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You people are laughable.

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Hooray! The Paytoilets lost! Yay us! That means sh--. sh--, I say. Hooray. They lost, woo hoo! Now can I please have the Bills have one of their 3 Super Bowl wins?



The Patriots lost. There is no Yay us - "we" sucked this year.



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Hooray! The Paytoilets lost! Yay us! That means sh--. sh--, I say. Hooray. They lost, woo hoo! Now can I please have the Bills have one of their 3 Super Bowl wins?



If you can't take some measure of joy out of the demise of your archrival, then you just may have lost some perspective on being a fan of this GAME called football.

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I hate the !@#$ing pats no matter what the Bills do.  Yeah I am pretty damn happy!  Schadenfreude can be a wonderful thing!  The Pats lose!  YAYY!!! :(


I don't know nothin about no Schadenfreude, but I agree with everything else you say.

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Hooray! The Paytoilets lost! Yay us! That means sh--. sh--, I say. Hooray. They lost, woo hoo! Now can I please have the Bills have one of their 3 Super Bowl wins?


We may be laughable, but it does beat miserable. Admit it, somewhere deep inside you are pleased that the pats lost.

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I hear ya.  This in no way makes me feel any better about the current Bills situation, but I love the fact that I won't have to watch the Patriots in the SB yet again.



IMO, rooting for the demise of the successful is a loser's mentality. We should be up nights PRAYING to the football gods that the Bills could even build ANYTHING close to what the Pats have had.

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Hooray! The Paytoilets lost! Yay us! That means sh--. sh--, I say. Hooray. They lost, woo hoo! Now can I please have the Bills have one of their 3 Super Bowl wins?



if you cant take some joy out of seeing a bunch of overhyped, overrated frauds get their asses kicked, well, i guess you really are as bitter as you come off on this board. im sorry.

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If you can't take some measure of joy out of the demise of your archrival, then you just may have lost some perspective on being a fan of this GAME called football.



Exactly! Not to mention that this place is always infested with smarmy little Patsy trolls who highjack threads into Brady, Belichick and Bruschi lovefests!


I hope they're all crying in their cornflakes tomorrow, pissing about how they got screwed by the refs or something.


Dynasty over and out.

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IMO, rooting for the demise of the successful is a loser's mentality. We should be up nights PRAYING to the football gods that the Bills could even build ANYTHING close to what the Pats have had.



I'm also basking in the afterglow of Miami ending up 1 game behind NE. That's gotta hurt. :(

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The very best thing about the very lamentable loss by the Patriots?


No more fuggin "figurative metaphors", pepsi machines, and I never have to hear "our moves are so tight, we'll be dancin all night" again.







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