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Caylee Anthony Case - Anyone Else Following This?

Steely Dan

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I'm just saying that assuming those were the facts presented what conclusion would you draw?



I would assume there would be a whole list disputing and/or explaining them. Without that list, I would say nothing.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Looks like they've found some bones and toys in an area where Casey may have dumped Caylee. They are playing their cards close to the vest and saying they don't think it's Caylee but I wouldn't expect them to say anything else at this point.




Divers Claim To Find Bones, Toys During Caylee Search


Thursday, November 13, 2008 – updated: 3:27 pm EST November 13, 2008

ORLANDO, Fla. -- Divers searching in the Little Econ River for Caylee Anthony's body claim to have found a bag with bones and toys inside.


Early Thursday afternoon, the dive team confirmed to Eyewitness News that they had located several children's toys inside a plastic bag in the river, including a plastic shamrock toy. The toys were then taken away as evidence, but TV crews were not allowed to view them.


They also claimed to have found three or four bones but didn't identify whether or not they were human bones.

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Casey's parents are still fricking nutjobs.


Definitely true. Leonard Padilla called them an extremely dysfunctional family. He also believes that while Casey was back at the house during a time she was out of jail that she probably confessed to her parents and now they don't want to lose a daughter in addition to a Granddaughter. He points to a time that overnight their attitude about the search dramatically changed and they started pushing the she's still alive thing a lot harder.

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Tot Mom! B-)



Glad our crime rate is going down so much that just Caylee Tot of the Mom Anthony is the only toddler tot to have been rubbed out in the past year in this country.




The reason this is receiving so much news coverage is that it's a fascinating story based on all of Casey's lies and her not calling anyone for over a month and her very strange family. It's a lot more interesting than most other missing kids cases. Anyway, during her shows Nancy Grace has carried more than this story and covered other missing children too.

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the grandparents are about as bat**** crazy as the mother.


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


Her brother refused to take a polygraph and one witness claims to have seen Casey going in or coming out, I forget, of the woods with a man. I think he helped her dispose of the body.


I don't believe this was on purpose. I think she accidentally overdosed her on chloroform.

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I haven't been following this, but as usually happens a story will pop up and you get the basics of it. They'll find the family guilty, the mother in any event. I think the looney grandmother may be an accomplice somewhere in this.


I think her only involvement is in helping cover it up after it happened.

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  • 2 weeks later...

While watching Nancy Grace last night it was reported that Casey's father lost thousands of dollars in a Nigerian internet scam. :unsure:


He told his wife he lost it gambling. :unsure:


The FBI also released a lot of video of them questioning her parents about her and the case. A lot of what they said to the FBI is going to be very hard to get past in trial. Especially because they've greatly changed their stories about a lot of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...


June 15, 2008


Missing child Caylee Anthony's grandparents, George and Cindy Anthony, told authorities the last day they saw Caylee was June 8, but during the investigation police discovered that a video of Caylee reading a book was taken on June 15. The grandparents realized they made a mistake with the date and changed it June 15, 2008.


Cindy Anthony told police she was confused about the date and later recalled that she had taken Caylee to visit her greatgrandfather at a retirement home on Father's Day. She said her husband, George Anthony, had based his recollection of the date based on what Cindy recalled.


July 15, 2008


The Anthonys located their daughter Casey after a towing company contacted them about having their car which Casey regularly drove.


Caylee was not with Casey and at first Casey did not offer any details about her whereabouts.


At some point she told her brother and her parents that Caylee had been missing 31 days and the toddler was taken by her nanny, Zanie. She said she had not contacted the police yet because she was trying to do her own investiation into getting Caylee back.


Cindy immediately drove Casey to a police station, but it was closed. She called 9-1-1 and requested a police officer come to her home to arrest her daughter for car theft and for stealing money.


In a second call to 9-1-1 Cindy told the dispatcher that Caylee had been missing for 31 days and that Casey admitted she had not called the police because she had been trying to find the child herself. She then added, "There's something wrong. I found my daughter's car today and it smells like there's been a dead body in the damn car."


Note by me: Cindy Anthony is a Nurse and should know what a dead body smells like.


July 16, 2008

After uncovering several possible lies Casey told about the events that led to her missing daughter, police placed her under arrest on suspicion of child neglect, providing false official statements and obstructing a criminal investigation. She was originally held without bail.


Casey Anthony's Alleged Lies to Police


* Casey told her parents and the investigators that she dropped Caylee off at an apartment complex where the babysitter, Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez (Zanie) lived, and it was the last time she saw Caylee.


* Investigators found the apartment and discovered it had been vacant for almost five months. The apartment manager told police the named babysitter Gonzalez had never lived in the complex.


* Casey sent investigators to another apartment complex which turned out to be a senior citizens facility.


* Casey then suggested police try another complex where Zenaida's mother supposedly lived, but no one they questioned at the complex could identify Zenaida or her mother as residents of the complex.


* Casey told investigators that she and Zenaida had been working at Universal Studios and that she had been leaving the baby with friends and Zenaida.


* She provided the name of her boss and a phone number with an extension. Investigators learned that Anthony had not worked at the park since April 2006, and the number and name of her supervisor were false.


* Casey told her parents that she was living with friends and Caylee was staying with her friends and Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez. Investigators reported Casey told two friends that Caylee was with her nanny, visiting theme parks and the beach.


* Investigators reported that friends of Casey described her as "a habitual liar" and that she stole checks from one person they spoke to and $700 from another acquaintance.


* When questioned about Caylee's father, Anthony told investigators that he is dead. Investigators have not been able to confirm her statement.


July 17, 2008


Casey Anthony, mother of missing toddler, Caylee Anthony, was officially charged with suspicion of child neglect, providing false official statements and obstructing a criminal investigation.


Orange County Florida Judge John Jordan denied bond for Anthony, telling her, "You left your two-year-old child with a person who does not exist at an apartment you cannot identify and you lied to your parents about your child's whereabouts. You cared so little about your child."


Casey stuck to her original statement, maintaining that she did not know where Caylee was, but that she knew she was alive.


July 17, 2008


Based on tips given to police, investigators searched the home of Cindy and George Anthony after neighbors reported seeing Casey around the home when the Anthony's were away.


Investigators also confiscated a shovel from a neighbor who told police Casey had borrowed it when the parents were away. Allegedly, Casey backed into the driveway, instead of pulling forward into it as she always had, when she first arrived to her parent's home.


Cadaver dogs, trained on finding human decomposition, were brought in to assist with the search. Investigators said the two dogs hit on human decomposition in the back yard and found the same smell in the car Casey Anthony had been driving.


Orange County sheriff's investigator Carlos Padilla told reporters, "We had two different dogs from two different counties that hit on the same exact spot."


Several other items were removed from the home and sent for further testing.


July 17, 2008


Police took possession of the car used by Casey Anthony and reported that possible evidence of human decomposition is in the car trunk.


Cindy Anthony, in defense of her daughter, suggests to reporters that garbage, such as a small piece of pizza, could have caused the smell in the trunk of the car -- a big contrast to what she told police in her July 15 9-1-1 call.


Orange County Sheriff's Detective Yuri Melich told reporters that he did not feel that the smell of human decomposition can be confused with old pizza and what he smelled in the car was human decomposition.


July 17, 2008

Casey Anthony's criminal defense attorney Jose Beaz told reporters during a news conference that an emergency bond hearing was scheduled for July 22, 2008, based on the crimes Casey Anthony was charged. It was his position that the denial of bond for Casey was wrong and that Article 1 section 14 of the Florida Constitution was what the court referenced for their decision, which he did not agree applied to this case.


SECTION 14 Pretrial release and detention.


Unless charged with a capital offense or an offense punishable by life imprisonment and the proof of guilt is evident or the presumption is great, every person charged with a crime or violation of municipal or county ordinance shall be entitled to pretrial release on reasonable conditions. If no conditions of release can reasonably protect the community from risk of physical harm to persons, assure the presence of the accused at trial, or assure the integrity of the judicial process, the accused may be detained.


Beaz said that he had never seen a person denied bail based on what Anthony was charged with and offered a comparison of the standard bail set for the charges.

o Third degree felony - $1,000

o First degree misdemeanor - $500

o Second degree misdemeanor - $250

Reported Misconceptions

Beaz listed misconceptions that were being reported about Anthony, including her refusal to cooperate with authorities.


He said that Casey Anthony had never refused to cooperate with the investigation of her missing 2-year-old child, however he would continue to advice her about making statements.



July 22, 2008


A second bond hearing was held for Casey Anthony, mother of missing child Caylee Anthony, as a result of her attorney challenging the consitutionality of her being held without bond. Family members and investigators were called to testify about Casey and the investigation.


Testimony of Cindy Anthony


Cindy was asked about her relationship with her daughter, which she answered that Casey was her bestfriend. She also said Casey had lied to her before, but they were always able to get to the bottom of things.


When asked if she had ever witnessed Casey abusing Caylee, she said that she never saw any abuse, but just the opposite. She described Casey as a mother who always showed love and patience towards her daughter.


She also said she had heard Casey mention her friend and Caylee's babysitter Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez (Zanie), for at least three years, but had not met her or ever spoken to her.


There were tense moments during the hearing when she was asked to disclose personal information about her finances and if she would be able to afford the cost of her daughter's bond.


George Anthony's Testimony



Casey Anthony's father, George Anthony, was asked by Casey's attorney much of the same questions asked to Cindy Anthony. His answers did not conflict with any of the answers given by his wife and son. The prosecution did not question Mr. Anthony.


Lee Anthony's Testimony


Lee Anthony, Casey's brother, took the stand and described how close he was to Casey. He answered their relationship was based on unconditional love and they could tell each other things they may not feel comfortable telling anybody else, even their own family members.


He also testified that on July 15, he pleaded with Casey, prior to Cindy Anthony calling 9-1-1 to tell whatever she knew about her missing child. He said Casey maintained for 45 minutes that she knew the whereabouts of Caylee and that she was safe. Casey told him she would take the family to her the following morning.


He said before the police arrived Casey broke down and said she hadn't seen her daughter in 31 days.


When asked by Casey's lawyer if given the time with Casey alone, did he believe he could find out what Casey knows about her missing daughter, to which he answered, "I have no doubt in my mind".


Orange County Investigator Yuri Melich's Testimony

Orange County Lead Detective Yuri Melich testified that when searching Casey's car, which is owned by her parents, that he smelled what he described as decomposition. He also testified that strands of hair, which could be Caylee Anthony's hair, as well as dirt and a stain were found in the trunk of the car. The car was sent for forensic testing.


Meilch described Casey as a "person of interest" rather than a suspect in the disappearance of her daughter, Caylee. He discussed tips the police had received including a cell phone photo which showed a mark and bruises on Caylee's body and under her eye. A witness he interviewed also mentioned seeing the child with bruises.


When cross examined, he said there was no direct evidence which proved Casey Anthony had anything to do with the disappearance of her daughter.


Bond Set at $500,000

Judge Stan Strickland set Casey Anthony's bond at $500,000 plus ordered home confinement with electronic monitoring, a complete psychological evaluation within 30 days, and ruled she must turn over her passport if her bond is posted and she is released.


"Not a bit of useful information has been provided by Ms. Anthony as to the whereabouts of her daughter," Judge Strickland said. "And I would add that the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers."


July 22, 2008

The Anthony's attorney told reporters that a tipster left a message on Cindy Anthony's home phone saying she believed she spoke to Caylee at the Orlando National Airport prior to the child boarding a plane for Atlanta. She said the woman accompanying Caylee was an older woman. She also told Cindy that she spoke to the child and asked her name and age. The child answered she was three and said her name was Caylee "Antony," with the "h" silent, which according to Cindy was the way Caylee said her name.


Cindy also said the woman will be meeting with investigators to answer questions and assist a sketch artist in coming up with a sketch of the woman who allegedly accompanied the missing child.


The Anthonys set up a hotline for people to call in tips about their missing granddaughter Caylee Anthony. Investigators working the missing child's case felt the hotline could hurt their efforts in finding Caylee.


George Anthony Distributed His Pre-Recoded Message


With the help of the Never Lose Hope Foundation, George Anthony sent a large audience his pre-recorded phone message asking for help in finding Caylee.[


Because a cadaver dog alerted on the smell of human decomposition in the trunk of her car, prosecutors believe a missing 2-year-old is dead and her mother is a person of interest in her homicide. Those facts came to light in a bail hearing for Casey Anthony, 22, in an Orlando courtroom.


Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland set bond at $500,000 for the young mother, saying the law did not allow him to hold her without bail on the charges with which she has been charged.


The $500,000 bond was higher than normal for the charges of child neglect, making false official statements and obstructing a criminal investigation -- two misdemeanors and a class-three felony. But prosecutors argued that she be held without bail.


"Not a bit of useful information has been provided by Ms. Anthony as to the whereabouts of her daughter," Judge Strickland said. "And I would add that the truth and Ms. Anthony are strangers."


During the hearing, Sheriff's deputies testified that a cadaver dog alerted to the smell of human remains in Casey Anthony's car and in the Anthony's yard. They found a stain, some dirt and what may be some of Caylee's hair in the trunk of the car.


"The risk of her flight if she is released on some low bond increases exponentially, especially now that she's heard this additional evidence and that she is their person of interest," said assistant state attorney Linda Drane-Burdick.


Meanwhile, Anthony's defense attorney Jose Baez argued that her bail should be set in the $10,000 range, given the charges she currently faces. He said the family cannot afford a high bond.


"This is not a capital case, and if it were they certainly would file it, if they had evidence to," Baez said. "There is circumstantial evidence of a possible homicide, I will give them that. But circumstantial evidence has not made them confident enough to charge her with any specific homicide or kidnapping, or any capital offense."


Investigators said they were still searching for the missing 2-year-old, hoping to find her alive. Caylee's family insists that the child is still alive and Casey knows who has the youngster.


I'm beginning to see why you have yet to find a job.

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A child's skeleton was found today about a half mile from the grandparents' house by a utility worker.




ORLANDO, Florida (CNN) -- Remains described as being those of a small child were found Thursday near the home of missing toddler Caylee Anthony's grandparents, a spokesman for the Orange County, Florida, sheriff's office told CNN.


The discovery was made about 9:30 a.m. by a utility worker, who alerted authorities, spokesman Jim Solomons said. Investigators, including those from the Anthony case and defense team, were on the scene, he said.


Police Capt. Angelo Nieves was reluctant to disclose details of the discovery to reporters at the scene, other than to say the skeletal remains found in a plastic bag appeared consistent with those of a young child. The Anthony family has been notified of the discovery, he said.



If this is her body it's the final piece of evidence to ensure conviction of Caycee. A trial based on circumstantial evidence is harder to prosecute than one with an actual body.


If this is in fact Caylee's body then Caycee should be :wub: bricks.


I can't wait to hear the lies she spins about this now. :D

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If this is her body it's the final piece of evidence to ensure conviction of Caycee. A trial based on circumstantial evidence is harder to prosecute than one with an actual body.


If this is in fact Caylee's body then Caycee should be :wub: bricks.


I can't wait to hear the lies she spins about this now. :D

If it is Caylee's body, then I'm really surprised at how stupid the mother (killer) is. A half-mile from the grandparents' house? Of all the places to get rid of a body. How stupid can she be?

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If it is Caylee's body, then I'm really surprised at how stupid the mother (killer) is. A half-mile from the grandparents' house? Of all the places to get rid of a body. How stupid can she be?


Seriously because everyone knows the best way is in a 50 gallon drum filled with cement and dropped in the ocean.

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Seriously because everyone knows the best way is in a 50 gallon drum filled with cement and dropped in the ocean.

Well they are in Florida, so she could have gone either Atlantic Ocean or Gulf of Mexico.... :wub:


Seriously, though - with all the lakes and what not, and all the rural, country areas - she goes a half-mile from Mommy & Daddy's house? Really?

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