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RIP Tim Russert

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Anyone else just watch the Meet the Press tribute to Russert? Great, great show about a wonderful man.


It was touching to see Brokaw choked up, clearly Tim Russert and his Buffalo background served journalism well. Rest In Peace.


Yeah, Brokaw did a great job on Meet The Press this morning. I particularly enjoyed Brokaw saying that at his mother's apartment, Russert's book was on the top of the stack of books on the coffee table.


MSNBC said that legislation will be introduced to rename the portion of Route 20A around Ralph Wilson Stadium "Tim Russert Highway" :cry:

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Yeah, Brokaw did a great job on Meet The Press this morning.


Very nice tribute to him....definitely tough to watch at times. To whatever degree I've been engaged with politics in my life, I owe a lot of that to Russert. I've always enjoyed watching him on Sundays, and it's really hard to imagine him not being there anymore :cry:

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FYI: When the Bills sent him one of the new shirts, I believe he requested #72, because it was the number Luke wore for his high school team.


That sounds like him, putting his family first and not thinking about himself. Well, when I get my jersey I'm putting #1 on it.

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thank you. I have been trying to think of the number to match Russert. Well I think I am gonna get 77- as in Blizzard of 77. Russert-77-Bills- that will help me explain my roots in Buffalo! Timmy- I never met you, but I lost a great friend :cry:


Very nice idea, Pete. And it won't go out of wear.


As someone else mentioned, the number 72 he got when he got a commemorative one from the team. Saw the number 6 on the Sabres jerseys he received.


I think it might be more fitting with 58.

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I am amazed at how many lives he touched. You can feel the raw emotions his friends had while speaking about him on Meet the Press this morning.


I noticed it as well....with all of the fakes in Washington...Russert was as authentic as they come!!

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I noticed it as well....with all of the fakes in Washington...Russert was as authentic as they come!!

Truly! And the man had zero ego. I have never seen a person more loved and admired. Tim makes me want to be a better person

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Never met Tim Russert. Some people might think it's foolish to be sad over the passing of someone you never met. I am upset because Russert could spend his days talking to the most powerful politicians in this country, but he never forgot where he came from.


He's going to be waked and buried in Washington, but he'll always be Tim from South Buffalo. Russert wore his heart on his sleeve when he talked with pride about his hometown and its sports teams, no matter how many times the Bills or Sabres failed to grab the brass ring. And that made him one of us.

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i have been staying away from here tonightas I knew I would get a tear in my eye, and I have. Lord, it is such a bond we share being from Buffalo. Makes me very enviios some times of you all that are still there.


Quick story of my interaction with Tim Russert. All true, but cannot remember the exact dates, but can remember te game.


Wednesday night before Thanksgiving, Adams Morgan neighborhood of DC. Future wife and I go out to eat to my BBQ joint (island influence) down the street, right off 18th and Kalorama( i lived at COnnecticut Ave and Kalorama at the time). Lonf story short, no one in the joint but my wife and me, and in walks Russert and his wife Maureen Orth. They sit three stools down from us at the bar and order a drink. I go nuts and tell my wife I am going to say hi to the fellow Buffalonian, she frowns and says let the poor man have a drink and meal in peace.


We compromise, as i wore in a Niagara University pullover(my buddy coached the swim team), and I say I am going to go to the john as we act like we are leaving but I am putting on that god awful purple thing as I walk past Russert and and toward the john. As soon as I get next to him, first words out of his mouth" hey did you go to Niagara, I grew up in Buffalo, are you from there?"


I tell him the quick story I from Niagara Falls, i do not want to bother him or his wife, and he refuses to let me go. Looks at the beer I am drinking, orders one for me, and asks what my fiance is drinking. Asks if I am watching the Bills the next day(playing the Lions, either 95 0r 96)) and I explain the dish to him. At that point, he was still going to the NBC studios for every Bills game not on the local channel.


Really long story short, I got pretty lit up with the man in an empty bar on 18th st in DC. We sat and drank beer for a good two hrs and talked Directv and Bills football. Our roots brought us together, and even our wives got along making fun of how geeky we were being from Buffalo. My only real claim to being close to celebrity, but the man was a good man. I pray for his dad, he has got to hurting beyonf belief.


My tears are running, and I am not sure why. Russert was a Buffalonian, i was a Buffalonian, he did nothing but act like we all do when we meet somebody from Buffalo.


God rest in pease Tim, you will be missed in this household


I just got a chance to read this thread and it wasn't until this post that I started to get teary. He was probably the most famous living Buffalonian, and he goes and does exactly what the least famous Buffalonian would do: buy you a beer and talk about the Bills.

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Luke Russert's interview from this morning. Be great if he would follow in his Dad's footsteps, can't believe how well he is holding up. Picture of him next to his dad's chair is moving.



That's an interview that could have gone on another 15 minutes and not be boring at all.
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Truly his father's son, no?


Man....if they are smart, they'll find a way to get him a 5 or 10 minute segment on the show if they decide to change the format up a little bit. God Bless the kid. I don't know if it has all set in yet, or he is just that poised.

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I don't know if it has all set in yet, or he is just that poised.

My guess is (1) no, and (2) yes.


He's an impressive young man. How many 22-year-olds do you know who can hold forth like that for 15 minutes without sounding stupid or pompous? The apple didn't fall far from the tree at ALL.

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