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I remember when.....

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....it was 1973 and my admiration for the Bills was just beginning and watching OJ Simpson rushing for over 2,000 yards rushing in a single season. I was just a young kid not fully comprehending the magnitude of such a feat.


....big changes occurred with the hiring of Chuck Knox and trading OJ to the San Francisco 49'ers.


....getting tortured unmercifully by my older brother year after year for being a Bills' fan.


....working in a pizzaria in the late '70s/early '80s proudly wearing my Bills' hat.


....going to a MNF game in 1981 against the Dolphins on bus trip from Rochester with our favorite local bar. I took the sheets off of my parents' king- sized bed and made a sign out of it. It went something like "We're no babies and we don't need no Cribbs because we come from the school of hard Knox". It was fandemonium because we stomped them and then we stopped in a Cheektowaga bar to celebrate. My buddy and I thought we were cassanovas and were hitting on the only two girls in the joint. As we were trying to make time with them the rest of the guys took off and left us. The girls weren't interested in us but were nice enough to take us to the Greyhound bus station. We spent the night waiting until the next bus went to Rochester (8:15 am). No girls, no ride but it didn't matter because Buffalo won and we kicked the sh-- out of the Fish (31-21).


....watching later that year in the post season a gimpy Joe Freguson gallantly tough it out in a losing cause against the San Diego Chargers.


....seeing us draft a Jim Kelly and then wondering what we did to deserve him not wanting to play for us.


....suffering thru the Hank Bullough Era and seeing our stars quit against a team like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


....going to the Jim Kelly/Bills home opener in the 1986 season against the New York Jets. Once again another lost but man what an exciting game that was! Finally we got hope again.


....watching Bill Polian accumalate more of those great players of the '80s and '90s teams and realizing that Darryl Talley is my favorite all time player.


....the 1988 season we finally arrived as a true contender. The Bengals were just a little too much for us in the end but I couldn't wait for the next season to begin. This is when I also realized just how big Boomer Esiason really was. In the AFC Conference Championship game Bruce Smith went to tackle him and Boomer was shoulder to shoulder/eyeball to eyeball with him.


....being in the endzone seats in the 1990 AFC Conference Championship game against the Raiders and watching Darryl Talley intercept a pass for a TD and return it pretty much right in front of me! What a rout!


....watching my brother-in-law slip and fall down a slope on a muddy day leaving the Ralph after a win. I forget which game it was but he was so drunk and he was going to show me how to cut thru the crowd on the outside of the exit ramp. He was wearing white sweats and was covered with mud from head to toe. I couldn't stop laughing my @$$ off. What an idiot!


....witnessing the refuse to lose mentality of this team in the 1990 season against the Broncos and the Raiders in back to back wins. We were getting our @$$e$ handed to us in both games, especially the Bronco game, when the Bills exploded for 24 points in a 1 minute/17 second span. The next week against the Raiders I think something like 21 points in a 3 or 4 minute span for another big time win. It was magical and I never see much of those two ever mentioned. It's too bad because it was some of the most exciting football I ever saw.


....going to every post season home game during our Super Bowl runs but pussying out and not going to the Greatest Comeback. I wanted to but the problem was that my buddy was a diehard Houston Oiler fan and HATES Buffalo. I wasn't confident that we were going to win and I wasn't going to ride all the way up and back to Buffalo and listen to his mouth, especially during the game. It was a no win situation for me. He's a true bad@$$ and even if we won I couldn't rub it in because he would of killed me, literally. To compound matters more that game was blacked out. I had to listen to it on the radio but it didn't squelch the elation I felt when I heard it.


....seeing my favorite team win the AFC four consecutive years. I was disappointed and heartbroken when they didn't convert just one of those Championships into a Super Bowl win but I was always proud of them just the same.


....feeling how proud I was when I watched Thurman score that 31 yd TD, it was also the 1,000 point scored in Super Bowl history. What an emotional game that was for me. I even punched a hole in my wall, not out of anger but pride.


....afraid to dream in that first Super Bowl when it came down to that FG. I'm not kidding, I felt that it was against us. That wasn't really Norwood's comfort range and it was on grass. I was devastated and watching any great length of that game still puts a lump in my throat.



What I won't forget is when the Bills win their first Super Bowl how I will think and feel. It will be fulfilling my life. I think about the Bills EVERY single day. They are a fiber of me for decades now. I swear that they must be a part of my DNA. What I won't forget is the pictures and images of my sons when they were little boys dressed in their Buffalo Bills' pajamas, knowing that the Bills hold a special place in their hearts no matter where they are in this world because of their dad. The Bills are important to them because of me and THAT gives me great joy. When they think of the Bills, they think of me. How great of an honor is that?

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Amazing! Regarding that last paragraph, my father could say the same about me...the Bills are much more than a distant group of rich athletes, they're another member of our family. Its something thats been passed down through the family, and this team will always be important to me. Its amazing the way the team can link generations together.


I can't imagine a championship meaning as much to any group of fans as it will to my fellow Bills fans. We've held this team so close, and endured more than most along the way. Its hard to say what it will be like when it happens.


Remarkable post, Tip. Thank you.



EDIT: Is there any way we could get this pinned? This would be the perfect representation of our board, and the more Bills fans who read the honesty and passion found in this post, the better.

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....witnessing the refuse to lose mentality of this team in the 1990 season against the Broncos and the Raiders in back to back wins. We were getting our @$$e$ handed to us in both games, especially the Bronco game, when the Bills exploded for 24 points in a 1 minute/17 second span. The next week against the Raiders I think something like 21 points in a 3 or 4 minute span for another big time win. It was magical and I never see much of those two ever mentioned. It's too bad because it was some of the most exciting football I ever saw.


Actually, that turned into a trilogy of wonderous comebacks. First, Biscuit's blocked FG return started the Denver magic. Then Tasker's blocked punt that JD Williams returned for a score turned the tide vs. the undefeated Raiders. Then, after the bye, Kelly's late game heroics ended with Jamie Mueller's TD grab vs. the Jets.


I knew then that was a Super season!!

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Nice sentiments. I hope that when I've been a fan for 35+ years I have as many great memories as you fans from the 60's and 70's, and I hope I can as eloquently express how much this team means to me also.


Great post.

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AWESOME post Tipster!!!!


You know what makes Bills fans great?


That on May 2nd, a Bills fan can make a post like this, with reflections on the past and showing tons of emotion. To me that is what being a Buffalo Bills fan is all about. I personally was not born in Buffalo, but my father was, and my Dad and I enjoy a strong bond, in part because of the passion we both have for the Buffalo Bills.


It is boards like this that make being a Bills fan special. I personally met some people from this board and there are some damn good people on this board. And even those I have not met in person, I almost feel like I know some of you in some way.

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I hope you will be at the home opener TBD tailgate this year because I will and I would like to buy you a beer :wallbash: Great post....







Thanks, I would love to but I now live in SW Florida. My wife's health went to sh-- and based on what happens with her I might be back in Bills' country. It doesn't matter where I live, the Bills are right where they belong and that's in my heart.




There was alot more that I wanted to add but the post was getting to be too long but it still basicly displayed what I wanted it to say. I was hoping that others would have shared their own memories and what the Bills mean to them and their families.


I can't let this post go without mentioning the legendary Van Miller and his passionate play-by-play commentaries. I truly miss hearing him. Van represented us the best, he was/is a true Bills' fan.


I also remember when.....



....the Bills came back to Buffalo after Super Bowl XXV and watching all the love and adoration that the fans showered on our dejected players, especially Scott Norwood. I can't remember being any more prouder of being a Bills' fan than watching the reception that he received. Priceless.

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Thanks, I would love to but I now live in SW Florida. My wife's health went to sh-- and based on what happens with her I might be back in Bills' country. It doesn't matter where I live, the Bills are right where they belong and that's in my heart.




There was alot more that I wanted to add but the post was getting to be too long but it still basicly displayed what I wanted it to say. I was hoping that others would have shared their own memories and what the Bills mean to them and their families.


I can't let this post go without mentioning the legendary Van Miller and his passionate play-by-play commentaries. I truly miss hearing him. Van represented us the best, he was/is a true Bills' fan.


I also remember when.....



....the Bills came back to Buffalo after Super Bowl XXV and watching all the love and adoration that the fans showered on our dejected players, especially Scott Norwood. I can't remember being any more prouder of being a Bills' fan than watching the reception that he received. Priceless.



WHEN your wife gets better, see yah in Bills' country!

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Great post Tipster......and the addition of Van Miller makes it all come together.


Prayers and best wishes for your wife.....



WHEN your wife gets better, see yah in Bills' country!


Thanks alot guys, your thoughts are much appreciated. I don't want to take away the essence of this post with my personal issues. I have a fantastic wife, great kids and it's not for me to question GOD for my wife's health but to have faith. Hey, I'm a Bills' fan and we're all about faith. I WILL be back for a Bills' game sooner or later and I would love to go to a tailgate party and meet many of you. In some ways this board is like extended family and at the very least a fraternity.


Our time is coming and it's going to be sweet! What I would love the most is WHEN we do win a Super Bowl that I will be right in the midst of fellow Bills's fans and share this glorious moment together.

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Thanks for the amazing post, brought a couple tears to my eyes. I am only 22 so I love hearing about the 60s and 70s as those are the seasons all of my fathers stories come from. The super bowl years were my founding years of being a football fan (and sports fan), which has allowed me to appreciate how truly special a championship would be for Buffalo. Being only five years old I fell asleep before the end of Superbowl 25. However, my father and mother woke me up to watch the final kick, and I remember bursting into tears the second it went wide right. That really is my first solid memory of the Buffalo Bills, and the heartbreak all Buffalo fans are forced to endure. When the bills re-sat the stadium about ten years back my father moved our seats to below the press box, in the final row. We literally sit right below where the national guys do the telecast and a few seats over from where the local guys sit. For the first few years after his retirement Van would sit right above us and give us high fives whenever the Bills scored. It was pretty cool. The best was the day he brought a whistle to the game. He would blow it ever few minutes, and for the first quarter I couldn't figure out what it was. Finally, he leaned over the railing far enough and blew the thing right in my ear (because no one sits above us we stand on our seats the whole game, so he didn't have to lean over far). It was pretty funny and he couldn't stop laughing at how high I jumped.

Anyways, I just wanted to add some of my favorite memories that I have developed over an admittedly much shorter period of time, but I hope some day to have many more great memories and hopefully they include many more Superbowl years.

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Great Post Tipster......It really is more than just a sport for us WNY'ers....Touche....and I know it may have been posted before but...what the heck...I love these videos!!!!!








Thanks for the videos. I love watchings clips like that and never get tired of it. I'd like to add one thing, that Rick Reilly is one ignorant SOB.

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Thanks for the videos. I love watchings clips like that and never get tired of it. I'd like to add one thing, that Rick Reilly is one ignorant SOB.


May Rick Reilly be anally raped by a pack of angry Apes

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....it was 1973 and my admiration for the Bills was just beginning and watching OJ Simpson rushing for over 2,000 yards rushing in a single season. I was just a young kid not fully comprehending the magnitude of such a feat.


....big changes occurred with the hiring of Chuck Knox and trading OJ to the San Francisco 49'ers.


....getting tortured unmercifully by my older brother year after year for being a Bills' fan.


....working in a pizzaria in the late '70s/early '80s proudly wearing my Bills' hat.


....going to a MNF game in 1981 against the Dolphins on bus trip from Rochester with our favorite local bar. I took the sheets off of my parents' king- sized bed and made a sign out of it. It went something like "We're no babies and we don't need no Cribbs because we come from the school of hard Knox". It was fandemonium because we stomped them and then we stopped in a Cheektowaga bar to celebrate. My buddy and I thought we were cassanovas and were hitting on the only two girls in the joint. As we were trying to make time with them the rest of the guys took off and left us. The girls weren't interested in us but were nice enough to take us to the Greyhound bus station. We spent the night waiting until the next bus went to Rochester (8:15 am). No girls, no ride but it didn't matter because Buffalo won and we kicked the sh-- out of the Fish (31-21).


....watching later that year in the post season a gimpy Joe Freguson gallantly tough it out in a losing cause against the San Diego Chargers.


....seeing us draft a Jim Kelly and then wondering what we did to deserve him not wanting to play for us.


....suffering thru the Hank Bullough Era and seeing our stars quit against a team like the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.


....going to the Jim Kelly/Bills home opener in the 1986 season against the New York Jets. Once again another lost but man what an exciting game that was! Finally we got hope again.


....watching Bill Polian accumalate more of those great players of the '80s and '90s teams and realizing that Darryl Talley is my favorite all time player.


....the 1988 season we finally arrived as a true contender. The Bengals were just a little too much for us in the end but I couldn't wait for the next season to begin. This is when I also realized just how big Boomer Esiason really was. In the AFC Conference Championship game Bruce Smith went to tackle him and Boomer was shoulder to shoulder/eyeball to eyeball with him.


....being in the endzone seats in the 1990 AFC Conference Championship game against the Raiders and watching Darryl Talley intercept a pass for a TD and return it pretty much right in front of me! What a rout!


....watching my brother-in-law slip and fall down a slope on a muddy day leaving the Ralph after a win. I forget which game it was but he was so drunk and he was going to show me how to cut thru the crowd on the outside of the exit ramp. He was wearing white sweats and was covered with mud from head to toe. I couldn't stop laughing my @$$ off. What an idiot!


....witnessing the refuse to lose mentality of this team in the 1990 season against the Broncos and the Raiders in back to back wins. We were getting our @$$e$ handed to us in both games, especially the Bronco game, when the Bills exploded for 24 points in a 1 minute/17 second span. The next week against the Raiders I think something like 21 points in a 3 or 4 minute span for another big time win. It was magical and I never see much of those two ever mentioned. It's too bad because it was some of the most exciting football I ever saw.


....going to every post season home game during our Super Bowl runs but pussying out and not going to the Greatest Comeback. I wanted to but the problem was that my buddy was a diehard Houston Oiler fan and HATES Buffalo. I wasn't confident that we were going to win and I wasn't going to ride all the way up and back to Buffalo and listen to his mouth, especially during the game. It was a no win situation for me. He's a true bad@$$ and even if we won I couldn't rub it in because he would of killed me, literally. To compound matters more that game was blacked out. I had to listen to it on the radio but it didn't squelch the elation I felt when I heard it.


....seeing my favorite team win the AFC four consecutive years. I was disappointed and heartbroken when they didn't convert just one of those Championships into a Super Bowl win but I was always proud of them just the same.


....feeling how proud I was when I watched Thurman score that 31 yd TD, it was also the 1,000 point scored in Super Bowl history. What an emotional game that was for me. I even punched a hole in my wall, not out of anger but pride.


....afraid to dream in that first Super Bowl when it came down to that FG. I'm not kidding, I felt that it was against us. That wasn't really Norwood's comfort range and it was on grass. I was devastated and watching any great length of that game still puts a lump in my throat.



What I won't forget is when the Bills win their first Super Bowl how I will think and feel. It will be fulfilling my life. I think about the Bills EVERY single day. They are a fiber of me for decades now. I swear that they must be a part of my DNA. What I won't forget is the pictures and images of my sons when they were little boys dressed in their Buffalo Bills' pajamas, knowing that the Bills hold a special place in their hearts no matter where they are in this world because of their dad. The Bills are important to them because of me and THAT gives me great joy. When they think of the Bills, they think of me. How great of an honor is that?


We must be about the same age. Good stuff. Being a bills fan is a bit of a curse. It never leaves you, but we wouldn't want it any other way.

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