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The Suits go 2 for 2!

Zulu Cthulhu

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The 2 coaches who decided to take advantage of the new rule and look professional and classy on the sidelines both won decisive victories this past weekend. What with all the head-stompings (2 already), wife-beatings, and illicit cough syrup selling going on in the NFL this year by the players, the new suit rule injects some sorely needed class into the league, and every coach should take advantage if the league allows them.

A little advice to Couch Jauron though if he decides to suit up: Stay away from the black suit / black tie Dick, people may mistake you for a spooky old undertaker with that mug of yours. :rolleyes:

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I could care less about supertstition but i think a suit would make Jauron look very studious especially with those glasses hanging off the end of his nose. It would fit his Ivy league personality. During cold weather he could have a nice overcoat and hat ala Hank Stram. Would like to see that look for the San Diego game.

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The 2 coaches who decided to take advantage of the new rule and look professional and classy on the sidelines both won decisive victories this past weekend.  What with all the head-stompings (2 already), wife-beatings, and illicit cough syrup selling going on in the NFL this year by the players, the new suit rule injects some sorely needed class into the league, and every coach should take advantage if the league allows them. 

  A little advice to Couch Jauron though if he decides to suit up:  Stay away from the black suit / black tie Dick, people may mistake you for a spooky old undertaker with that mug of yours. :rolleyes:


Both Nolan and Del Rio looked sharp on the sidelines. If the weather is decent I think Dickie J should go for it.

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The "looking classy on the sideline" look has faired well for Jim Tressle.  But I think the NFL should make like baseball and have the head coach suit up in uniform with the #00.  Jauron can lead by example.


Damn, I miss Lasorda in his Dodger blue.

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The "looking classy on the sideline" look has faired well for Jim Tressle.  But I think the NFL should make like baseball and have the head coach suit up in uniform with the #00.  Jauron can lead by example.


I don't know, they might mistake him for Roscoe and put him in the game on offence, wait a minute that won't happen, Roscoe never gets in on offence

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I'm willing to bet TMQ will have something positive to say about that this week.


I agree...I really don't like Del Rio but I applaud the move, and he did look sharp.

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I don't know, maybe if he cut the sleeves and attached a hood to it he might be up for wearing it



I'd like to see Jauron sport a red-white and blue tuxedo like Uncle Sam (complete with tuxedo). It's the Bills colours anyway.


Then he can point at his co-ordinators and yell stuff like: "I want you...to get this D line to stop the run!"

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