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*World Cup Game Thread*


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I'm very nervous for the next matchup.  So far, I have followed the same rituals.  Now all i gotta do is eat a raw chicken and I'll be ready.



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The size of the goal has stayed the same since the rules were first written down in the late 19th century.


Lack of goals is not an issue in football - it adds to the flavour - the currency of the goal is so valuable and it actually gives weaker teams a chance.




So who does an Englishman root for in a Germany v. Argentina match?


Besides injuries of course.... :lol:

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great game, now begins the lottery. Fuhck



In the words of Van Miller....."high DRAMA here in the [world cup]!"

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That's a bummer.....you'll get to see the two games tomorrow, yes? Those should be good....this Ger/Arg game actually has been pretty uneventful until Klose scored that goal. The Germans have played very sluggishly.....very USA-like, lol. They're in OT now, so hopefully this will get things going.



Yeah, I'll be watching tomorrow. If the England game was today I would have taken a extended lunch.

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Congratulations to Germany.  Can't say I didn't see this coming.


Last night I heard an Argentina fan say this was an easy match....


:lol:  :P



I think I heard that one of the german players said, "it's too bad they have to play against the home team", so looks like both sides were a bit cocky.


Well, on to the semis.....now we get to see how your raw chicken eating will pay off :angry::P

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Yeah, I'll be watching tomorrow. If the England game was today I would have taken a extended lunch.



That should be a great game....I'm still pissed that Portugal will be missing Deco (not cause i want them to win, just cause I want to see the best match), but with Figo and C.Ronaldo in there they should give England a good fight. I'd love to see Rooney light it up and get back to form, too.

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So why were the Argentines going after the refs?


Sportsline is reporting:


"Now a melee on the field as Argentine players are looking to throw some punches on some of the side officials. Tevez lunged to try and punch an official. Not a pretty sight now. Teams also have to learn to lose graciously."




"The end was marred by pushing and shoving on the field, with several Argentine players surrounding the referee before order was restored."

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So why were the Argentines going after the refs?


Sportsline is reporting:


"Now a melee on the field as Argentine players are looking to throw some punches on some of the side officials. Tevez lunged to try and punch an official. Not a pretty sight now. Teams also have to learn to lose graciously."




"The end was marred by pushing and shoving on the field, with several Argentine players surrounding the referee before order was restored."



Thanks for posting that....I didn't know wtf was going on, to be honest. I thought they said the germans were celebrating around an injured player, so I assumed the argentines felt disrespected. I guess it was a German player who was down, so this makes more sense. I can understand their frustration, though....they've been playing some top notch ball this wc

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DAMN, I thought all the espn2 broadcasts were done.....now I have to watch the game in standard def......that sucks!


*Wow, great goal by Italy.....the Ukranians came to play, but Italy just shut them up for the time being.


*The Ukranians are going ape sh-- on the Italians, but the Italians keep fending them off and retaliating......2-0 Italy


*Meazza must be doin' more to that chicken than just eating it :lol:

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The size of the goal has stayed the same since the rules were first written down in the late 19th century.

Which is actually the last time someone scored.


Lack of goals is not an issue in football - it adds to the flavour - the currency of the goal is so valuable and it actually gives weaker teams a chance.



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Which is actually the last time someone scored.




What the hell, man? It's been lke a week since your last soccer crack.....let's pick up the pace here!!! :lol:

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Forza Italia.

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You guys had the talent and the luck on your side today.....not that you needed the luck, lol. They had all sorts of opportunities to keep pace, but they couldn't quite get it done. Off the crossbar here, off a defender there....it must have been maddening for them, cause they actually had some real nice passing going on. But alas, Italy vs. Germany, baby.....that's gonna ROCK.

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