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Caylee Anthony Case - Anyone Else Following This?

Steely Dan

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Casey's attorney:


"You really do not know half of this story. You don't," Baez said. "And you will find out in court."




Oooh, now I can't wait until the trial.


Let me guess:


Zanaida knocked her down and handed her a list of things she had to do over the next 30 days or they'd kill Caylee.


The list said to lie to the police and let them find traces of a dead body in your car, borrow a shovel from your neighbor, get a tattoo saying "Beautiful Life" Act like you're really happy the kid is gone, show no remorse for her disappearance, make really stupid self-centered comments on your jailhouse calls and pretend like you don't know anything after they find the body. :blink:


They killed Caylee because she wasn't convincing enough in those demands. :thumbsup:

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Another search warrant was served on Saturday.


Some other stuff from the article:


Prosecutors don't need to show what killed Caylee, Geragos said. The defense needs to overcome Casey Anthony's statements and behavior.


"Somebody is going to have to give an explanation at some point as to when she last saw the child, who she gave the child to," he said. "And until that is done, I don't care what they put together, it's not going to carry any weight."

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My latest theory.


Sorry this is long.


There is a book Double Trouble Squared and in this book is a character named "Zanny the Nanny" This book was originally published in 1991 which would be when KC was 7 years old. It's a book for kids 9-12. I believe she read this as a child or was aware of it.


Zanny which is also a street name for Xanax is the name she used for the nanny because she would give Caylee Xanax to put her to sleep whenever she wanted to party. I don't think she told her friends this because some of them would freak out and so she'd put her in the trunk of the car to sleep and told her friends she was with "Zanny the Nanny" as her own little sick joke.


I think Xanax was a very expensive way for her to knock Caylee out and so she started to look for cheaper ways like chloroform.


Her knowledge of chloroform probably comes from the same place most people's knowledge of this drug comes from, the movies and TV. I've never seen a movie where someone dies of a chloroform overdose and so she probably thought it was impossible to overdose someone on it. Unfortunately, I think she learned the hard way.


So she freaks out because she comes down one morning to leave the latest one night stand and she looks in the trunk and finds a dead or dying child. Now she's frantic. She tries to call everyone she knows to ask for help in what to do. No answers. Before she can reach anyone, Caylee dies.


She's desperate now and goes home. She takes Caylee out to the playhouse because she knows it was her favorite place to be. (This is why the cadaver dog hits on that). While she's frantically trying to figure something out she runs to a neighbors and asks for a shovel. She backs the car up into the garage and gets Caylees body and does what she does to the body, putting duct tape over the mouth to make it look like a kidnapping and murder. She then puts Caylee into a trash bag. There is some conjecture that there was a book just like the one Caylee's reading in the heart wrenching video's we see on TV in the bag or near the body. I believe she is rapt with grief and puts that book in the bag to give Caylee something she loved to be buried with. (I can't watch the videos of Caylee anymore it just tears my heart out.)


She leaves the body in the car and waits til nightfall and then goes out to the place where pets have been buried and she and her friends used to hang out and she digs a shallow grave. She wants Caylee close so she can visit her secret grave now and again.


When she realizes she is free of the ball and chain around her ankle or "The little snot head", as she called Caylee, she is euphoric. She can party all the time now without any responsibilities. She gets a tattoo of "Sweet Life" and enters the hot body contests and generally tries to drown her sorrows because I truly believe she loved the child she just saw her as a big piece of weight holding her down.


The meter reader sees the bag a few months later possibly dug up by an animal or she just didn't do a good job of burying the body. He calls the police and then drives away. The cop shows up nobody's there and the cop leaves. The MR calls again and this time a detective sees that cadaver dogs have covered that area and doesn't send anyone out. The third time a cop comes out and starts to go in and says he sees a rattlesnake and won't go any farther. (I wonder if this is the cop she was sleeping with.)


Tropical storm Fay hits and the body is tossed around by the water. When it dries up the bag is where the meter reader comes across it again.


This theory doesn't explain the neck breaking stuff on the computer and the missing children searches done long before this happened.


The searches done for escort services was job hunting for her I believe.

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Watching NG tonight and it looks like the defense is going to try and pin this on Casey's former fiance. :)

Saw him on the Today Show this morning. If they are going to try to pin this on him they better have a helluva good story, because that guy looks absolutely devastated that Caylee is dead. Not only that, the prosecution is planning on calling him to testify about Casey's inability to tell the truth, and he has been cooperating with investigators all along.

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Saw him on the Today Show this morning. If they are going to try to pin this on him they better have a helluva good story, because that guy looks absolutely devastated that Caylee is dead. Not only that, the prosecution is planning on calling him to testify about Casey's inability to tell the truth, and he has been cooperating with investigators all along.


Leonard Padilla said that when he went to the Anthony's house all they could talk about is that Jesse must be involved and when he went to the lawyer, Jose Baez, the next day he was shown a card that showed how loved one's comments can be used against them in a trial. :)


By smearing him they can make him a possible scape goat and possibly destroy his testimony. I'm hoping nobody is stupid enough to fall for it, but then there's OJ.

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My latest theory.


Sorry this is long.


There is a book Double Trouble Squared and in this book is a character named "Zanny the Nanny" This book was originally published in 1991 which would be when KC was 7 years old. It's a book for kids 9-12. I believe she read this as a child or was aware of it.


Zanny which is also a street name for Xanax is the name she used for the nanny because she would give Caylee Xanax to put her to sleep whenever she wanted to party. I don't think she told her friends this because some of them would freak out and so she'd put her in the trunk of the car to sleep and told her friends she was with "Zanny the Nanny" as her own little sick joke.


I think Xanax was a very expensive way for her to knock Caylee out and so she started to look for cheaper ways like chloroform.


Her knowledge of chloroform probably comes from the same place most people's knowledge of this drug comes from, the movies and TV. I've never seen a movie where someone dies of a chloroform overdose and so she probably thought it was impossible to overdose someone on it. Unfortunately, I think she learned the hard way.


So she freaks out because she comes down one morning to leave the latest one night stand and she looks in the trunk and finds a dead or dying child. Now she's frantic. She tries to call everyone she knows to ask for help in what to do. No answers. Before she can reach anyone, Caylee dies.


She's desperate now and goes home. She takes Caylee out to the playhouse because she knows it was her favorite place to be. (This is why the cadaver dog hits on that). While she's frantically trying to figure something out she runs to a neighbors and asks for a shovel. She backs the car up into the garage and gets Caylees body and does what she does to the body, putting duct tape over the mouth to make it look like a kidnapping and murder. She then puts Caylee into a trash bag. There is some conjecture that there was a book just like the one Caylee's reading in the heart wrenching video's we see on TV in the bag or near the body. I believe she is rapt with grief and puts that book in the bag to give Caylee something she loved to be buried with. (I can't watch the videos of Caylee anymore it just tears my heart out.)


She leaves the body in the car and waits til nightfall and then goes out to the place where pets have been buried and she and her friends used to hang out and she digs a shallow grave. She wants Caylee close so she can visit her secret grave now and again.


When she realizes she is free of the ball and chain around her ankle or "The little snot head", as she called Caylee, she is euphoric. She can party all the time now without any responsibilities. She gets a tattoo of "Sweet Life" and enters the hot body contests and generally tries to drown her sorrows because I truly believe she loved the child she just saw her as a big piece of weight holding her down.


The meter reader sees the bag a few months later possibly dug up by an animal or she just didn't do a good job of burying the body. He calls the police and then drives away. The cop shows up nobody's there and the cop leaves. The MR calls again and this time a detective sees that cadaver dogs have covered that area and doesn't send anyone out. The third time a cop comes out and starts to go in and says he sees a rattlesnake and won't go any farther. (I wonder if this is the cop she was sleeping with.)


Tropical storm Fay hits and the body is tossed around by the water. When it dries up the bag is where the meter reader comes across it again.


This theory doesn't explain the neck breaking stuff on the computer and the missing children searches done long before this happened.


The searches done for escort services was job hunting for her I believe.

4:19 AM for that?




Somebody watches too much TV.

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My latest theory.


Sorry this is long.


There is a book Double Trouble Squared and in this book is a character named "Zanny the Nanny" This book was originally published in 1991 which would be when KC was 7 years old. It's a book for kids 9-12. I believe she read this as a child or was aware of it.


Zanny which is also a street name for Xanax is the name she used for the nanny because she would give Caylee Xanax to put her to sleep whenever she wanted to party. I don't think she told her friends this because some of them would freak out and so she'd put her in the trunk of the car to sleep and told her friends she was with "Zanny the Nanny" as her own little sick joke.


I think Xanax was a very expensive way for her to knock Caylee out and so she started to look for cheaper ways like chloroform.


Her knowledge of chloroform probably comes from the same place most people's knowledge of this drug comes from, the movies and TV. I've never seen a movie where someone dies of a chloroform overdose and so she probably thought it was impossible to overdose someone on it. Unfortunately, I think she learned the hard way.


So she freaks out because she comes down one morning to leave the latest one night stand and she looks in the trunk and finds a dead or dying child. Now she's frantic. She tries to call everyone she knows to ask for help in what to do. No answers. Before she can reach anyone, Caylee dies.


She's desperate now and goes home. She takes Caylee out to the playhouse because she knows it was her favorite place to be. (This is why the cadaver dog hits on that). While she's frantically trying to figure something out she runs to a neighbors and asks for a shovel. She backs the car up into the garage and gets Caylees body and does what she does to the body, putting duct tape over the mouth to make it look like a kidnapping and murder. She then puts Caylee into a trash bag. There is some conjecture that there was a book just like the one Caylee's reading in the heart wrenching video's we see on TV in the bag or near the body. I believe she is rapt with grief and puts that book in the bag to give Caylee something she loved to be buried with. (I can't watch the videos of Caylee anymore it just tears my heart out.)


She leaves the body in the car and waits til nightfall and then goes out to the place where pets have been buried and she and her friends used to hang out and she digs a shallow grave. She wants Caylee close so she can visit her secret grave now and again.


When she realizes she is free of the ball and chain around her ankle or "The little snot head", as she called Caylee, she is euphoric. She can party all the time now without any responsibilities. She gets a tattoo of "Sweet Life" and enters the hot body contests and generally tries to drown her sorrows because I truly believe she loved the child she just saw her as a big piece of weight holding her down.


The meter reader sees the bag a few months later possibly dug up by an animal or she just didn't do a good job of burying the body. He calls the police and then drives away. The cop shows up nobody's there and the cop leaves. The MR calls again and this time a detective sees that cadaver dogs have covered that area and doesn't send anyone out. The third time a cop comes out and starts to go in and says he sees a rattlesnake and won't go any farther. (I wonder if this is the cop she was sleeping with.)


Tropical storm Fay hits and the body is tossed around by the water. When it dries up the bag is where the meter reader comes across it again.


This theory doesn't explain the neck breaking stuff on the computer and the missing children searches done long before this happened.


The searches done for escort services was job hunting for her I believe.


As good as, if not better than any other. You still can't rule out that Florida heat in June coming into play. Kids die in cars every year that way when someone forgets they're there. Especially a sleeping or drugged child. That doesn't really make it a whole lot different. Unfortunatly, there is only one person that knows. And she ain't right.

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Leonard Padilla said that when he went to the Anthony's house all they could talk about is that Jesse must be involved and when he went to the lawyer, Jose Baez, the next day he was shown a card that showed how loved one's comments can be used against them in a trial. :wallbash:


By smearing him they can make him a possible scape goat and possibly destroy his testimony. I'm hoping nobody is stupid enough to fall for it, but then there's OJ.

All I'm saying is that after watching the interviews with him, I came away with the impression that the ex-fiancé seems very genuine and was not whipping up crocodile tears for the cameras, like the supposed mother of that little girl.


After all the evidence and everything comes out, all the prosecution will need to do is bring in one big dry-erase board with all of the Anthony's "theories" and "suspects" and ask the jury one question - why should we believe anyone in her family when the only consistent thing about their story has been their inconsistency? They have constantly changed their story and "clarified" what they meant, backtracked, deflected blame, etc.


In theory no one should fall for this family's BS, but having lived in Orange County for three years I know there are just as many stupid people there as you'd find anywhere, and all it takes is one moron to buy the Anthonys' story.

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As good as, if not better than any other. You still can't rule out that Florida heat in June coming into play. Kids die in cars every year that way when someone forgets they're there. Especially a sleeping or drugged child. That doesn't really make it a whole lot different. Unfortunatly, there is only one person that knows. And she ain't right.


Aint right is putting it mildly.


My latest theory is that her brother is the father of Caylee. It would explain the mysterious father explanations and Lee's refusal to give a blood sample and forcing the cops to get a warrant to make him submit one. It would also explain why Cindy made a "mistake" and gave the cops the wrong hairbrush.


Her attorney Jose Baez has said that when things come out in trial people will be surprised. This is shaping up to be one really weird trial. The defense has to come up with something really interesting here. :wallbash:

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Aint right is putting it mildly.


My latest theory is that her brother is the father of Caylee. It would explain the mysterious father explanations and Lee's refusal to give a blood sample and forcing the cops to get a warrant to make him submit one. It would also explain why Cindy made a "mistake" and gave the cops the wrong hairbrush.


Her attorney Jose Baez has said that when things come out in trial people will be surprised. This is shaping up to be one really weird trial. The defense has to come up with something really interesting here. :wallbash:



I love the way you call your wild guesses "theories". That can happen when you watch too much of this garbage TV.

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Now Casey's parents want immunity before they talk to prosecutors:


ORLANDO - The lawyer for George and Cindy Anthony wants his clients to have immunity before they speak with prosecutors again about their daughter, Casey Anthony.


Immunity would ensure the couple could tell investigators everything they know without fear of prosecution, attorney Brad Conway said. He doesn't think the Anthonys would say something that would land them in legal trouble, but he wants them protected. The Anthonys did not ask him to request immunity, Conway said. No deal has been made yet, he said.



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