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Eddie Murphy is finally set to retire.


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Delirous and Raw were very funny. But I guess those don't count.


Trading Places was the best, IMO. Coming to America second, Beverly Hills Cop takes the bronze. Harlem Knights and 48 Hours were decent.


Other movies had very scenes....Nutty Prof, Bev Hills II, even Best Defense, The Golden Child, Bowfinger had their moments, if few and far between.


You could argue he was at his best when he was on SNL.

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Either Trading Spaces or Beverly Hills Cop 1.


I think the rest were pretty lame.

Yeah, that one where he and Dan Ackroyd re-designed a room in each other's house was awesome!

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Coming to America was probably my favorite. I'll admit that Harlem Night's is a guilty pleasure of mine though. As bad as it is in parts, there's little nuances and one-liners that just kill me. As a teen it was probably Cop I, but as I've gotten older, Coming to America's characters just crack me up.


All that being said, I'm kinda looking forward to him going back on stage... as long as he isn't going to try to revive his singing career. :lol:

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Eddie might put the 'fat suit' down?!!? Say it ain't so! :lol:


His best was Trading Places. Which is sad when you realize it's ~20 years old and he hasn't done anything worth a bucket of sh-- since. Then again, 90 percent of everything that's come out of Hollywood in the past 15 years is warmed-over dreck.

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