats, think people should just get handouts, even if it turns out that a tiny minority take advantage of programs that were designed otherwise. It's a total misrepresentation of his tax policy to say he should personally support his half aunt because he wants to cut taxes for poor people and raise them a tiny percent for rich people. It makes you look like an ass to accuse him of it, in my opinion.



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