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Convicted felon Donald Trump stole top secret nuclear docs - greatest security risk in US history

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1 minute ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

You should stop posting immediately!  As should anyone attempting to define any conclusions which require actual facts.


And by the comments of some specific posters, that pretty much believe anything that's feed to them through anonymous sources, I now realize why juries tend to be composed of idiots. 

I always like to step back from the hysteria, when I can. So we’re to believe that although neither the DOJ or Trump want to tell us what they were looking for, somehow a bunch of folks on a Buffalo Bills Message Board are certain that they know? The fact that that’s even a discussion should trouble people more than the search itself. Our international enemies and allies alike must be having a good belly laugh! 

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7 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

Is it just me, or does this sound like the biggest set up in the history of set ups? Let me guess, conveniently taped to the inside of one of the box lids is the handwritten launch code for our entire nuclear arsenal. 


How do you even rank them--there are so many, right??

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3 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

Why didn't he just officially say that in yesterday's statement rather than "leaking" it to the Post?  I mean, he insisted the department would only make information available through official statements and legal filings.  So he lied.

Why are you so certain the leaks came from the DoJ?

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2 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

Why didn't he just officially say that in yesterday's statement rather than "leaking" it to the Post?  I mean, he insisted the department would only make information available through official statements and legal filings.  So he lied.


Why do you still, after all these years - support Trump?  What ounce of credibility does Trump have?


Top secret classified documents should not be in some basement of a wanna be country club.


Hell, Trump signed a law about this very thing...


Trump signed law making mishandling of classified info a felony — now it may come back to haunt him


...yet you idiots keep reminding us - every day - that Trump - is in fact - ABOVE THE LAW.


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1 minute ago, SoCal Deek said:

That’s why I put a question mark. 😉


Poor guy--so many "setups' for him and his family and his various business ventures!  

Just now, BillStime said:


Why do you still, after all these years - support Trump?  What ounce of credibility does Trump have?


Top secret classified documents should not be in some basement of a wanna be country club.


Hell, Trump signed a law about this very thing...


Trump signed law making mishandling of classified info a felony — now it may come back to haunt him


...yet you idiots keep reminding us - every day - that Trump - is in fact - ABOVE THE LAW.



This is the best part:  the guy who loudly claimed that only guilty people "take the 5th" signed the law that boosted taking National Archive documents a felony.  


He's just so stupid--he can't help himself.  To his credit, he has legions of followers who are no more intelligent than he is. A large population of the country has always longed to be conned. This is one and only thing he does understand well.

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10 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:



This is the best part:  the guy who loudly claimed that only guilty people "take the 5th" signed the law that boosted taking National Archive documents a felony.  



Now read through your post slowly and see if you can understand how silly then this has to be. We’ll wait.

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23 minutes ago, LeviF said:

The warrant doesn’t contain what’s found. You’re thinking of the search warrant return. 

We already know what they were looking for. We don’t know on what basis they got a judge to sign off on an affidavit. If you want to know why they thought this stuff would be there that’s where you have to look. 

We know what they were looking for? What exactly? 

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Yesterday morning a source at DOJ leaked to a Newsweek reporter that AG Garland did not sign off on the raid.


Yesterday afternoon AG Garland in his prepared remarks says that he did sign off on the raid. 


So...within a few hours a DOJ leak is confirmed fake news.


Then a few hours later yesterday evening the DOJ leaks another tidbit to their press lackeys about nuclear codes.


And hysteria frothing at the mouth from the left in their irrational get Trump bloodlust.


High comedy.



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2 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

Yesterday morning a source at DOJ leaked to a Newsweek reporter that AG Garland did not sign off on the raid.


Yesterday afternoon AG Garland in his prepared remarks says that he did sign off on the raid. 


So...within a few hours a DOJ leak is confirmed fake news.


Then a few hours later yesterday evening the DOJ leaks another tidbit to their press lackeys about nuclear codes.


And hysteria frothing at the mouth from the left in their irrational get Trump bloodlust.


High comedy.



Wow - no one in the cult questioning this unnamed SOURCE????


lmao - idiots

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18 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

Why didn't he just officially say that in yesterday's statement rather than "leaking" it to the Post?  I mean, he insisted the department would only make information available through official statements and legal filings.  So he lied.


I wonder...


12 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:

Poor guy--so many "setups' for him and his family and his various business ventures!  


This is the best part:  the guy who loudly claimed that only guilty people "take the 5th" signed the law that boosted taking National Archive documents a felony.  


He's just so stupid--he can't help himself.  To his credit, he has legions of followers who are no more intelligent than he is. A large population of the country has always longed to be conned. This is one and only thing he does understand well.


If only they were as intelligent as the geniuses who voted for a more corrupt and incompetent Congresscritter.  Talk about being conned!  And all without fake scandals, and in fact, scandals that have been buried.

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You cannot tell me this isn’t political theater. The home is already under the protection of the Secret Service. What’s with all the fully armed FBI Agents? Who’s going to get into gunfight with these guys? Do they think there’s a Russian military unit hiding out in the storage unit? This really, really smells. 

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23 minutes ago, Tenhigh said:

At this point I hope it's enough to get Trump banned from running again.  His mere existence in the political world is bad for the country. Partially because he is a POS.  But also because he makes our friends across the aisle act like full blown animals.  


Incorrect, the Means To An End Party would be acting like this regardless of "Trump"


Sure, he probably amplifies their generational angst, but they truly want to reform the Greatest Nation-State in the history of the world in their image and they'll stop at nothing.  They don't respect our Rule of Law because they don't respect how the country "is"...


Look at the 3-year NY AG "probe"...if "They" spent 3 years investigating any person in the United States, with all of their absurd rules they've foisted upon us, they could arrest every single person in the country.  They will stop at nothing until they've demolished what had existed.  


Destroy Not Build -- US Democrat Party

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3 minutes ago, OrangeBills said:


Incorrect, the Means To An End Party would be acting like this regardless of "Trump"


Sure, he probably amplifies their generational angst, but they truly want to reform the Greatest Nation-State in the history of the world in their image and they'll stop at nothing.  They don't respect our Rule of Law because they don't respect how the country "is"...


Look at the 3-year NY AG "probe"...if "They" spent 3 years investigating any person in the United States, with all of their absurd rules they've foisted upon us, they could arrest every single person in the country.  They will stop at nothing until they've demolished what had existed.  


Destroy Not Build -- US Democrat Party

Hey, it takes a lot of work to redistribute this much wealth and still keep a hefty share for the government class. These things take time dammit! 

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10 minutes ago, OrangeBills said:


Incorrect, the Means To An End Party would be acting like this regardless of "Trump"


Sure, he probably amplifies their generational angst, but they truly want to reform the Greatest Nation-State in the history of the world in their image and they'll stop at nothing.  They don't respect our Rule of Law because they don't respect how the country "is"...


Look at the 3-year NY AG "probe"...if "They" spent 3 years investigating any person in the United States, with all of their absurd rules they've foisted upon us, they could arrest every single person in the country.  They will stop at nothing until they've demolished what had existed.  


Destroy Not Build -- US Democrat Party


Watched an interview with Dershowitz and Harmeet Dillon the other day where they argued that with the broadening of federal statues that every single person can be charged with a federal crime by someone's definition.


So if you get too powerful with the wrong views, or poke the hive too vigorously you're gonna get investigated, harassed and eventually charged. 


Six ways from Sunday. Just like Chuck said.

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15 minutes ago, DRsGhost said:

Yesterday morning a source at DOJ leaked to a Newsweek reporter that AG Garland did not sign off on the raid.


Yesterday afternoon AG Garland in his prepared remarks says that he did sign off on the raid. 


So...within a few hours a DOJ leak is confirmed fake news.


Then a few hours later yesterday evening the DOJ leaks another tidbit to their press lackeys about nuclear codes.


And hysteria frothing at the mouth from the left in their irrational get Trump bloodlust.


High comedy.



Why are you so certain the leak came from the DoJ?

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28 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


A large population of the country has always longed to be conned. This is one and only thing he does understand well.



Wait, so are you buying the "unnamed sources" and "nuclear secrets" story?


And WE are the ones being conned?



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