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Don't you find it a little strange that the

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The Texans declined to confirm the report on the Moulds' trade. The Bills spokesman Scott Berchtold said, "There is nothing official to report." Why the secrecy? Could there be more to this trade than meets the eye? I can't recall any other trades that were so unknown. I'm starting to think that there is more than just a second day pick involved. Maybe there is some kind of contingency that has to be cleared with the league and/or with the draft order. I don't know, I just think that this is pretty weird. Has anybody ever remember a trade so hush-hushed?

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Wouldn't that be a scream. Who is to say that there wasn't other factors or variables in this trade. Moulds advisor did say that it was a win-win-win situation for everybody. I don't doubt that the trade went down, just that there may be more specifics. Supposedly Marv wanted a 4th rder from jumpstreet and the Texans came out of the gate with a 5th rder. That was BEFORE the weekend. Now it's the beginning of the next week and it's a 5th rder? That doesn't make sense. This could have been handled just like that LAST week. I don't believe that Marv would just fold anyways. I mean look, Moulds is a great WR and a mainstay in Buffalo. Do you think that Marv asks for a 4th rder and the Texans said no and then Marv said OK we'll take the 5th rder. No, he worked them for something extra, that's why it took more time and possibly the secrecy.

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It sounds to me like Houston, the Texans, Moulds, and his personal assistant are all trying to bully Marv and the Bills.


These people have been saying for days now that it is a done deal, but it was only done as far as Moulds his people and the Texans are concerned.


I also love how the Houston Chronicle article today suggests that if the Bills don't take the 5th rounder from Houston, they risk losing Moulds with zero comp.


Total BS!


There is no risk to the Bills except they may have a well-paid and disgruntled receiver on their hands,


Reality check Houston: EM is under contract for the next two years, and while it may be at a rate that is a bit too tall, we are not risking losing him for nothing if we don't take your 5th rounder! And just because EM says (through his personal assistant) that he'll never play for the Bills again, you can damn well bet he will if it means not collecting $6.1 Million. And even if the Bills feel compelled to release him at some point, they don't have to do it right now.


Dig in them heels Marv and don't let Houston and Moulds' people stampede ya!

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There is NO way that Moulds' value is ONLY a 5th rder, or even a 4th for that matter. I won't believe it until I see it in print. There is still plenty of time to upgrade this deal. Why take so little now? There has to be more to this deal. Even if we just upgraded one of our picks we could still get a better value than a 5th rder. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

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Could there somehow be a three way trade or something to that effect with Houston, Buffalo and New Orleans? The ingredients could be Moulds, Losman and a slew of current/future draft picks? Speculation has had the Saints looking to trade down a bit and Houston would still lock up Bush if they wanted. If not the Saints, could another team be involved and that's why the compensation(s) haven't been revealed? We might still have a silver fox in the war room afterall.

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I think the Chargers got pretty good value for Eli, don't you think?



Yes and No, because it was pretty much just a draft pick trade. The players were still unproven and the deal favor someone more in a few years. Its not like the charger today made that trade after the player were in the league already and people had seen what they could do. Who KNows, Rivers could be the second Ryan Leaf, and the Giants could have the next great QB. Then who got fair value?

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I am suspecting that there is some type of option in the draft pick deal.

For example, the Texans may have an option to exercise on draft day,

if they keep the 4th round pick, the Bills may get a 5th round pick this year and something next year. No hard evidence, but if they have that kind of option there is no point in letting the rest of the league know until the last minute.

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I'm sorry, Moulds for a 5th is a complete joke! He is prolly the second best WR Bill in Buffalo History and we get a rookie getting drafted, oh well Buffalo still will prolly be the youngest team in the NFL anyways, why not add another Rookie!

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