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What do you think is the best movie trilogy ever?

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Where is this talk of another book coming out for the LOTR series? I thought it was done? Isn't J.R.R Tolkien dead?

Yeah he died back in the 60's or 70's.

The LoTR trilogy was written way back in the 30's/40's and that's why some people believe Tolkien was writing some sort of WWII allegory, i.e. Shire/England, Gondor/Europe, Rohirrim/US, Mordor/Germany, Uruk-hai/Japan, etc.

And yes I'd say its the best film trilogy I've ever seen.

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Yeah he died back in the 60's or 70's.

The LoTR trilogy was written way back in the 30's/40's and that's why some people believe Tolkien was writing some sort of WWII allegory, i.e. Shire/England, Gondor/Europe, Rohirrim/US, Mordor/Germany, Uruk-hai/Japan, etc.

And yes I'd say its the best film trilogy I've ever seen.



Yes he is dead, but there was a tenplate for a final book, that has existed. His son just signed an agreement to complete the book, and received a healthy bonus. This was just in the news last week. I know the media kind of hid it since they wanted to make sure they pushed their agendas out rather than actually reporting "news".



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Yes he is dead, but there was a template for a final book, that has existed. His son just signed an agreement to complete the book

Hadn't heard anything about it. I tried to read one other book of his which was published posthumously but it was a mess. Tolkien was a brilliant writer and it'd be neat to actually see another work of his after so many years. Hope there was enough of it written to make it worth publishing.

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The LoTR trilogy was written way back in the 30's/40's and that's why some people believe Tolkien was writing some sort of WWII allegory, i.e. Shire/England, Gondor/Europe, Rohirrim/US, Mordor/Germany, Uruk-hai/Japan, etc.



Back when LoTR was in theatres I saw a documentary about Tolkien. They interviewed someone who knew Tolkien who said JRRT wasn't a big fan of writing allegories and hated the comparisons betwen LoTR and WWII

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Back when LoTR was in theatres I saw a documentary about Tolkien.  They interviewed someone who knew Tolkien who said JRRT wasn't a big fan of writing allegories and hated the comparisons betwen LoTR and WWII



Yeah I'd heard the same thing before which is why I never put much stock in the theory. There are some interesting similarities though.

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Yes he is dead, but there was a tenplate for a final book, that has existed.  His son just signed an agreement to complete the book, and received a healthy bonus.  This was just in the news last week.  I know the media kind of hid it since they wanted to make sure they pushed their agendas out rather than actually reporting "news". 





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Yes he is dead, but there was a tenplate for a final book, that has existed.  His son just signed an agreement to complete the book, and received a healthy bonus.  This was just in the news last week.  I know the media kind of hid it since they wanted to make sure they pushed their agendas out rather than actually reporting "news". 







They hid the "news" that Tolken had an unfinished last book? In order ot push an agenda?


What, exactly, was this agenda that they are pushing and why would "hiding news" of Tolken's unfinished book help this?

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The first three James Bond films: Dr No, From Russia With Love, and Goldfinger. These three got progressively better and set a standard that the successor films couldn't match. Most of you are a little young to appreciate these three, I'm sure.

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