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Obama's Aunt an Illegal Alien


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Last time. I am not running for president. I am not telling people "I am my brother's keeper." I am not telling everyone that we must take from the wealthy and spread it to the less fortunate. I am not telling everyone we must first heal our souls.


But you can bet your liberal ass that if I WAS, I sure the hell would be leading by example. That is completely lost on Obama, and every one of you who refuse to see ANYHING wrong with him. It is absolutely stunning to see how far and how deep your love for this guy goes. Just stunning. Almost creepy, to be honest.


Time will tell once the landslide is over, the confetti is being swept up, and 12 months have passed once the tremendous trifecta of Obama-Pelosi-Reid starts working its way through the soul of America and the rest of the world. THEN we will see if he is a true leader, or a just a guy who was lucky the economy sucked. Blind faith only gets you so far, and we both know it.


He is leading by example- HE'S RAISING TAXES ON HIMSELF!

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