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balls waxed

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A few years ago I went in for a vasectomy so I could do the hibbity jibbity sans raincoat. You're supposed to shave your boys beforehand so being an exemplary patient I did. Next morning I get in there and I'm laying on the table when the nurse comes in and tells me I did a good job but I missed a spot underneath that needed done. I said OK I'll finish it right now but she told me not to worry about it she could do it real quick. I don't know if I was expecting expensive shaving cream, a brand new Norelco for sensitive skin or some high-tech medical gadget; what I was not expecting was for her to grab my bag and yank it halfway up my chest, then pull a 39cent plastic Bic out of her pocket and starting hacking on my dry sac like she was shearing sheep. :w00t:

It only took her about 8 seconds but I've never been so f'ing scared in my life.....

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A few years ago I went in for a vasectomy so I could do the hibbity jibbity sans raincoat. You're supposed to shave your boys beforehand so being an exemplary patient I did. Next morning I get in there and I'm laying on the table when the nurse comes in and tells me I did a good job but I missed a spot underneath that needed done. I said OK I'll finish it right now but she told me not to worry about it she could do it real quick. I don't know if I was expecting expensive shaving cream, a brand new Norelco for sensitive skin or some high-tech medical gadget; what I was not expecting was for her to grab my bag and yank it halfway up my chest, then pull a 39cent plastic Bic out of her pocket and starting hacking on my dry sac like she was shearing sheep.  :w00t:

It only took her about 8 seconds but I've never been so f'ing scared in my life.....



You bastard...>Why do I always have to read posts like this when I'm drinking something? :w00t:

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It was a very dark blue/black. After a lot of tests, they determined it was caused by some blood circulation build-up down there. It has been fine ever since.


You spent money on a doctor? Why don't you do like everyone else and come here, post your symptoms and get advice on how to deal with your medical problems? Are you too good for our expert advice? :w00t:

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You spent money on a doctor?  Why don't you do like everyone else and come here, post your symptoms and get advice on how to deal with your medical problems?  Are you too good for our expert advice?  :w00t:



I think this was during that awkward time between when I was on HyperBills and I was regularly on here. :w00t:

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I don't know if I was expecting expensive shaving cream, a brand new Norelco for sensitive skin or some high-tech medical gadget; what I was not expecting was for her to grab my bag and yank it halfway up my chest, then pull a 39cent plastic Bic out of her pocket and starting hacking on my dry sac like she was shearing sheep.  :w00t:

It only took her about 8 seconds but I've never been so f'ing scared in my life.....



that's a classic right there. :w00t:

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what I was not expecting was for her to grab my bag and yank it halfway up my chest, then pull a 39cent plastic Bic out of her pocket and starting hacking on my dry sac like she was shearing sheep.  <_<

It only took her about 8 seconds but I've never been so f'ing scared in my life.....



Damn, I'm turning pale just reading about it. I went for a stress test a couple of weeks back and where they attached the leads to my chest, the nurse came along with a dry razor, took a couple of rough swipes and then proceeded to scrub it with what felt like a brillo pad. As it was turning a flaming red, she says "you might want to put a little neosporin on that when you get home".


All of a sudden, I don't feel so bad anymore.

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