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Bush bounce is gone


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I heard that today as well. I also heard that GWB has pulled ahead in many of the battleground state polls, and closed the gap on a few states that he was not even remotely considering.


Basically I see nothing going in a positive direction for kerry. His "I am not GWB" campaign is going nowhere, and he has been terribly mismanaged. He definately missed many good oppertunities to compete with GWB, instead he has been advised to continue to talk about his favorite subject.......NAM.


By the way, within the next few weeks, the swifties will be releasing an even more damaging commercial showing kerry making nice with the North korean leaders while we were still at war with them. As highlighted in the book "Unfit for Command" his picture still hangs in a positio of Honor in the I hate America, and we killed 55,000 Americans museam in north korea. I think that once the general public who may have not made up thier minds yet see this information, they will have had enough.


keep up the good work johnny, and oh yea.......I hope your wife continues to stomp for you as well.......she is a classic!

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I heard that today as well. I also heard that GWB has pulled ahead in many of the battleground state polls, and closed the gap on a few states that he was not even remotely considering.


Basically I see nothing going in a positive direction for kerry. His "I am not GWB" campaign is going nowhere, and he has been terribly mismanaged. He definately missed many good oppertunities to compete with GWB, instead he has been advised to continue to talk about his favorite subject.......NAM.


By the way, within the next few weeks, the swifties will be releasing an even more damaging commercial showing kerry making nice with the North korean leaders while we were still at war with them. As highlighted in the book "Unfit for Command" his picture still hangs in a positio of Honor in the I hate America, and we killed 55,000 Americans museam in north korea. I think that once the general public who may have not made up thier minds yet see this information, they will have had enough.


keep up the good work johnny, and oh yea.......I hope your wife continues to stomp for you as well.......she is a classic!



Making nice with North Korean leaders? He was born in 1943 and the Korean War took place between 1950 and 1953 so Kerry was meeting with North Korean leaders when he was 7-10 years old? Okie dokie. Then again, you were never a stickler for accuracy were you? Viet Nam, Korea, what's the diff right? Thanks for the breaking news.

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Making nice with North Korean leaders?  He was born in 1943 and the Korean War took place between 1950 and 1953 so Kerry was meeting with North Korean leaders when he was 7-10 years old?  Okie dokie.  Then again, you were never a stickler for accuracy were you?  Viet Nam, Korea, what's the diff right?  Thanks for the breaking news.


I'm pretty sure our "esteemed" board mate meant the North Vietnamese. He probably heard it from someone who actually read "Unfit for Command".

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Koreans? Vietnamese? Oh, they're all the same. Perhaps Polly in Ohio is part of some deranged Posters Without Borders thing.


Sounds about right. Besides, they all look the same anyway. *












*Anyone who takes that as anything but a joke needs to die. Alot.

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Umm just a little update pal, Gallop released their poll today and it shows GWB way ahead by 13 points. 55 to 42 is where it stands today and this is a poll taken amoung likely voters.


And with the dire straights that kerry is in, what is his strategy today.......to come out and do a i hate cheney and haliburton speech. Just unbelievable. Hey johnny boy.........people don't care about that pal....it hasn't worked for two years now. Try something else you knucklehead. :D

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The new Swift boat ad comes out tomorrow and Gallup has a poll that says Bush is up by 14!




I read somewhere that GWB is doing Dr. Phil in late October.


Unless it is a well planned read for him, the crap that flows from his mouth will be enough to wipe out any lead.


God knows we all want to hear how the kidlets were raised!... :D

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I read somewhere that GWB is doing Dr. Phil in late October.


Unless it is a well planned read for him, the crap that flows from his mouth will be enough to wipe out any lead.


God knows we all want to hear how the kidlets were raised!...  :blush:


Probably will do better than Kerry's scheduled apearnce on the "Sureal House" were her attempts to give Bridget some electricity as he heard she was caught in t he Hurricane and Terry said she could go naked for a couple of days...

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