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RIP Charleton Heston


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While I won't claim to think that Heston was great actor (IMO, he was great in the same way that William Shatner is great), or to care much for his political activities, I will say, it is sad to see him go. "Planet of the Apes" is the Star Wars of my youth, and "Ben Hur", "Omega Man" and "Soylent Green" were awesome films too. Does anyone remember a movie , where he played the aging QB of the New Orleans Saints? It was likely 1969-1973...I think it was called "The Natural" (not the Redford flick)...if they re-run this one during a tribute, you owe it to yourself to check it out...one of the worst sports movies ever...so bad, it was good...

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Does anyone remember a movie , where he played the aging QB of the New Orleans Saints? It was likely 1969-1973...I think it was called "The Natural" (not the Redford flick)...if they re-run this one during a tribute, you owe it to yourself to check it out...one of the worst sports movies ever...so bad, it was good...

Is this it?


Number One

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I caught Planet of the Apes on AMC Friday night. It seems hard to believe it was 40 years ago that it came out. Sigh...


My son (the one that I have to work on his hitting with) and I watched that Friday night too! My son was a HUGE fan of his over-the-top acting skills. He was laughing his non-hitting arse off and his line delivery.


RIP Col. George "Bright eyes" Taylor.


I have, what I consider to be, a pretty good Heston impression and my wife aboslutely HATES it and doesn't really agree with his NRA stance. Hope she's ready for a solid week of Heston line delivery from me! <_<

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