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I think MM should be retained.

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i like Mike Mularkey. but the best thing would have been for him to get head coaching experience either in the NCAA or NFL Europe.

I like him a lot, but I think he is in over his head and needs to learn the "coaching game?"

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i like Mike Mularkey.  but the best thing would have been for him to get head coaching experience either in the NCAA or NFL Europe. 

I like him a lot, but I think he is in over his head and needs to learn the "coaching game?"


I'd like to see him coach in the Continental Football League myself.
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I've listend to all the comments and assumptions and speculation recently about MM/TD and the changes that are on the way.


While a GREAT deal of people insist that there is going to be a complete overhaul at OBD, I think more likely there will be 1 to 3 key changes over the coming months.  And one of those ought NOT be to fire Mularky.


MM had a better team to work with last year and scored a 9-7 season. With poorer tools he has done a worse job.  Now a great deal of this is down to MM for sure, but the influence of TD is there and we would do well to tweak at the top and let MM have one more year. If the new GM is unhappy with MM after that year he can move MM on...


In all reality tho - we need an experience HC to come in - and there aren't going to be any sensible choices... So we'd be faced with long-time OCs or college coaches - none of whom I believe would be an upgrade over MM.


I think we need a new OC and a new DC and a new GM. Some of that can be fixed with internal promotions (Whyche OC? Modrak?) others can't (maybe Modrak isn't a great idea)...


I for one believe MM should be retained one more year - and I don't think it is a forgone conclusion that he leaves at the year end.



All respect due...No thanks on MM...


Just say no to one more Year of this Mularkey... :doh:


Seriously...I simply do not see MM as HC calibre...He's yet another in a mile long line of decent to good Coordinators who are not HC calibre...Unfortunately, the only way you usually find out about Coordinators like Mularkey is AFTER they get HC Jobs...And TD has made the Buffalo Bills the NFL Training grounds for Coordinators who are not quite ready...


Simply said, I do not see MM as being a Leader of men...There is nothing about his personality that inspires me...and I imagine the exact same thing is going on in the Bills Locker Room on a day to day basis...He's not a bad guy, heck he's probably not a bad Coach...But I don't see him being the type of Leader Players want to excell for...I just don't see it at all...And another year of uninspired Football will put this Team a Year further behind...At this point the Bills Franchise cannot afford another year lumped on to the re-building pile...


Time to move on...again... :lol:

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- Not to pull a Greggg, but it's easy for your playcalling to look lousy when your players can't execute.


- Besides that, Mularkey is doing two men's jobs: his own and Tom Clements'. Whenver that's the case, it's easy to look lousy in both. Promote Sam Wyche to offensive coordinator and the problem is solved.





1. A big part of the poor execution is the poor play design and poor play calling. He is not putting the players in a positon to perform. Case in point is designing and calling plays where you need 1st downs but you have your best players run routes as decoys in no position to get the 1st down. (Moulds in NE, Evans vs Pats)


2. The 2nd part of poor execution of the offense is the terrible play of the OL. Most NFL teams have an inadequate player or 2 on their line, but the coaches come up with some scheme so they can at least compete each week. The Pats are starting 2 street free agents on their OL. How is it that they don;t completely melt down each week? The answer is obviously the coaching and MM is responsible for that. McNally looks to be totally overrated.


3. If Clements sucks, that's on MM as well because he hired him. HOwever, after taking play calling from Clements, nothing really changed on the field. The Bills still look good for the 1st drive with their scripted plays, but are totally lost after that. Running Willis only 8 times in the snow against NE is inexcusable.

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I think MM should be retained.


Funny how with far better performance by the offense everyone wanted Williams gone but some want Moo to stay.



Yardage O: 25th

Scorign O: 7th

Rushing O: 13th

Passing O: 27th



Yardage O: 30th

Scorign O: 29th

Rushing O: 19th

Passing O: 29th

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if willis didn't come off the bench to rescue the bills O last year mularky would be about 10 games below 500 right now.




Add the luxury of playing the 49ers, Rams and the Cards and our own

Jets and Fish....

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I also think the Moulds situation is different - and looking at how he has consistently handles Sam Adams the past 2 years tell me he can manage the vets.  Moulds I think has been posturing for a season or two to get out of town - saw his opportunity this year and is doing everything to take it....



I agree with the Moulds situation.

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I've listend to all the comments and assumptions and speculation recently about MM/TD and the changes that are on the way.


While a GREAT deal of people insist that there is going to be a complete overhaul at OBD, I think more likely there will be 1 to 3 key changes over the coming months.  And one of those ought NOT be to fire Mularky.


MM had a better team to work with last year and scored a 9-7 season. With poorer tools he has done a worse job.  Now a great deal of this is down to MM for sure, but the influence of TD is there and we would do well to tweak at the top and let MM have one more year. If the new GM is unhappy with MM after that year he can move MM on...


In all reality tho - we need an experience HC to come in - and there aren't going to be any sensible choices... So we'd be faced with long-time OCs or college coaches - none of whom I believe would be an upgrade over MM.


I think we need a new OC and a new DC and a new GM. Some of that can be fixed with internal promotions (Whyche OC? Modrak?) others can't (maybe Modrak isn't a great idea)...


I for one believe MM should be retained one more year - and I don't think it is a forgone conclusion that he leaves at the year end.



With all due respect Nick, I disagree....


1) I don't think that you can say that we need a new GM, but that the new GM should retain Mularkey. The GM needs to have total control to build the team - we can't saddle him with retaining Donahoe's guy. It would only make the new GM even more impossible to judge 3-5 years from now. If you we retain Mularkey, then we have to retain the whole regime - or else only make cosmetic changes.


2) I think that Mularkey is failing the basic competency test. In just two short years - neither year as talent-deprived as the "cap-hell" 3-13 year - Mularkey has managed to wrack up two of the most bitter and excruciating losses in Buffalo Bills history. Losing to the third-stringers of Pittsburgh, at *home*, with the playoffs on the line is unconscionable. Blowing 21-0 against Miami is unconscionable. I simply feel that if Mularkey ever somehow manages to slip into the playoffs, that we will be a leg-down in the coaching department against whomever we would face - I just don't see the basic competency as being there.



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I think MM has the ingredients to take this team into the playoffs.



If he's the bus driver to the stadium, maybe. But more likely, he'd figure a short cut to outsmart the traffic flow, get lost & the game would be declared a forfeit in the Bills' opponent's favor.


I think the anti-Mularkey replies by posters who read this before me sum up my thoughts quite nicely.

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poorer tools? teams are supposed to get bETTER every year, and mularkey and donahoe and every1 in the org said they were better before the season began


the premise is invalid.


mularkey only finished 9-7 last year because we played a coachless browns and a coachless 9ers. We were a 7-9 team last year and we're a 6-10 season this year.


mularkey has proven nothing. zilch. nada.


offensive guru my ass. look where we rank offensively. he has been outcoached so many times by mediocre coaches that i'd rather not think about the future under mularkey.


seems like a nice guy. class act. But not that good a coach. Simply not smart enough to know how to put his players in the best position to win. Not smart enough to call a game to the percentages and use surprises effectively. CHallenges, clock management, when to kick, when to punt, when to blitz, when not to...he has failed every category multiple times.


Give this talented roster a coach who knows how to motivate his players and scheme with the likes of belichick. If you can't out-think belichick, why are you a coach in the AFC East? Futile.


But hey. He seems like a nice guy. Mispronounces and over-uses (bad combination) the word especially, but hey. He's a nice guy. (If I hear him say eggspecially one more time...and start his sentences with "Again..." one more time, I'm going to transmogrify into a misser of Gregg Williams, for god's sake.)

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I've listend to all the comments and assumptions and speculation recently about MM/TD and the changes that are on the way.


While a GREAT deal of people insist that there is going to be a complete overhaul at OBD, I think more likely there will be 1 to 3 key changes over the coming months.  And one of those ought NOT be to fire Mularky.


MM had a better team to work with last year and scored a 9-7 season. With poorer tools he has done a worse job.  Now a great deal of this is down to MM for sure, but the influence of TD is there and we would do well to tweak at the top and let MM have one more year. If the new GM is unhappy with MM after that year he can move MM on...


In all reality tho - we need an experience HC to come in - and there aren't going to be any sensible choices... So we'd be faced with long-time OCs or college coaches - none of whom I believe would be an upgrade over MM.


I think we need a new OC and a new DC and a new GM. Some of that can be fixed with internal promotions (Whyche OC? Modrak?) others can't (maybe Modrak isn't a great idea)...


I for one believe MM should be retained one more year - and I don't think it is a forgone conclusion that he leaves at the year end.



I don't really have a contrarian personality, but I tend to agree.

I find all the bitching about the playcalling borderline laughable. I mean, do people watch other games not involving Buffalo? It's the players, stupid. The cupboard is just bare - look at the roster objectively - it sucks. MM's game management is clearly a lot better than GW's. As for quitting, we'll see how they handle these last few games, but I didn't see any quit vs. Carolina or Miami (ok I turned off the NE game early - you're a better fan than me if you watched that whole thing).

Maybe I'm getting older & thus more patient. Maybe I'm less upset because I had lower expectations for this year than most people here. Or maybe I feel like an idiot for remembering myself say "it doesn't matter who we hire - ANYBODY will be better than Wade".

I just know if we plan on firing coaches every 2 years after a bad year under current management, then we might as well start interviewing for 2008.

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The new GM will want his own coach, anyway.



Depends how soon the new GM is hired. if he's hired early enough he'll be able to take a full ride on the coaching carousel. if he's hired later on, there may not be any attractive candidates left, so they might stick with MM for a season.


actually, if i was coming into the bills gm job i'd keep mularkey for 1 more season. that way if the Bills tank in 2006 you can write it off on MM and claim 2007 as your own Mulligan

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I don't really have a contrarian personality, but I tend to agree. 

I find all the bitching about the playcalling borderline laughable.  I mean, do people watch other games not involving Buffalo?  It's the players, stupid.  The cupboard is just bare - look at the roster objectively - it sucks.  MM's game management is clearly a lot better than GW's.  As for quitting, we'll see how they handle these last few games, but I didn't see any quit vs. Carolina or Miami (ok I turned off the NE game early - you're a better fan than me if you watched that whole thing).

Maybe I'm getting older & thus more patient.  Maybe I'm less upset because I had lower expectations for this year than most people here.  Or maybe I feel like an idiot for remembering myself say "it doesn't matter who we hire - ANYBODY will be better than Wade". 

I just know if we plan on firing coaches every 2 years after a bad year under current management, then we might as well start interviewing for 2008.



And if Mularkey truly is not good enough (and I definitely believe he's not) we will be another year behind if he's retained...Who's happy we kept GW for that last Year?

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You fire a coach as soon as you realize he is incompetent. Mularkey has proven this with his poor handling of his players. At various times this year he's lost Adams (left the stadium after Mularkey insulted him & deactivated him, his agent even saying "He Hate Me"-well not really, but close enough); Moulds-everyone knows, no need to rehash; Losman -Do you think when he said he was angry, he wasn't referring to Mularkey?; and most important-Willis "It's chaos"McGahee-first he called him out in public early in the season. We're now seeing the effects of a player with no respect for the coaches, Willis will be great next year, unless his coach is Mularkey.

I don't know how many other players he's PO'd that we just haven't heard about. But he's proven he's got to go.

In the past the Bills have waited too long to pull the plug. Gregg Williams shold not have been given year 3, Hank Bullough should have been fired after the 2005 season ended-it was obvious he didn't have it after replacing Kay, Kay Stephenson should have been fired after 2004. Even keeping Jim Ringo for the entire 1977 season may have been a few games too many.

We've had a lot of duds as head coaches & Mularkey will soon join that list.

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