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The Bills are putting themselves in a bad position


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I think you're being sarcastic but will answer anyway.


I think we should probably root for the Bills to lose next week. This doesn't mean the Bills should try to lose. Of course they should try to win. Rooting and playing are two different things. Marv Levy said something like "If I listened to the fans I'd be sitting with them."


As for the San Fran game I think losing a game like that at home would hurt too much mentally and might cause other problems. We should root for the Bills in that one. That would put them at 3-1 against the NFC which isn't great but better than 4-0.

Now I just feel awful. My Mom always told me that everyone is special and you shouldn't pick on people with special needs. I won't do it again.

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WInning is never a bad thing. And I'm not quite sure which tie-breaker you are referring too, but if it is the strength of schedule one, that's pretty far down the list, and likely the division record, common opponents, conference records, and strength of victory tiebreakers would resolve the issue. Not to mention, at only four weeks into the season, it is a bit early to be worrying about this kind of stuff. I'm more concerned with winning one game at a time, and whether or not the O-Line can get their heads out of their collective asses during first half running plays.

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Losing is never a bad thing. And I'm not quite sure which tie-breaker you are referring too, but if it is the strength of schedule one, that's pretty far down the list, and likely the division record, common opponents, conference records, and strength of victory tiebreakers would resolve the issue. Not to mention, at only four weeks into the season, it is a bit early to be worrying about this kind of stuff. I'm more concerned with winning one game at a time, and whether or not the O-Line can get their heads out of their collective asses during first half running plays.

Don't you mean winning?


The tie-breaker he is referring to is conference opponent wins......which I believe is the first tie-breaker level.

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Losing is never a bad thing. And I'm not quite sure which tie-breaker you are referring too, but if it is the strength of schedule one, that's pretty far down the list, and likely the division record, common opponents, conference records, and strength of victory tiebreakers would resolve the issue. Not to mention, at only four weeks into the season, it is a bit early to be worrying about this kind of stuff. I'm more concerned with winning one game at a time, and whether or not the O-Line can get their heads out of their collective asses during first half running plays.

That's what he is saying. Please refer to his original post.

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Missed the question mark. Sometimes sarcasm goes awry around this place. Sorry for the disclarity. I think the edit cleared it up.


I think there far too many people on this board who are looking askance at the original post. They seem to be getting their eyeteeth in the way of the original optics of it.

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my head hurts


OK, people are starting to get hurt. I'll jump in. Follow along closely.


1) He eats crayons. THINK about that.


2) He is suggesting that losing would be good.


3) Read some of the other posts, particularly the ones laughing as if it were a joke...


4) He f*ucking eats crayons....


Please tell me you get it, I wouldn't have much hope for humanity if you don't.

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It sure is nice being 4-0 but this is the NFL. Parity is reality and no team is easy to beat. It is almost inevitable that there will be several ties for playoff positions.


The Bills are in a really bad position on tie breakers already. They are 2-0 against NFC opponents and will probably beat San Fran when they play them. That puts them at 3-0. This means if they win next week, they will end up losing just about any tie-breaking scenario as the NFC games count less. They might do ok within the division but if they are tied for a wild card they are in big trouble. This sounds weird, but if you want the Bills to make the playoffs, you should root for them to lose next week.


Seriously, I enjoy your posts. A little humor and stretch of the imagination is a good thing.

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OK, people are starting to get hurt. I'll jump in. Follow along closely.


1) He eats crayons. THINK about that.


2) He is suggesting that losing would be good.


3) Read some of the other posts, particularly the ones laughing as if it were a joke...


4) He f*ucking eats crayons....


Please tell me you get it, I wouldn't have much hope for humanity if you don't.

That's "crayonz"...but then again, that's just another to add to your list. Must be of the toxic variety, no doubt. We should "pull for the Bills to lose". Wow. A new low is dipshitdom.

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