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Police will attempt to question Lynch and at least 3

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When you "think stuff is overpriced", in this case booze, you might sneak a bottle of booze in a bar. You'd order a pepsi or whatever and then inconspicuously poor some of the booze into the drink. But when you blatantly carry in a bottle of booze and poor it into a mixer in full view of everyone, that's believing that you are above the rules. That is a "my sh-- don't stink, look at me" statement right there. There's a big difference and I do hope he "grows out" of that arrogant @sshole attitude....


Any bar I've been in charges the same for a pepsi or a mixed drink. I think the intent was to eliminate people sneaking booze into the bar.

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I haven't waded through all this crap but... One thing came to mind... Do you think that the people on the scene and the one's that are witnesses are putting a "monkey wrench" into things... What I mean could "pro Lynch" or whatever be gumming up the works and creating conflicting reports...


Just think if you were gonna put ML on your fantasy team... Or, like 99.9% of the people that night, die hard Bills fans!



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We don't know that that's the case, he might have been trying to be sneaky with it, but its kind of hard when you're the starting running back for the local nfl team. If he wasn't being at least a little sneaky he wouldn't be able to get in the bar with the bottle long enough to order the pepsi.

I did not say "this is what ML did", only explaining the difference between being a cheap/broke college kid and a star or celebrity that think they are king. If any of it is true, which I have my doubts, I hope this is not what happed with ML. But if it is true, it would be pretty funny to see ML sneaking booze into his cup, which I doubt would be the case. It's an opinion, we could go back and forth forever over every little point, but this is getting boring...


Assumption again. The article doesn't mention Marshawn flaunting the bottle around nor does it say anything about him just walking thru the front door waving it around. If we're assuming, why can't we assume he snuck it in his shoe and got caught when they saw him pouring it under the table into his Pepsi?


We don't even know what the liquor was either. What if it was Crystal or a 80 year old scotch he wanted to celebrate with?


Assumptions can go both ways.

Exactly!!! But my guess is Crystal....

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I did not say "this is what ML did", only explaining the difference between being a cheap/broke college kid and a star or celebrity that think they are king. If any of it is true, which I have my doubts, I hope this is not what happed with ML. But if it is true, it would be pretty funny to see ML sneaking booze into his cup, which I doubt would be the case. It's an opinion, we could go back and forth forever over every little point, but this is getting boring...



I stand corrected. And you're right, and I love your avitar

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OK, I've waited an appropriate length of time to hear all the evidence and render my decision.


Here comes Marshawn's car slowly rounding the down town corner on a dark, rainy night, out of nowhere come two drunk Canadians bi**chs , one dancing and singing in the middle of the street the other blindly walking into the side of his slowly moving vehicle. Dodging drunks and rain as best as possible the driver obliviously retreats into the night.


Canadians are taught from birth that no matter where you step of the curb you can walk into traffic safe in the knowledge that the world will stop turning just for you.


The sl*t should be arrested for public intoxication, destruction of private property and being a dumb ass in a foreign country.



The cops and D.A. should get a life and stop trying to get on the five 0'clock news. Their 15 minutes of fame is over.



Here is another scenario:


The driver stops to check out what drunk moron kicked the side of his car, a crowd of drunk a**holes quickly surrounds the scene to check out the hoopla , a fight ensues , which turns into a riot , resulting in shots fired and blood and bodies in the street.


Thank god the driver did the right thing and drove Marshawn home and out of harms way.




On another note:


Having dealt with Buffalo's finest in the past I KNOW THIS. If this wasn't Marshawn or someone else worthy of a news release the standard police response is " oh, sorry, sucks to be you", be happy you only needed a few stitches, end of story.

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OK, I've waited an appropriate length of time to hear all the evidence and render my decision.


Here comes Marshawn's car slowly rounding the down town corner on a dark, rainy night, out of nowhere come two drunk Canadians bi**chs , one dancing and singing in the middle of the street the other blindly walking into the side of his slowly moving vehicle. Dodging drunks and rain as best as possible the driver obliviously retreats into the night.


Canadians are taught from birth that no matter where you step of the curb you can walk into traffic safe in the knowledge that the world will stop turning just for you.


The sl*t should be arrested for public intoxication, destruction of private property and being a dumb ass in a foreign country.



The cops and D.A. should get a life and stop trying to get on the five 0'clock news. Their 15 minutes of fame is over.



Here is another scenario:


The driver stops to check out what drunk moron kicked the side of his car, a crowd of drunk a**holes quickly surrounds the scene to check out the hoopla , a fight ensues , which turns into a riot , resulting in shots fired and blood and bodies in the street.


Thank god the driver did the right thing and drove Marshawn home and out of harms way.




On another note:


Having dealt with Buffalo's finest in the past I KNOW THIS. If this wasn't Marshawn or someone else worthy of a news release the standard police response is " oh, sorry, sucks to be you", be happy you only needed a few stitches, end of story.



Looks like you should have waited a little longer :lol:

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OK, I've waited an appropriate length of time to hear all the evidence and render my decision.


Here comes Marshawn's car slowly rounding the down town corner on a dark, rainy night, out of nowhere come two drunk Canadians bi**chs , one dancing and singing in the middle of the street the other blindly walking into the side of his slowly moving vehicle. Dodging drunks and rain as best as possible the driver obliviously retreats into the night.


Canadians are taught from birth that no matter where you step of the curb you can walk into traffic safe in the knowledge that the world will stop turning just for you.


The sl*t should be arrested for public intoxication, destruction of private property and being a dumb ass in a foreign country.


Sounds like somebody recently went to the ballet and discovered there is no sex in the champagne room.

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I am very disappointed and don't see how someone can defend this behavior. Where there is smoke there is fire

It's hard to disagree with that, Pete.

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I dont defend it or accuse of it........we just dont have enough information yet to make a judgement.


All we have are unfounded media reports from unknown sources.....and a DA who is trying to force something out Marshawn but doesn't have enough to even take him downtown.


Lynch is doing what he was told to due by his lawyer......and he is innocent until proven guilty

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Unless Lynch speaks about this to the public, and I mean SOON, no matter what happens his rep in Buffalo will be forever damaged. Situations like this can damage a team, their chemistry, and their fans..


The guy should just "man up" instead of "lawyer up"... How much trouble could he possibly get into? I don't think its even a felony ( which would be pleaded down anyways )..

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So what you are saying Pete is that you would self-incriminate yourself? You are truly a saint!



huh? I am a saint because I don't sneak booze into a bar nor do I run over girls in my car and drive away? I try my best to be the best person I can be, but definitely am nowhere near being ready to be canonized. What provoked this personal jab at me?

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