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Paul Lewczyk

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I was wondering why noone brought this up but...


rather than spending money on a physical representation of how much you guys loved Paul, why not donate for something in his cause.


I was thinking along the lines of a suicide prevention charity or hotline (i'm not too informed on the matter). This way, rather than showing how much Paul will be missed by his friends, maybe a life can be saved.


We did the same thing in my family. When my father passed away, my mother donated a hefty sum to the cancer research centers so maybe one family might be spared this pain.


Just a thought.

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Would you consider it as "tacky" as accusing a slew of good-hearted, well-intentioned people of trying to "advertise" anything other than their friendship with Paul?


Yes, I do think it's tacky. And I think Paul would think it's tacky too. He did his thing quietly without chest-thumping...well maybe some but I could just stick in a [figurative] pin and let out some of the hot air if need be. He knew he had friends who cared. In fact I now think it's a bad idea and we should just all donate to a charity which will then send a "thank you" letter that we can scan and look at to make us feel better. Because it seems like that's what people want.


I didn't feel the need to "sign" my son's paver NOR his headstone. I was honoring HIM, not ME. And when I enter the Ralph, there he is just to the left and a little south of the Buffalo (look for the boy from Flower Mound, TX) and I can stop and yell at him a little for leaving too soon. I don't care that the other people don't know who he was. I did, and that's enough.

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has any one come up with what we are going to do ????????? if not then i am going to send some money to a charity in his area next friday . if you all decide to do the stone then i would still like to give to that . no more talking , it is time to get off the pot .

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Used to be a fairly frequent poster, but don't hang around as much as I used to because of a job change. I am just now seeing this post and wanted to say RIP to BiB, and express my condolences to all who knew and loved him. What a terrible tragedy.

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I've had a couple ask me if someone was going to start collecting donations for a paver. Since no one else has stepped up yet, I will. It's $500 for the paver, anything collected over that will go to a suicide prevention hotline in his area. I'll keep a running total in this thread of how much has been donated. For Paypal, send it to... jackinsyracuse at yahoo dot com

To mail a check, send me a PM and I'll give you my mailing address.

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RIP, darn haven't had a chance to read the posts lately and just caught this. Tried to email him the other day and it bounced back. Now I know why!


Shoot, heart aches of the sole are difficult to go through. He is in a better place now.


Paul you were wonderfully supportive of a new guy, even when you disagreed with me. Thanks.

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Having just come across this thread recently, and yes my powers of observation need a mighty overhaul, I couldn't help but be affected by it.    Looking back through the threads, Paul and I didn't really interact very often.    I always found his posts extremely humorous and even insightful. I feel like a lesser man for not knowing Paul.   0:)





I was floored when I saw this and just finished reading all 14 pages. Due to firewalls at work, I can no longer post weekdays and don't log on as frequently at home in the evenings. I'm sorry that I didn't see this sooner. It's a shame that BiB didn't realize how much he touched the people on this board whether they knew him or not, myself included. Count me among those who didn't know him personally but exchanged pleasantries and thread responses with him. I always liked his wit and style and most (if not all) of his posts and was always glad to see him logged on whenever I visited.


You will be missed, Paul, and I hope that you are now at peace with your beloved Darlene. You were a credit to the Wall and it will not be the same without you. I think I can speak for everyone who has posted in this thread when I say that there will always be a void at TBD and TSW. I only wish that I had known you personally. God Bless and may you finally Rest In Peace.



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Rest in Peace.


As someone who has thought about suicide many times, but was able to recognize what I have to live for... how tragic...


For any of you who know someone who has discussed suicide, please take them seriously. There are 3 questions you should ask them, if they can answer 2 or 3 of them, it is time for intervention. (I learned these from a crisis management therapist...)


1) How are you going to commit suicide?

2) When are you going to commit suicide?

3) Where are you going to commit suicide?


If they can answer these questions, it means they have truly made plans for it, beyond just simple depression and thinking about it.

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Today was Paul's Memorial Service in Savannah. Wish I could have made the trip down. RIP, my love.


Paul told me of flying to Savannah in 2004, drinking champagne, and planting flowers for Darlene. I guess he is with her now.


RIP, my virtual friend and confidante.

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