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Probably mid/late September. They started filming the new season a few weeks ago. I don't think the re-runs are even halfway thru.


(Psst! Nice avatar! Best SNL skit ever. I heard a while ago they were going to make "The Continental" into a movie and then nothing materialized....)



I cant wait either. As soon as i sign on my new apt in about 2 weeks, i'm placing my order for the first season on DVD with my amazon giftcard :D...with Bills football and LOST, i'm going to be in heaven!!!

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(Psst! Nice avatar! Best SNL skit ever. I heard a while ago they were going to make "The Continental" into a movie and then nothing materialized....)


"Would you like some.. Cham-pang-ya?"


I love Walken, with as much stuff as he did, you'd think he'd be a regular cast memeber. But he's a great bad guy, evil doer, and funny guy at the same time.


I heard the rumors of the movie too, in fact, I believe it was Walken's idea to do it (If they can make Superstar a movies, surely they can make The Continental). But the one problem they mentioned was that it was always filmed first person, and that he never left his condo.

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Jeez...where the heck have you guys been?  I go ahead and post some food-for-thought theories almost three weeks ago!  :blink:


The NFL has a preseason...so should the fans of LOST!



Hey, I wrote a post a couple of months ago pondering on Jin's watch=handcuff with a whole Faulkner reading tied in and not a peep. That was good stuff, people! Good stuff!! :blink:

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Hey, I wrote a post a couple of months ago pondering on Jin's watch=handcuff with a whole Faulkner reading tied in and not a peep. That was good stuff, people! Good stuff!! :blink:



Sometimes your posts are just too damn deep for some of us! We ponder them, and then get tired and want to eat a donut. :blink:


The time is drawing near, however. You know the season is going to open with all sorts of sh-- going down. :blink:

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Anyone watch the ending scene in the rerun tonight when Jack resucitates Charlie?


Also in the ep, Jack was going along on covering up his father's drunkenness in the operating room causing the death of the patient; he later "revises [his] statement" when he finds out from the review board that the woman was preggers.


The whole Jack beating on Charlie's chest was obviously tied in that he wasn't going to give up hope when others think it's too late. But there was a certain thing where the choreography of the recusitation was like a birth. That first gasp of breath. Watch Charlie's hands, they look like a baby's reaching out at Jack, grasping. Then Kate joins the fracas, sobbing in the role of the new mother. Also in the context that this was a rebirth for Charlie.

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Anyone watch the ending scene in the rerun tonight when Jack resucitates Charlie?


Also in the ep, Jack was going along on covering up his father's drunkenness in the operating room causing the death of the patient; he later "revises [his] statement" when he finds out from the review board that the woman was preggers.


The whole Jack beating on Charlie's chest was obviously tied in that he wasn't going to give up hope when others think it's too late. But there was a certain thing where the choreography of the recusitation was like a birth. That first gasp of breath. Watch Charlie's hands, they look like a baby's reaching out at Jack, grasping. Then Kate joins the fracas, sobbing in the role of the new mother. Also in the context that this was a rebirth for Charlie.



Reading too much into it now... Then why did he grab the drugs from that plane?

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Ok, remind me. How do we know that he took the drugs from the plane?



He snagged a bledsoe, err, i mean statue from the wreckage, and since those statues contained drugs, he should have them...


altho now that i think of it, do we ever see him taking the statue and putting it in his bag, or did he just look at it longingly? i think he took it, but you cant be sure with the writers...

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He snagged a bledsoe, err, i mean statue from the wreckage, and since those statues contained drugs, he should have them...


altho now that i think of it, do we ever see him taking the statue and putting it in his bag, or did he just look at it longingly? i think he took it, but you cant be sure with the writers...


You cant be sure of anything. I do think that they showed the statue in the bag, or else we would know better than to assume it. But lets give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he emptied it out, and is going to present it to the baby. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

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You cant be sure of anything. I do think that they showed the statue in the bag, or else we would know better than to assume it. But lets give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he emptied it out, and is going to present it to the baby. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Nooooooo. That would make it far less interesting. Charlie's whole deal was heroin, and now to re-introduce tempation like that? Brilliant.

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You cant be sure of anything. I do think that they showed the statue in the bag, or else we would know better than to assume it. But lets give him the benefit of the doubt and say that he emptied it out, and is going to present it to the baby. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?



They did show the statue in the bag, of course inspiring the viewers assumption that Charlie took it for the H. It would be almost too predictable to have him fall off the wagon, so to speak, so maybe he did take it, empty it, and intends to just give the statue itself to the baby or Claire.

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Sorry if this has already been posted but, I have read that Lost will be returning on September 21. The first episode of the second season is entitled "Man of Science, Man of Faith". I can not wait to see it.


Also there is going to be a Lost companion book that will be released in September as well. The book is fully illustrated and has lots of info on the show and comes with an exclusive dvd as well. Sounds really cool. Here is the link on the book.



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After watching Walt get kidnapped I started thinking about how Patty Hearst was supposedly kidnapped in the 1970's only to eventually aid her abductors. It seems like a similar fate befell Danielle's (Rousseau) kid. I wonder if Walt despite his powers, can withstand his kidnappers control and not be used against the survivors of the crash. Also I wonder if any of the majors died when Walt was taken.


Did somebody say donuts? Apple Fritters anyone?

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I was just reminded of how great that "I Never" drinking game scene was. And I completely missed the first time I saw it that Kate admitted she'd been married.


It may be old hat, but Locke said that his sister Jeanie died when she fell off the monkey bars when she was young. Monkey bars, the Rat Trap game, which involved ladders, etc., he demoed for the kid in the store.... The ladder in the hatch.... There's a certain ladder/machination theme there.


I just want to see the Hurley-centric ep again. Might clear a few things up for me. But it'll probably just be like the first viewing with me going, :devil:.

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Has anyone seen the minute-long commercial rehashing season 1 and announcing the start of the season as 21 September. Really well-done to compact the essentials into that small bit.


Seeing the abduction of Walt scene again... it's a case of the boy who wasn't fully wanted (which the finale ep showed w/ Michael yelling at his mother on the phone asking her to take Walt), until he was taken. Michael yelling out "Waaaalltttttt!" was gut-wrenching and you know he'll go to hell and back to find him or go crazy trying. And then I got to thinking, this is what Rousseau went through w/ Alex. I came down on her hard for taking Claire's baby; basically wanted her dead/didn't care if she dies. But in light of this, maybe too hard? To a point, you would grant Michael a lot of leeway, probably more than we're willing to give Danielle b/c we actually saw Walt's kidnapping.

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Has anyone seen the minute-long commercial rehashing season 1 and announcing the start of the season as 21 September. Really well-done to compact the essentials into that small bit.


Seeing the abduction of Walt scene again... it's a case of the boy who wasn't fully wanted (which the finale ep showed w/ Michael yelling at his mother on the phone asking her to take Walt), until he was taken. Michael yelling out "Waaaalltttttt!" was gut-wrenching and you know he'll go to hell and back to find him or go crazy trying. And then I got to thinking, this is what Rousseau went through w/ Alex. I came down on her hard for taking Claire's baby; basically wanted her dead/didn't care if she dies. But in light of this, maybe too hard? To a point, you would grant Michael a lot of leeway, probably more than we're willing to give Danielle b/c we actually saw Walt's kidnapping.



interesting point of view...i'm pumped that the season premiere is only a month away (not as excited as i am about Bills football tho)...

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Rousseau is just one more jewel of a character. Her insanity should reemerge. But who will she ally with, if anybody?


The group on the boat should also be very interesting. They came off as very creepy as if they are capable of doing anything. I wonder what their plans are for Walt. Depending on how long the series goes it will be interesting to see how Walt changes as he ages.


And Mr Locke. Or is that Mr Loco? And that baby.


Somebody from the raft probably died but that won't be revealed until when, hmmm... Thanksgiving? 2006?

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