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Manning dumps on his line?


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Yeah in the post game press conference he said something along the lines of "I'm not going to be a bad teammate and call anyone out, but we had some problems with protection." I n my opinion the problem with the Colts wasn't in protection it was in play calling and Manning having too many responsibilities on the field. But what the hell do I know?

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Said something like (and I'm paraphrasing) "I want to be a good teammate, but lets just say we had protecetion problems".


It was obvious he was trying to hold back from blasting his oline, but it was enough of a comment to make it obvious he was pointing the finger at them.

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being way overblown...he said he didnt have time...thats not saying they were overpowered or anything and he did get sacked 5 times which is something he is not used to...bottom line they didnt adjust to pittsburghs blitzing out of a 3/4 or so says mike ditka and michael irving on sportscenter today

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Peyton (who I like) did indeed call out his line. But, one thing that is unsaid about this is that he is the one who calls the blocking schemes FOR the line as well as the plays. So alot of this blame HAS to go on his shoulders.

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Peyton (who I like) did indeed call out his line. But,  one thing that is unsaid about this is that he is the one who calls the blocking schemes FOR the line as well as the plays.  So alot of this blame HAS to go on his shoulders.


I don't think he told the guys up front to get physically whipped over and over again.

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Peyton (who I like) did indeed call out his line. But,  one thing that is unsaid about this is that he is the one who calls the blocking schemes FOR the line as well as the plays.  So alot of this blame HAS to go on his shoulders.



Guys were whiffing on their blocks, and the tackles were getting bowled over time and again. The Colts' line was as un-physical as I've ever seen. Don't blame Manning for that - although he was reacting in a typical Manning fashion: panic. He'd throw off his back foot and get visibly afraid of the constant pressure.

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Yeah in the post game press conference he said something along the lines of "I'm not going to be a bad teammate and call anyone out, but we had some problems with protection."  I n my opinion the problem with the Colts wasn't in protection it was in play calling and Manning having too many responsibilities on the field.  But what the hell do I know?



that's my line :blink:

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Bradshaw took Manning to the mat yesterday and said, basically, you're supposed to suck it up, take the blame, promise to do better next year, and split. He was riding Manning kinda hard. In a non-sexual way.


Was it?


He reeked of man love disappointment.


Peyton's line was bad. They did a terrible job of coverage against Pittsburgh's schemes. I saw guys getting beat time after time. Indy's OL was unable to handle Pittsburgh's blitzing. When the Steelers didn't blitz is when the Colts were able to effectively move the ball.

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although he was reacting in a typical Manning fashion:  panic.  He'd throw off his back foot and get visibly afraid of the constant pressure.



He is brutal when it comes to this. His reputation is going to get blasted if he keeps losing like this in the playoffs. No disrespect to the Steeler defense- they had a lot to do with it- but Manning looks like a completely different QB against an aggressive defense in the playoffs. I used to think it was just the "Belichick Shakes," but Pittsburgh exposed him in the exact same way the Patriots have. Hit him early, rush him often, and he turns into a jittery, happy-footed, inaccurate schoolgirl.

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Peyton (who I like) did indeed call out his line. But,  one thing that is unsaid about this is that he is the one who calls the blocking schemes FOR the line as well as the plays.  So alot of this blame HAS to go on his shoulders.



True but his center has ALOT of responsibilities there once they get to the LOS and can change the blocking schemes. Saturday should shoulder more of the blame too.

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While the comments Manning made have been overblown - I sat there the entire game telling my wife that the reason the colts were going to lose was because their OL couldn't pick up the blocks... Steelers made it hard - but to be honest all those times they sent 6 7 8 guys there should have been an outlet for Manning, but he didn't even have time for that. The colts are all about timing and giving manning room to play - if ever there was a good case of too much time off and losing the edge, the colts this year is it.

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Bradshaw took Manning to the mat yesterday and said, basically, you're supposed to suck it up, take the blame, promise to do better next year, and split. He was riding Manning kinda hard. In a non-sexual way.




Inside, Bradshaw probably wet his pants in excitement because it came against the Steelers.

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